HTML - Favorite Teacher [v1.37] [SluttyStar]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Every new iteration of the game adds so many new bugs and the devs. have no interest in fixing them. The back button has also now been removed which makes the game even more grindy and unnecessary.

    With all that said, the biggest issue is the inability to resume with saves, as every new version breaks when loading saves from previous version.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Deleted the game now. I really liked the story but this game is full of bugs. It's not a pleasure to play it anymore. A few times I started new games after new updates but everytime i got other bugs. Doesn't matter if u use cheats or not.

    - The hints are really bad
    - There are repeatable events which doesnt make sense (every day its possible to see Michael fucking a stundent even after he was fired? Fiona still comes to u if u eat alone and tells u about the club even if u already fucked half of it?)
    - Sometimes the event starting at differnt times the game told u
    - Sometimes u don't meet characters at the spot they told u...
    - Sometimes events occur on the weekend and they take u to the closed school?
    - Although u met a character, their cards stay hidden
    - In my last playthough i couldn't go to the gym anymore

    This are just a few bugs which occured at my playthroughs. Maybe the game would run smoother on another platform instead of HTML? I dont know.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    After the first couple minutes of the game it just devolves into constant bugs. I don't think I've seen all the content... but I can't reach it because bugs constantly send you back to the beginning of the events.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    The game have potencial but the amount of bugs (old and new) in each version makes me mark this game as "terrible". The developer/creator of this game always state that "it'll be fix in the next version" but some never do and some of them are really easy to fix (example: the name of the archive the program calls have a wrongful extension name).
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    This is a review for Favorite Teacher v.029. Playtime was about 5-6 hours. Favorite Teacher is a game about being a perverted teacher in a female-only school. Each week day you go to work, select outcomes in events and try to raise the status / attributes of the school and seduce the teachers and students. The game is written in HTML/Javascript and it has a premise I like but I find the current implementation has a couple of problems:

    1. The game feels very low on content. AS of version 0.29 there seems to be full progression for the teacher's roommate. Many more interesting events for both the school and the characters are needed before I would give this a higher score.

    2. I frequently have no idea what to do, there is an in-game hint system but often it either doesn't offer enough information or is flat out wrong. For example, how am I supposed to know that the proper course of action is to buy a camcorder if the tip is telling me to have a talk with the character? I gave up on the game after being told to "rest" at home to continue the plot and nothing happened for a week of the teacher sitting at home doing freelance work / napping / meditating / etc. If I spend more time trying to find out what to do from external sources than playing this game, you've got improvements to make in dialogue and hints.

    3. There are many bugs, for example the portrait of a teacher is presented as an unavailable image and I managed to sometimes hard-lock my progress when meditating or walking the park at night. I also changed my shirt and lost a stamina bonus permanently and without warning (See below on the stamina system). When I level up perversion it says exhibition instead.

    4. It quickly becomes clear that English is not the developer's primary language. There are spelling mistakes and poor grammar aplenty. The developer needs to get in touch with someone that can help in this regard. I can forgive poor grammar, but spelling errors means that you couldn't even be bothered to check your game's text in a free online spell checker.

    5. Grinding. You're doing monotonous tasks to raise the stats of the pupils (Mood, obedience, perversion, grades), the teacher (strength, intelligence, charisma and boldness), and the women you're trying to woo (appreciation, arousal). There's so much of it that the developer has made grind-reducing cheats available for his patrons. Try to improve the game mechanics and events instead so that the grind actually becomes fun, instead of making the game fun only by using cheats.

    6. Stamina System. The teacher starts out with the stamina of a wet noodle. Stamina is a number of points you get every night that is used up by sometimes talking with women and working. When you start the game you have access to 3 points daily, but certain actions can temporarily increase this stamina, such as eating at a cafe, meditating, having a cup of coffee AND showering in the morning. It took me a long time to discover that by pursuing a certain teacher I would get access to the gym where I could increase my stamina over time. If you intent to play this game, I recommend instantly raising your maximum stamina by 10 using cheats!

    7. The entire game is written in a single HTML / Javascript text file which sits at over 20k+ lines in v0.29. As a coder, that makes me really nervous for future expansions, improvements and bug fixes.

    8. The game seems to be using stolen assets and a single cease-and-desist letter could spell its doom.

    In conclusion: A grindy game with a promising premise and a lot of problems. I probably will not try it again.
  6. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2508594

    Okay so I've played a lot of this game and while I haven't finished all the content yet I'd say I have gotten through a lot of it. The images and videos are well chosen and it's not just 'fit as much porn in as possible'.

    It's one of the better real porn games however it feels very grindy to me. You get tasks to complete in the school for example - 'raise grades above 14' however (for me at least, maybe I'm doing something wrong) the lessons each day affect 2 random aspects of the school so I may have obedience and exhibitionism instead of grades.

