Elona Spiral

Aug 31, 2020
There are better ways to mess with RPGMaker.
for instance.
This does work but I find that it's really only good for editing money and maybe the day number.
The rest of the stats are inside the variables and editing those can get the game to bug out real quickly

For instance, if you edit your energy/food/willpower and their corresponding max value, it could lead to an instance where you suddenly end up with 0 with all of those and get the message that appears when you reach those condition. Editing to the value you want and saving doesn't resolve the issue, it will drop when you switch maps.
It's also not good for editing experience like cleaning experience, causes the values to not add up properly. Like I edited my cleaning experience to 50 and then when I cleaned a spot, it goes to 5020. When I then clean another spot, it goes to 502020.

A save editor is much safer and stable according to my experience
There was an online save editor but it only allows you to edit a certain number of saves within a time period

Something like this is better since it runs locally but any other local save editor that allows you to edit variables would probably work.

I only edit so that my girl character keeps repeating the early days and have a stock of consumables so managing needs become less of a pain and a grind.

Elona Spiral

Aug 31, 2020
Also I have a question about research papers. Do I need to do something with them in order to make them work, I have two already but Im not sure if they do work.. :(
You present them in the respective class to gain their benefits.
I got a business research paper from Patrica, the landlady, which doubles the cryptominer income and it became active only after I presented it in business class.


New Member
Aug 4, 2022


New Member
Sep 20, 2023
I have a couple of questions regarding the game. if someone could please answer them i'd be grateful. Cant find anything about it on the internet.

-Is Ms Violas questline bugged or does it only till normal difficulty and the strapon scene? Because after that scene she says that i should come back to her office but when i go there it only repeats the same scene infinitely and if i go there the next day she says that i have aborted the research and have to start from scratch. Im confused whether this is intentional because it feels like its a bug.

-Is there any requirements as to when the laundry girls in the gym give you their votes? I have been cleaning their laundry for almost 50 days and still nothing happens. It feels way too long to be intentional. Do i need high rep or a certain fitness lvl?

-Will Tiffany come back? What effect does incontinence have when Tiffany is already gone?

- Same goes for Ronda, will she eventually come back ?

- Are the rooms in the same floor as Ms Herlinda and Ms Violas office of any purpose yet?


Feb 22, 2023
Can somebody tell me how do i get access to Building B? (Not just when following Ronda in the beginning of the training)?
How do i get passed the skull girls in Building C?

Elona Spiral

Aug 31, 2020
-Is there any requirements as to when the laundry girls in the gym give you their votes? I have been cleaning their laundry for almost 50 days and still nothing happens. It feels way too long to be intentional. Do i need high rep or a certain fitness lvl?

- Same goes for Ronda, will she eventually come back ?
- You have to fail the request for laundry girls in the gym. You will pretty much fail since the door to the storage room is locked. They will want to punish you, finish the punishment and you will get the 3 votes as the blond girl promised.

- She does come back when you get 6 votes to join the reserve team

You might want to get the latest version or wait a few more days for another version to come out. It's gonna be out real soon, supposedly
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Elona Spiral

Aug 31, 2020
Also I want to ask if it is a bug that when you clean April's counter perfectly the 2nd time and after, you don't get a message saying that April will notice this? It only shows up for the 1st time.
To unlock her cleaning level 3 jobs, you have to do a perfect shift twice and fix her armchair.
This bug would make it impossible to unlock the level 3 jobs.

Edit: It seems like she only offers to you the level 3 job the next day. It's still confusing as the game doesn't tell you that you have done a perfect job the 2nd time and after so the player may be left wondering if the game registered that as a perfect job.
Last edited:


New Member
Sep 20, 2023
Thanks for the reply, but i stopped cleaning their laundry at a certain point to see if it triggers anything. Nothing happened though and they still stand in the gym telling me to take their laundry. Also the door isnt closed for me. I can go in there and take Cherrys socks and have to clean the room for her. Im guessing its either a bug or you can only go with one of the two choices then? I think i am playing the latest version (1.07). Im restarting the playthrough i guess.


