Seeking Female main characters?


Jul 14, 2017
I tried an interesting game last night called "Good Girl Gone Bad" and it was actually really fun.
Could anyone recommend a similar game with a female lead character?


Jun 28, 2017
I would agree that "Good Girl Gone Bad" is very interesting, but on one side as a meditation on the female psyche, and on the other hand, surprisingly interesting mechanically, as it is not the typical kinetic novel where at one point you can decide whether to do it in the ass or the mouth. It is still strictly linear compared to the more life-simulatory types of games, but for a change you actually do get vastly different storylines depending on your actions, and I am looking forward to seeing more of it.

To me it doesn't work as an H-Game: It does literally nothing to my dick, but that is likely the intention. It is a ... thing from women, by women, about being a woman (in a "womans H-Game") The prose is a bit purple at times, and the art is weak at best.

I would give you a recommendation on a thing I played recently, which may not entirely be what you were asking for: . Mechanically much less interesting, you do play as a male protagonist, but it is really the girl (the sister) that is the active part and her fucked-upness has the focus of the story. Sow hat I'm thinking what does it for you is not so much the protagonist being a girl, but the girl being the active part, and the writing being focused on the female rather than the guy. That may be what's interesting to you. Unfortunately there's only a few chapters and it's even shorter than "GGGB", and doesn't have the wildly differing storylines.

In "GGGB", in true girl fashion, the female protagonist almost constantly tries to deny her own agency and describes herself as the subject of others sexual attention, rather than as an active agent that engineers those sexual encounters, which is of course a big part of the female psyche. In "TAY" you have this too, but the female lead is not only occasionally admitting her own agency, and is more openly driven by her own weird fetishes, the story makes it very clear that it is her who drives the action. Where in "GGGB", the story often does nothing to point out the hypocrisy and denial of the girl, often painting her as the playball of (male) interests she pretends to be.

Games where you get to play as a generic whore going for the facial cumshot highscore... There are a couple, but I think what you're actually interested in is the writing of the female character. But I can be wrong, of course so feel free to shout at me for being a presumptuous asshat.


Jul 14, 2017
I gave "TAY" a try, it's not bad, certainly has more to offer than some other games but yeah, I think I'm more interested in something written from the women's point of view. Maybe I've played too many games from the male POV that I end up finding most stories repetitive.
I'm feeling like I'm trying to find a porn with a good plot <.<

Age difference, cheating, high-risk are some of my interests.


Jun 28, 2017
Ok, try the "reverse Dating My Daughter" which is so badly written I can't tell if it's actually meant as a parody.

Then go back and appreciate EvaKiss' writing / actually putting some effort into the branching storylines. This is why you give patreonbucks to people like that - So they can make more of it instead of having to get a day job.
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Aug 15, 2018
personally I love female MC games they are not as repetitive as most male MC games are. though a game I highly support is Roundscape. you can play as either a male MC or a female MC, While it uses RPG Maker the story line itself is worth it and it is complete.