    This means I have to grind each day out to hope I get the right lessons that affect my task. The relationship and lust also feel a bit grindy paired with the energy mechanic it just feels so slow to progress.

    That aside I did enjoy the game , it's well made and I didn't run into any errors and I would recommend people give it a try.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    A great game if you like to tell strangers "my pubis is completely shaved" because you think it will make them horny.

    It's honestly so hilariously bad that it almost comes around to 5 stars. This game is straight up autistic, it's so completely out of touch with reality. From "oh nice" reactions to sexual assault from practically every character, to straight up COVID denialism, it's the total package of wack-a-doo writing.

    I imagine that english is not the author's first language but they invest spend more time learning the language before attempting to write something they expect people to invest hours in.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    In it's current state it's an imperfect, but still enjoyable, game. In the context of a work in progress I'm really excited to see where it goes. The game is very promising, and even though it's missing a lot of content you can easily see where the path is from here.

    There are a few mechanics that pose some problems. The amount of classroom stats, such as grades perversity and exhibitionism, is confusing. Also I think it would be better if you didn't see porn scenes every time you sleep, that way when you unlock porn via gameplay it feels like more of an accomplishment.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Game itself is ok based on writing and photos and overall play, however it is extremely grindy and the saves are incompatible purposefully each update so you can grind it all over again only to make you want to purchase the cheats on the patreon
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I really well put together Real Porn game. The UI has recently been massively improved and this is a really good looking game now. Still earlish, and there are bugs around of course as we're only at 0.2 but a great start to a very well handled project. I strong enrty in the genre.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    game is very boring, few interesting situations , few scenes , it does not give stimuli to search and to continue, also I found bugs on the statistics, sometimes the main statistic you choose at the beginning freezes for the whole game without ever growing.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is very porn-like, meaning it doesn't try to be realistic at all, just like porn.. All dialogues and situations are really forced into a sexual thing, like the biology teacher (MC) who only "teaches" sex stuff, or watching porn with the roommate you barely know

    Also, it's too grindy, which apparently is very common in HTML games. Lots of repetitive actions.. Plus sometimes it's not clear what you should do to advance the story
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game. Makes a change to be able to play a real porn game that doesn't involve transformation, sissification or hypnosis induced nymphomania. It just a plane "seduce 'em till they break" kind of game.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Plot moves a little fast. But it's non-sissy so bonus points. The author should really work on a bit more of a ramp up to sex rather than "you meet your student in the park and fuck her face".

    I always appreciate a real porn game that has actual game mechanics. Got my eye on it.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm not very good in english so my sentences will be short.

    V. 0.14a

    When I dicovered this game it was with the initial release. At this moment the content was poor but the potential was here.
    But the dev quickly adds new content and bugfixes, he listened to the community and gives us the best version we can have for each update.

    Concerning the game itself, the story is not very original (a perverted teacher who corrupt every girl he meets) but is efficient, no need to have a complex story to create a good game after all.
    The porn gif and pictures are nice (I really love the scenes with the student), special mention goes to the dreams (the use of the black and white was a good idea).
    Now the gameplay, the game works with some grinding. You can unlock new scenes if you boost your stats (intelligence, charisma, boldness, etc) but also the stats of the girls (affection, lust, obedient, etc). Thankfully, the grinding of the girls is not really hard (especially the student) and its pretty easy to obtain the scenes.
    There are also some quests (very short actually but will be updated in the next releases) that unlock unique scenes and dialogues.

    However there is two little "bad" points to notice.
    The first one concerns the grinding of the MC' stats, they can be pretty long to boost (especially the charisma and the boldness if you're unlucky) and it can be hard to find how to increase them.
    And the next one is about the unique scenes of the quests, some are just dialogues and I have no problem with that. But there are also sex scenes and it's a little sad to not be able to replay them without save (the dialogues are good and the gif too after all...).

    In conclusion, this game is pretty good actually with some good content and no big bugs to ruin the game. The dev follows every release to fix the issues and it's pretty cool (how many games have updates without any bugfix until the next update...).
    I'm pretty curious to see the next releases to see where the quests will lead us and what the dev will add (game system, new girls, new locations, etc).
    I'm eager to see "Linda" (aka Nicolette Shea the perfect bimbo) in action too ;)
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    V 0.13

    Content: Very little, especially with the characters. You'll mostly see dream sequenses and images of punishment (Varies betwean 5 pics or so) I'd say an hour worth of content.

    Gameplay: Grind stats, get girls.

    Story: Its pretty basic: Pervert teacher, aint gone far enough to have any interesting sub plots.

    Conclusion: I'd wait some updates before playing this, unless you want to help the Dev with suggestions and bug reports (He seems pretty damn active on the forums, which, to me is a huge plus.)

    To the Dev: Keep up the good work! PS. Your diffuculties with English was hardly noticeable in the game.