HTML - Favorite Teacher [v1.38] [SluttyStar]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Riddled with bugs and as of recent updates it now collects data, hard avoid since this game can't be trusted at all given its history. Such a shame since it has a good line up of characters and gameplay if it works as intended could be decent as well.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    If you want to know why this game is so bad, just open the HTML file in VSCode. The gallery image unlock states aren't even stored in arrays, they're freaking LISTS of variables with names like $CharacterImageUnlocked0. The icing on the cake is that the unlock status is determined by an integer. There also is no real trigger / event system in this game which explains its bugginess, I can't even begin to imagine how difficult it must be to manage the bazillion of unique variables which also follow no reasonable naming convention.

    On the game itself: It's a grindfest with horrendous writing. Here's an example:
    My cum encrusted her clit, flowing lower and lower. We
    kissed in silence, standing in some awkward position, and then she
    suddenly threw her silk robe over herself.
    Truly the best of words.

    I'm normally not that harsh in reviews, but I just can't deal with the sheer insanity of this game. It's gigantic, yet completely flat. The only thing flatter than this game is our planet according to Kyrie Irving.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    This game has Unrealistic levels of grinding, better stay away from this game. There are many similar games out there, which is way better than this one, and requires way less or zero grinding.

    If the author ever decides to makes this a VN, I may give it a shot.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Review based on 0.88 version (also played the 0.42 version before):


    • Excellent UI
    • Helpful hint system
    • Game runs smoothly with very few bugs. You can talk to an NPC at their home, leave, and end up exactly where you’re supposed to be. Navigation between locations is seamless and logical.
    • The hint system is great. The dev nailed it, so no walkthrough is needed. The hints are accurate, taking into account all necessary variables, and lead you in the right direction every time.
    • Tons of new content since 0.42. You’d expect 0.88 to have double the content, and it does! There’s at least 70-80% more to explore and enjoy.
    • Quests work perfectly. The text matches up with later parts of the quests, making for a coherent and engaging experience.
    CONS are that its VERY BORING, but i respect it

    This version is polished and enjoyable, so definitely give it a try. The improvements are worth it, and the game is in a great place.
    Likes: Math
  5. 1.00 star(s)

    Jolly Singh

    How and why is this game still going on?

    Its so bad and broken. Nothing works and too much grind. After grinding you get few generic passages and even fewer gifs or pics.

    Dont waste your time with this.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    I'll admit I tried playing an earlier version of this game and picked up this patch out of curiosity. I knew the grind would be bad but I didn't expect it to be SO BAD! Even with Cheats. Even with accessing variables. This game SUCKS.
    Then theres is the UI when talking to characters such the roomate. The fact the game breaks as soon as you touch even a line of code, or load an older save. The game doesn't respect your time and what little content the game has isn't worth it. Maybe if I had a save from before but even
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    this game feels terrible to me because its
    1-grindy everything you do in the game requires grinding and for html game you are not looking for hours of pointless grinding .
    2-second reason it is repetitive you have to repeat everything at least 100 times and that is not fun .
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    This game needs a rework. The translation is such a mess, it detracts from the main story. There are the same bugs that have existed since the beginning. There is loads of potential, but its still too choppy to consider this as an actual game. will continue to watch.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    The game has a lot of potential, but it is pretty bogged down by a torrent of game-breaking bugs.

    For example,
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    Some of quests have very poorly written hints on how to progress.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    This is definitely a good and interesting game. Lots of different sexual moments. But unfortunately there are also bugs. I hope to see more young students, random events . more pictures and bug fixes in the future
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Now, I am caught in a loop of a broken TV. Every version adds a new bug and does not fix anything. Instead of changing the cheatcodes with each version, I have hoped that the author would finally step up his game and improve the playability.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Locking back button behind paywall so you cant go back after the game bugs out so you have to restart the game is fucking retarded.
    Also if you tab out on mobile with joiplay the game restarts
    And the worst offense of all no save feature meaning you have to restart the whole game if one of the two before mentioned annoyances happens
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is a grindy sandbox with minimal amount of porn. No, in theory, it's somewhere there, but you can only hope that you'll find the way to it, without getting lost in dozen useless locations. And even if you get one of the character's story going - you're likely to hit a bug, blocking your further progression.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    The only thing good about this game is the porn selection.

    Writing show a tenuous grasp of english at best and phrases like "my class smells of fresh pussies" just made me facepalm. The main character is written like he has multiple personalities and each is a different flavor of stupid (cocky stupid, coward stupid and rapist stupid are three that come to mind). Half the content is bugged or unfinished in various degrees, the UI sucks and is inconsistent girl to girl, hint system is vague at best, misleading and bugged at worst.

