I am disappointed. At the very least, now I understand how this creator manages to have so many seemingly high-polished projects going all at once. Half of this game is AI, the other half is recycled from the other projects.
It would be in the spirit of things to write this review through chatGPT and copying paragraphs from my other reviews, but I don't want to subject people to that. Though I will keep it brief as I don't want to spend more time writing a review of a game than I did playing the game to its completion.
The story reads like a first draft, with incomplete ideas, points that go unexplained but your character acts with prior knowledge of, just nobody informs the player on what's happening. The sex scenes are incredibly short, some barely span 5-6 dialogue boxes.
The graphics look... They look. Backdrops, character portraits, characters in sex scenes, even the in-game models I believe, are all made with a significant helping of AI. Even if you like how it looks, I simply can't abide the ethical abuse (because there's no dilemma or conundrum when AI models process images without permission) especially in a commercial project.
The gameplay itself is good but extremely basic. Juggling opponents, picking up before they drop, the brief moment of OTG pick-ups, that all feels great; your character feels responsive and moves fast. That and the animations are where my 2 stars come from, but the gameplay itself is just recycled and watered down from the creator's previous projects.
Oh, look at that, I think I ended up spending more time writing this than I did playing in the end. This game is a step backwards. Feels like a cashgrab. I genuinely don't want to sound mean since I know this dev can do better. I think this is simply a case of spreading oneself too thin in trying to appease everyone ─since I hope there isn't malicious intent behind this project's existence.