Dec 11, 2022
Thanks for the reply, but i stopped cleaning their laundry at a certain point to see if it triggers anything. Nothing happened though and they still stand in the gym telling me to take their laundry. Also the door isnt closed for me. I can go in there and take Cherrys socks and have to clean the room for her. Im guessing its either a bug or you can only go with one of the two choices then? I think i am playing the latest version (1.07). Im restarting the playthrough i guess.
You have to do their laundry, then you have to stop for 1 day. If when you enter the the gym they disappeared it's OK because you triggered the event. All you have to do is to come back there the day after
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Dec 11, 2022
Also I want to ask if it is a bug that when you clean April's counter perfectly the 2nd time and after, you don't get a message saying that April will notice this? It only shows up for the 1st time.
To unlock her cleaning level 3 jobs, you have to do a perfect shift twice and fix her armchair.
This bug would make it impossible to unlock the level 3 jobs.
If I'm not wrong, you have to wait at least day 20 to do level 3 job. Of course you have to do perfect score in stage 2 too

Elona Spiral

Aug 31, 2020
If I'm not wrong, you have to wait at least day 20 to do level 3 job. Of course you have to do perfect score in stage 2 too
The number of days has no bearing from what I've seen, you just need to do level 2 job perfectly for the whole day (2 shifts) and maybe fix her armchair. She doesn't tell you at the end of the shift but the next time when you want to start working.
1695720370021.png In my save, I've repeated many early days to get the cleaning exp up and did level 2 cleaning job perfectly on Day 10.

Elona Spiral

Aug 31, 2020
The beginning is actually pretty hard but once you get through it, it gets much easier. Of course begging is fine too so beg for money whenever you want. We'll work on the rep during the playthrough so that won't be much of a problem. Even at the begining don't worry too much about money, even though it feels like your whole world at this point, especially when the skull girls rob you over and over again. But luckily this money gets taken from you each morning and not all at once.

So for now i recommend using your money each morning to buy a cappuccino. Give that cappuccino to the blonde girl on the very far left hand side of the map (walking up and down the path) to get awarded some homemade cookies. The higher rep you got the more cookies you get. Give one of those cookies to the red haired girl walking up and down the path on the far right hand side of the map to get a crisp apple providing your rep is high enough otherwise it will be just an apple. Now do wat you want but definitely go to class in the morning as this slowly builds up skills, etc (ALWAYS AIM TO GET A CRYPTOMINOR - these things gives you extra coins each morning - the more you have the more money you get paid (i have 12 currently).

In the evening do wat you want but finish by then working at April's. Try to to finish perfectly but at first you may have to start with the medium option. Don't do lazy. Then rub her feet for extra coin. You should get more than 30 coins.

Repeat this routine as best you can but it's up to you.

Now, remember the cappuccino routine i mentioned above?

When you get those homemade cookies at least keep 1 but eat the rest (though after a few days start saving them when you can) and when you give that 1 to the red haired girl i mentioned, you get that crisp apple. Eat that straight away! Do this every morning! Why? That special apple gives you energy but also increases your permanent energy by 2. So doing this every morning not only gives you energy, but permanently increases your energy bar as well. Once you get more money you can start buying things that do similar benefits more often. If you only get an apple then that still gives you energy but you need to increase your rep to get the crisp type.

It doesn't happen overnight but this forever heals and increases your energy over time.

Of course begging for food as well is fine.

With the gym when you run just use the lowest option (not walk too often just a couple times if needed) as this will still increase for fitness over time and one morning you will level up. Once this happens you'll notice you use less energy when running and eventually you can run faster and faster. Make sure you speak to the 3 girls at the bottom of the gym. Eventually you'll get to clean their clothes. Once this happens do this every morning and the next day they will gift you a protein bar. Eat this bar to get a good food input and also helps before running.

So now every morning you'll be guaranteed a few cookies, a crisp apple & a protein bar. All these help with early food and energy. Then you can add the water girl. Buy a few waters and while doing this routine, walking through the sports field, give the girl a water and she gives you a cookie.

When your money goes up a little start buying 2 green teas. Give those to the girl next to your room and you get a super green tea that doesn't expire. Drink this before lessons and you get an energy boost and you do much better during lessons.