    They added a gallery, kudos for that. Too bad it is an unsorted, unlabeled mess that breaks and stops working if you try to use it in any capacity. The only potential this game holds is if they change/significantly improve the writer and coder. Until then, avoid unless you like pain.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    It's an interesting game and has some new ideas along with thoughtful writing. While it is currently in development, I like where the developer is going with it. The mechanics are not that grindy, and the scenes and character are really great.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    review based on 0.88 version (also played in 0.42 version before)
    - good ui
    - hints system(but work badly)
    - game unplayable cuz overbugged. simple: u speak with npc in their home, then leave and then BANG!- ur location- school... or when u leave apartment complex on street A ur surprisly ll be located in street B, where is ANOTHER appartment complex... etc
    - hint system... dev said- no w/t needed? lets see... many wrong directions, cuz quest stage(real stage) depend on 2-4 variables, but in hints used only 1... many false "end_of_content". even "right" hints may lead to wrong direction
    - i played 0.42 and dnt see huge amount new content. normaly 0.88 mean- have twice more content than 0.42... in that game - its mean 20-30% new content.
    - some quest work abnormaly. i mean- text writing not match furthure quests parts

    this version overbugged, so spare ur time and nerves- dnt play in that version. mby version 2.23 or later ll be playable.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    The game is basically a bug. I have tried to play at least three times, because the game has a lot of potential (visual appearance, character selection, plot), but I always run into the same problem, the game has many bugs. Version 0.80
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    I've tried, I really did, but this game is just a broken mess.

    I've played this game back when it was just out with first few updates and it was grindy but decent back then, now i've tried it again after a ton of updates, but this is just unplayable.
    Quests (that you need to progress) are breaking, characters that should be in a place (the game even tells you they are there) are not there, errors, two events appearing at the same time and interrupting eachother, just to name a few bugs.
    I've got stuck on the first quest for the second character introduced (receptionist), first quest for the english teacher and the math teacher doesn't even register, just some broken event/dialog.
    I've went to the photo studio, they told me that if i get a camera i can shoot some photos there, i clicked "buy the camera" and... thats it, the only option i have is "leave", i come back at later hour and i see that the option "shoot some photos" appeared, i click it and it tells me that i need to buy a camera.

    Grind: you talk with someone to get one, single percent of progress of a single stage of relationship (there are multiple stages), gift them for 1-3% depending on a gift, there is a "ask on a date" button, but it's not working for all girls.

    I think that there might be some content in this game, but other than a few random gifs i can't get to it because of bugs and grind, even using cheats and a console the grind is a mess, hell, even cheats in this game are grindy because one cheat gives you only +1 gifts or + a little bit of stamina, you also have to imput cheat codes one by one.
    This game is a joke.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    I've seen this game being regularly updated but the low ratings kept me from trying it. A recent positive review and some spare time made me hope that, maybe, the game wasn't that bad after all and the dev had fixed over time all the bad things the players pointed out in their reviews ... Well, as of v0.63, I can tell you that nope, this game is trash and doesn't deserve more than 1 star.

    It is bugged, poorly-written, unpleasant to explore and grindy as fuck (and that comes from someone who has spent over 1800 hours in Warframe). The whole "seduction" part of the game consists in clicking a hundred times on the same button, over a week worth of ingame time (not exagerating). Sometimes, some events will throw sex scenes at you, but it is so poorly executed ... Don't be surprised if a woman you've barely talked to suddenly goes down on you, it's just character development. Oh, and don't be surprised ifyou can't reproduce that later because the game tells you she doesn't like you enough.

    This game consists in clicking a hundred times on the same button to view a GIF but the worst thing is that these buttons don't even work ... Sometimes, you'll have to click several times on the same button before something happens on your screen. Some buttons will overlap and some buttons will appear as clickable but won't do any fucking thing. I played the game on the latest version of Chrome btw so don't tell me the problem comes from me.

    When your game is about clicking buttons ad nauseam, you better make sure those damn buttons are clickable. I thought we had figured button clicking since the first Macintosh in 1984 but apparently the big brains behind SluttyStar have a different take on computer programming and history.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    I usually do not make reviews. (Take a look at my account) but i had to make for this one. I have never in my life experienced such a terrible game.
    The game is a fucking mess from the start to finish (If you could even play the game to finish)

    There is so many bugs that, banging your head into a cactus would be more enjoyable than setting your foot in this maze of a game, EVEN with a walkthrough that the dev has made it still doesn't matter since when you follow it, Nothing.. Not a SINGLE thing happens. You just stuck scratching your head.
    Just be glad that a walkthrough exist because without it you would be completely lost. The Hints are soo vague that i have a easier time winning the lottery than finishing a single quest.

    After 2 hours trying to finish ONE of the girls quest (Angela's quest) i fucking gave up because 2 of her dialogues were missing the funny thing is a found the same problem a year ago (2020) so the bug is probably still there so i didnt even want to try the other routes.
    So instead of following the walkthrough i cheated my stats and hers and then i can fuck her pussy and nut inside her ass but i could give her a damn kiss.

    if anybody have done or can do the quest. PM me and i can retract my statement but until that happens

    Stay clear from this game.