Fetishes IQ philosophy


Mar 11, 2024
There's no denying that some fetishes, kinks, preferences attract a certain group of people of which the IQ might play a large consideration for why they choose that fetish.
Same for how they choose to execute that fetish by their preference based on their intelligence, just like the philosophy of death turned into a religion/a cult, just like furries.
Just like certain education/culture might affect your preferences. Just like your personality might affect your decision in hobbies.
Lunatics think of sex as an exchange of trust rather than a neutral thing, superficial people view it as a pleasure exchange and do not care for the trust and responsibility.
Romantic people think of it as what it should be; a great bonus on top of the relationship.
An introvert might be very lazy in bed, indirectly selfish. An antisocial might be selfish. A narcissist will enjoy seeing himself, seeing his actions and being told he's great as a normal thing.

Let's start with a popular one among these circles.
NTR comes in many forms, but the simplest everyone chooses is to play as the girl and watch, rather than the self-insert being themselves.
NTR is another form of bent over backwards till the back broke cheating. The so called Netorare enjoyers just like weeaboos are beyond using common western terms.
Because cheating is a broader term, meanwhile NTR just like an indian, korean, spanish or italian sitcom always veers towards a soap opera, a niche, an extreme, an acquired moldy cheese taste but ironically pandering to a majority of people lacking taste just like furries. Furries also for some reason always lean towards Don Bluth, Tex Avery & Chuck Jones in terms of preferences over designs, they're never interested in the more western-japanified designs.

Regardless of who the viewer inserts as, the product with which NTR is represented never broadens its execution.
- isn't written as a positive thing where the cheater is in the right.
-doesn't have the one being cheated on actually be a worthwhile rival.
-usually isn't about elevating a character, it's always about degrading them.

NTR also veers into cuckoo birds and 3somes with voyeurism. A technical 3some where the 3rd party only watches almost like a porn director, even trying to pretend to be one, trying to be in control of his dolls, often times being in control. Once again breaking his own back as he always uses his own doll and a stranger's doll. You never hear of friends NTR3somes or incest NTR, because Netorare is a niche, if it would go outside its boundaries it would just be called a weird combination of 3some, cheating,voyeurism and directing... not as catchy to say all those 4. It's also what sells.
MILF/DILF - you do not think of the children aspect, you think of the "grown ass man/woman with experience but who also looks good for his/her age" the children and the old hag aspects are taken out of the equation just like with the NTR stuff.
This shows the current generation's warped tastes and less so their mental state as the lives they are living.

An old one but a popular one is the BDSM, for people who are sadomasochists and have been abused their whole life, this leaks into their sex life and rather than trying to forget it they stay in the past till it leaks in the present, projecting their mental illness. Or they simply got tired of sex. Just like most gay or lesbians either had a very bad relationship or had too many women/men, got bored and want something new.
However as you can clearly see you don't see any asexuals and any people forgetting the past and looking up to the future. This of course is because anyone who gets over themselves never once mentions it again and does not join these circles, they don't report it. Just like evolution and natural selection. It isn't evolution as much as it's a mutation and mutations are accidental, RNG, they're without intention. " I drew a dinosaur on all my ABCD answers and passed the test despite not studying a thing." and scientists mistake it for adaption.

What's the difference between today's fetishes and the old fetishes?
1) Today's generation lives in a pod , always doing things in theory. As such they turn into natural introverts who instead of living life for themselves would rather project and live other peoples' lives. They are incapable of making decisions for themselves , instead just setting up the scenario and seeing how it plays out , this shows a lack of personality and experience/life. This is why NTR is popular with introverts and why they veer towards degradation rather than uplifting.
They have no experience, yet they have plenty of unpracticed knowledge. A generation of eggheads so to speak, but not intellectuals in the least bit quite the opposite. They read about horrorfying things, yet they live in their pods, they cannot feel. They cannot experience. They somehow turn into unfeeling narcissists and "somehow" the computer & the internet turns their brains and perception to that of a sick person by practice, less so clinically and more so practically.
Mammals & humans were not made to stare a screen all day; it lowers your reaction time, your auditory senses, your body language skills, your perception, most of your senses either dwindle or you get overwhelmed by the real thing. They lack any sort of competition in them, even through non physical tournaments. They want to auto-win, they do not want to participate, they want to be observers. They enjoy watching movies that does not make them think. They want to be spoonfed. They're naturally shy people but lack empathy, the mark of autism/aspergers but not clinically, merely socially maladjusted by lack of education & experience.

