Dear ladies and gentlemen, the main thing to remember is that after this update comes out, you will play it and see all the new content pretty quickly. And then we will wait for a new update again. But the saddest news is that sooner or later the last update will come out and the game will be finished. After that, none of us will have to wait for a new update, but will that be so good?
I don’t advise anyone anything in life, it’s a thankless task, especially when no one asks you for this advice, but I will still give my example of how I experience this, maybe it will help someone.
Having realized that the update deadlines are repeatedly postponed, I don’t count the minutes and don’t refresh the page 25 times a second, but simply switch my brain to other things (cares, entertainment, another game in the end).
As a result, I receive updates as a pleasant event (a pleasant surprise), and not a long-awaited update that, as a rule, does not live up to expectations if you have been checking 100 times an hour every day for the last two weeks to see if it has come out.
Sorry for this minute of philosophy, I just can't stand watching your torment and agony.
Don't forget that the developer releases updates quite often. I'm currently simultaneously fascinated by one game from "Severe Goddess", there updates happen once every 6 months, and the closer the end of the game, the longer the waiting time seems and the less content in the updates seems.
Everything indicates that very soon we will be playing the updated version of the game, relax, it's already close.