it wouldn't load kept giving me a error screen when i chose a character is there a way to fix it?This is the best we have I believe.
You install the "Save and quit" mod right?it wouldn't load kept giving me a error screen when i chose a character is there a way to fix it?
the problem i was having was some models like mercenary_torch kept getting deleted but for some reason after the 12th redownload all pngs are good now so it works now and id rather not touch it again. probably should had mention what the error message was before asking for helpYou install the "Save and quit" mod right?
1.Try to fix this by going to the Mod folder > www > data > System.json
2.Open the 'System.json' with 'Notepad' then scroll down until you see this
View attachment 4316101
3.I can't remember exactly but either you change both the top and bottom from 'true' to 'false', or one change to 'false' and one keeps it as 'true'.
EX: View attachment 4316128
I thought this is some monster hentai game, then I realized this is some hardcore game about God and survival in dungeon I downloaded it excited and ended up traumatized, who the hell made this game
View attachment 4325707
All of them can get rapedDoes anyone know if D'arce can receive anal bleeding or rape when he loses against the mutant?