2) The old generation went outside, they are much more focused on the physical tangible LIVE interactive heavy fetishes where they must make active "responsible" decisions. They are natural extroverts because they did not stare at a screen all day. As such they are physical life-made psychos and sociopaths, their senses dwindled not because they felt too little by living all their life in a cave, but because they experienced too much and got too used to it, they need new physical experiences. None of them would try voyeurism, they'd find that boring, there's no interaction and no senses involved in it. They aren't lazy and passive like today's generation.
As such the new generation is not into sadistic and masochistic physical tendencies, not even mental as much as they pretend to. The old generation can feel and can interact. Their mental illneses are inflicted by the physical world as opposed to the digital world.

As such today's generation might share a lot of similarities with the old generation's engineers, programmers, technical types. However the difference would still be night and day.
Old gen's nerds actually thinked. That's the difference between a geek a nerd. A geek is not just someone who's fascinated with pop culture and social media, a geek is a genuine faker like George Lucas or Trey Parker who are incapable of creating anything, not even good analysis worthy of academia. A geek traditionally is a mental case that copy-pastes and can't even retain and use the information for long periods of time, always sitting in bare mediocrity at 5/10 grades.
A geek is exactly on the level of a sports fanatic, they don't think. A geek preferences wise also isn't like a redneck cause geeks are passive, rednecks are aggressive.
Today's "nerds" are talentless hacks incapable of doing anything but the most niche stuff such as cyber security and algorithms for facial recognition. There's also much fewer of them than in olden times.
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New Member
Apr 22, 2024
with the introduction of the internet, pornography is easier than ever to find and is exposed to people at younger ages. exposure to fetishistic or violent pornography over an extended period normalizes it in one's brain.

i mean, being able to see extremely degrading and violent content at the mere click of a button certainly will have consequences for one's psyche. previous generations did not have that.

Mr. Cofman

Apr 16, 2024
Lunatics think of sex as an exchange of trust rather than a neutral thing
Bruh, that hurts (not really, I'm insane).

It isn't evolution as much as it's a mutation and mutations are accidental, RNG, they're without intention. " I drew a dinosaur on all my ABCD answers and passed the test despite not studying a thing." and scientists mistake it for adaption.
Randomness is a lie. Everything has an algorithm, even fetish development, even digital random number generator has algorithm.
In our world, social behavior depends on surroundings (where person was born and lived) and personal experience.

All in all, what is a point of your post? Do you try to understand the nature of fetishes and how they develop or complain about people who use internet to degrade themselves? People will degrade regardless of the internet, because great amount of people are just simpletons. They dance all day or use social media.


Mar 11, 2024
Ah I see you too have read The Kybalion. I am well accustomed to it, but personally I am not a fan of certain aspects of it or rather I "ignore" insects as a causation for effect.
I'd much rather go with the time travel theory of history cannot be changed as opposed to the butterfly effect. Certain groups of people have been exponentially in charge of entire nations for 30k+ years and you mean to tell me a singular insect can make a difference? "inbefore you didn't wait 12 billion years to let it cook". When spiders and chickens will be permanently erased from the planet then call me.
The "action has not stopped" theory is also nice to consider along with that butterfly effect or rather as an alternative to it, just like parralel universes together with the history cannot be changed theory.

Dominant genes are not picked because they're more "adapted" they are picked because they are more common/more popular, they're not a niche like other genes. Humans, cells, algorithms often share similarities. There is predictability in it , just not quality. Just because a cell can reproduce easier does not mean that it should due to the fact that cell will die by its own weight/stupidity long term.
I still can and can find stupidity interesting in its assbackwards simplicity and want to understand it, I just do not find it enthralling, neither will I accept it, neither will I give it merit, I can't even give myself merit for analyzing sheeple, it's easy & predictable like analyzing babies. Why does the baby cry? cause it has stomach aches cause it has bad DNA like all humans. Why is the baby crying this time? cause it's a little shit that didn't learn in 3 billion years to shut up when a predator comes cause babies require a lot more time to develop than a bird and it would rather risk being eaten than being left without parents. Humanity is assbackwards and pretensious like that, no wonder people say aliens intervened or we're an experiment of some sort. A really bad biological experiment in my educated opinion.

" All in all, what is a point of your post? Do you try to understand the nature of fetishes and how they develop"
That I do, but especially from an interesting person's perspective who evolves it and can say more than "I don't know" and "2+2=4, right?"


