need a walkthrough please did mila the gym boss breathing training completed 49 pushup in single row sparred with her and lost got ronda and cherry genes got farted upon by a green hair girl in school canteen unlocked april all cleaning stations defeated ronda on level 3 wrestling got the medal from mila has a LEVEL 10 FITNESS WITH GOOD MONEY almost died once by school principle got genia her shoes which had piss by 2 girls got kidnapped and almost died by detectives in black wentnear the OFFICE WOMEN THEY JUST TALK TO ME ABOUT THE COOKIES got humiaited in the night by ms flower and viala (purple hair bio teacher)
did not find who destroyed ronda room
after completing mila breah training got passed out but did not got rescued the screen stayed stuck (bug need to be fixed)
did know about the subway but cant purchase the ticket
ventured the new area below the april shop but only found closed building a cycle scattered roses and 4 office women
please need a walkthrough or anyone want saves