I played the Game earlier today and I found it quite enjoyable and decent... however at times it DOES seem outright unfair.
I also find it a pitty that there's no way to essentially 'recover' dignity or get rid of corruption.
Good thing though that Quinn can at least (occasionally) plow the Slime Girls... still I think the game would be even better if Quinn could take his 'revenge' on these 'Ladies' on his own accord essentially.
A greater variety of items might be nice. Also right now the actual 'armor' items DO seem a bit useless as 90+% of the attacks are rape attacks, other than the occasional strike by Countrygirl Betty, the odd Fireball by the Witch or Lilly's Bunnykick and Bunnytrick attack.
I can see how some people are getting frustrated though as one can get easily caught and breaking free only helps to a limited extent (if one can break free at all). If one's corruption builds up too high one can get easily get caught in a downwards spiral of doom and depravity... but I would argue that is intentional.
However I was a little bit surpised that there was no 'Fail state', as even with 0 hp the game goes on (one just cant move around anymore), might be good to fix that.
That said, I like the art a lot. The basic concept is solid. A bit of story and some more art, maybe a few more levels or some such and I'd say this game could be quite great indeed! ^^b
What I would like to see:
-more 'reverse rape' or options for 'Payback', as damn, Lilly and her Bunny Goons sure have given me a 'hard' time

-visible effects of Equipment/corruption (afterall with Quinn's apperance in the lower right corner of the screen partially obscuring one's vision, the player should be given something to look at)
-more items perhaps to add a bit more variety? Then again this is also highly dependent on the previous point
-more levels and enemies (I think maybe 2-4 more levels/stages in total wouldnt be bad) and a number of different enemies
(I have heard something about Centaurs, but I think Harpies and Minotaurs or Lamia could also be rather nice... heh)
-more Traits, possibly based on enemies we have succumbed to the most or maybe based on other aspects?