Apr 17, 2020
Personally I agree that there must be some mechanism that causes certain fetishes to become popular. The idea that 'NTR' is popular with the 'new' class of individuals that seem to be in effect pod children who never learn to develop socially in person vs behind the screen. As for me I see several sub-types of NTR: Cheating/corruption - probably doesn't need much mental distancing for males to enjoy seeing the female MC corrupted. Netori - where the individual places themselves in the role of the villain character who corrupts the female heroine of a 'protagonist' character. Netorare - or common NTR for most of us we think of it being we the MC watch our heroines get defiled by the villain characters. I know that I have heard somewhere that Netorare is broader then just POV, but this is the main aspect of NTR that I would expect most of the older generation to take exception with. It can certainly be fun to play as the villain character though the early iterations that I remember were considered very dark, the whole enslavement type games and all.

The base playing as the female heroine either we play as the heroine or we play as a guiding hand to corrupt her, here I see the so called virgin routes being asked about, usually just playing the game by avoiding virtually all the sex scenes. Then there is the further sub-set of the cheating/corruption type where the developer makes the choice to make all possible sex scenes have some sort of emoticon such as a heart above the sprite that is telling the player that this particular NPC will trigger a sex scene. If the player character is supposed to be the heroine then why are you as the player character trying to trigger all these scenes where you the player character gets defiled. On the other hand if you the player are the god like hand controling the heroine then those types actually make sence.

Personally I do not mind some of the corruption type games as long as I the player am not the god like hand controling the heroine and as long as all the sex scenes are not clearly marked, meaning that I have to deliberately move my character into bad situations. As for the standard NTR, playing as the cucked protagonist just repulses me. Maybe most of the people who get into that particular fetish are keeping themselves emotionally distanced from their characters and enjoy seeing their characters emotionally die. They are acting as if the characters that they are supposed to be playing as based on how it is written are not their characters but that they are the god like hand destroying these characters. As for the Netori games the player character is either a fat janetor type or the powerful/wealthy jock/playboy. The fat guy is often a revenge type game where the other is usually just the villain going on some sort of power trip. Either type is very easy for highly introverted males with very bad in person social skills to either identify with in the first situation or desire to identify with in the second. I understand it but in all cases whenever I see NTR or netorare as a tag on a game release, which is happening very often, it seriously irritates me.

Mr. Cofman

Apr 16, 2024
Ah I see you too have read The Kybalion. I am well accustomed to it, but personally I am not a fan of certain aspects of it or rather I "ignore" insects as a causation for effect.
What's Kybalion? Kybalion my nuts.

I'd much rather go with the time travel theory of history cannot be changed as opposed to the butterfly effect. Certain groups of people have been exponentially in charge of entire nations for 30k+ years and you mean to tell me a singular insect can make a difference? "inbefore you didn't wait 12 billion years to let it cook". When spiders and chickens will be permanently erased from the planet then call me.
The "action has not stopped" theory is also nice to consider along with that butterfly effect or rather as an alternative to it, just like parralel universes together with the history cannot be changed theory.
If something goes to the past and changes something, we won't even recognize it, just like the most people in the Steins;Gate.
Though... I still find The Mandela Effect to be suspicious. It is true that our memories may change after a certain time, but is it always the case? Dunno. The feeling of deja vu is following me very frequently, as if I'm experiencing the same life over and over, as if simulation. And history is a lie and/or misinterpreted. But it's just a crazy theory with nothing but personal feelings.

Dominant genes are not picked because they're more "adapted" they are picked because they are more common/more popular, they're not a niche like other genes. Humans, cells, algorithms often share similarities. There is predictability in it , just not quality. Just because a cell can reproduce easier does not mean that it should due to the fact that cell will die by its own weight/stupidity long term.
I still can and can find stupidity interesting in its assbackwards simplicity and want to understand it, I just do not find it enthralling, neither will I accept it, neither will I give it merit, I can't even give myself merit for analyzing sheeple, it's easy & predictable like analyzing babies.
I don't think everything can be explained on a neural or biological level. Science still does not fully discover power of a human mind and what affects it, or rather does not supposed publish the research.