Now every girl you help (blonde cappuccino girl, red haired cookie girl, water girl, green tea girl) all give you a lot of REP so every time you lose rep for begging, you can get it back by seeing to these girls every morning. Then there's the missions with the main characters that reward you with money & rep as well on top so things should start working out.

Also eating shit from the skullgirl at night (bottom left of the map) fills your hunger before bed. This fucks you up though as i found out which made things harder for me but because I'm a sick fuck i couldn't not do it cuss it's so fucking hot. This permanently lowered my food and willpower often but sticking to my routine got me past this barely. If you don't do scat content it should be easier. It's got to the point for me where being a toilet raises my food and willpower now it's crazy, lmfao. I still get permeant damage every now and then but since my stats are so high it doesn't effect me much anymore. Plus I'm STILL doing the routine AND buying tones of food so I'm continuously getting permanent upgrades depending on wat you eat.

Then at the weekend do double shifts. I'll explain more on the rent part.

Following the above routine should help with willpower as you'll have enough food and energy to keep willpower relatively high. Buying milkshakes once you get enough money also increase Willpower permanently as well.

Also various classes in the morning will help so check those out!

Lastly addiction isn't too bad as it will start raising willpower after a while but may permanently damage it instead but you can offset that by the methods above over time.

I recommend restarting and avoiding this pill. It is possible to get enough money for the first week. Apart from getting robbed the only thing you should buy is that cappuccino to start that routine. Also remember to knock on the landlords door (opposite your room) to offer to clean the hallway. This not only gives cleaning experience but once completed your rent can drop down from 150 coins to 120 coins for a perfect clean and 130 for an average clean (don't be lazy though).

Now after doing the cappuccino routine all week and working at night, when the weekend comes do the cappuccino routine in the morning still for Saturday & Sunday but once you're finished with any other business do the double shift. With all the food & energy you've built up over the week you should have enough at least to clean averagely.

By the time you finish Sunday night you should have over 130 coins at least. Ignore the pink haired pill girl and pay the rent by knocking on the landords door again. If you manage to get enough before Sunday night then pay as soon as you can in case it gets robbed again.

After this the 2nd week becomes much easier. Then the following weeks even more so.

Yea these are a pain with nothing much you can do. Most of the time you don't have enough so rather than take it in one go it's added to your debt like you said and partly paid off each morning until it's paid off. Those cryptominor things you get from lessons can help with this but other than that doing the cappuccino routine followed by work every night and doubles shifts all weekend should help greatly making the skullgirls more of an annoyance than a game-breaking pain. Once your fitness level goes up from running you can either fight back or run away from these encounters.

I hear ya i struggled too at first, i think everyone does. The funny thing about my first playthrough i didn't care about the consequences and submitted to everyone and loved the content. I took the pill every week so my stats were the lowest they could be. My maximum willpower, food and energy were all 30 so after like 30 days i couldn't progress because my stats were too low lmfao! So had to restart. Did the cappuccino routine and cleaned the halls and managed to get the 120 coins i needed before Sunday even arrived.

So give it another few tries before giving up because it is a fantastic game. It is super hard at the beginning and even has super unforgiving punishment's throughout but the prizes and the content itself (art scenes, etc) are worth it!
Nice guide fellow sick fuck, I like when this game is harsh but gives you chances to claw your way up.
Also this game has a lot of content that turns many people and creators off.

I want to add that of the items mentioned in the guide, only the Cappuccino and the Green tea are perishable, you have to use/trade them in the day you got them.
The following items in this guide do not spoil:
Homemade Cookie (restores 20 Food and Energy)
Honeycrisp Apple (restores 25 Energy, raise Max Energy by 3)
Protein Bar (restores 15 Food, gives fitness exp when you eat it AFTER running in the gym)
Green Tea PLUS (restores 15 Energy, increases exp gain after studying in class or library)
Water (restores 10 Energy and 10 Willpower, usable twice a day, very cheap)
Strawberry Milkshake (restores 15 Energy, raise Max Willpower by 2 (up to 150) )

Managing things will get easier as you gain exp from Cleaning properly since you spend less Energy and Food working at April, allowing you turn a profit.
The skullgirl on the bottom left is good for restoring food if you are a sick fuck or a less sick fuck, same goes for Kelly and her shower scene. The skullgirl restores 3x of what Kelly does by the way.
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