As the title says I played a game recently called The Proteus Effect where you transform into a female lead and I found that I love playing as the femae character more than anything, but not like Third Crisis where its just brutal and abuses women. The amazing wholesome story and real relationship they share in the proteus effect makes the lewd scenes even hotter when they happen. In fact i loved it so much that it is the first adult game ive ever donated money too (pqtreon lol) So I’m requesting for anyone with knowledge of similar games to please recommend them to me and others with shared interests. Some of us don’t like seeing rape, and getting golden showers and stuff and play the games for amazing stories like Corrupted Kingdoms though the mental manipulation was a bit much for me personally, just saying I had never seen a better story in such a game. Better than any real rpgs thats for sure. I mean if i want the real awful lewd stuff its everywhere, but this is extremely niche looking for wholesome games with a female lead and still has lewd romance scenes. Basicaly meltys quest but the opposite cuz that was friggin nasty even if the characters and art was gorgeous. So again just begging here for more like The Proteus Effect.