Why does the baby cry? cause it has stomach aches cause it has bad DNA like all humans. Why is the baby crying this time? cause it's a little shit that didn't learn in 3 billion years to shut up when a predator comes cause babies require a lot more time to develop than a bird and it would rather risk being eaten than being left without parents. Humanity is assbackwards and pretensious like that, no wonder people say aliens intervened or we're an experiment of some sort. A really bad biological experiment in my educated opinion.
Simple, something that is dumb and feels helpless, cries, to gain attention of something that can help them. They cry because they don't care and/or not aware of more complex consequences, and because they hurt.

" All in all, what is a point of your post? Do you try to understand the nature of fetishes and how they develop"
That I do, but especially from an interesting person's perspective who evolves it and can say more than "I don't know" and "2+2=4, right?"
9 + 10 = 21 :3


Jul 7, 2017
As introvert who's not exactly familiar with ntr, i actually hate degradation and humiliation.
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May 18, 2021
Just because a game has a female protagonist doesn't make it NTR, nor does it mean it's meant to appeal to fans of NTR. The point of NTR is to focus on the cheating and jealousy aspect, according to f95zone rules. If you think that not self-inserting in porn makes yourself a cuck, then you're just insecure.

Ass prefer

Engaged Member
Sep 30, 2022
the dude decided to explore what you just need to scratch when it itches without question and oh God, I hope it doesn't lead to something bad

Ass prefer

Engaged Member
Sep 30, 2022
my fetishes are: anal sex with women when a big fat cock enters their white round asses damn brother, this is a wonderful sight, it is also desirable that the girl looks like an angel with long blond hair. So tell me, do I have a high intelligence if I like this? I find it aesthetically beautiful when a long dick enters this round hole and the balls beat against her beautiful skin when he fucks her hard and cums inside


Mar 11, 2024
my fetishes are: anal sex with women when a big fat cock enters their white round asses damn brother, this is a wonderful sight, it is also desirable that the girl looks like an angel with long blond hair. So tell me, do I have a high intelligence if I like this? I find it aesthetically beautiful when a long dick enters this round hole and the balls beat against her beautiful skin when he fucks her hard and cums inside

Is the cock brown, yellow, white? if white healthy pink or mooncheese pale white?

Some would say you're a classical man, you enjoy the classics. The primordial instincts that only a true oldfag of true taste can appreciate, like a moldy cheese enjoyer.
I would say they're completely right. Since you have returned to monkeh, canine lupus, naked molerat & porcus by having to identify a person by their rectal odor as opposed to their sweat and you enjoy something lesser than dirt, something more bountiful in substances which have no use for humans, but plants and other creatures might put to good use.

I say there's a very fine line between 99.99% of monkeys throwing feces and the primordial caveman who he himself will tell you he'd choose the modern booba if he had a choice. Which one are you, pretender to the throne?

Ass is one staircase down into scat fetish considering our body wants the scat out, not in. Our bodies have no use for it, yet you keep on insisting on consuming & playing with it, curious. Curious since only plants & flies are capable of consuming it and often times only all natural cow dung ... and other creatures such as dogs do not play with it, monkeys use it as an offensive tool and naked molerats & pigs we might be more closely related to DNA wise enjoy bathing in mud, not feces. Most curious don't you think these fetishes? when you break the camel's back and inverse the fetish and you fall down a slippery slope which no human brain should find acceptable. But we also consume alcohol, coffee, drugs, eat garlic & spices which no other animal does, not even insects. We humans are aliens in that way, almost like we are deeply sick from day 0 and refuse to change, we can be talked into consuming anything. Biologically you'll end up physically sick from anal, especially the male without the use of rubber. All that feces in the urethra is not good for your urinary tract and microbiology.

Booba is for the evolved form of man who merely enjoys an ass in the front. Albeit 99% of booba enjoyers might be infants asking for their mother's milk. The other 10%, 1% and 0.0001% well....
I personally got sick of booba and evolved more towards the chest itself. I became like a woman insulting women for their pathetic booba and laughing at them just like a man would insult another man for their pathetic lack of pectorals. I find the lack of a developed chest to be the sign of bad genes, a malnutrition and a lack of self-care, a parasite who wishes to spread their bad chests around. A man with pecs could breed some decent women with booba for we all start from XX with the added mutation of the Y. X is the base, Y is the spice. Whenever I see a woman with small booba and bad torsos I react like a woman looking at a skinny feminine body where there should be a respectable alluring chest, torso, massive non-sagging boobs to stare at and instead I get this raw chicken out of the oven who didn't have time to develop. Disgusting, put that chicken breast back in the oven and let it finish cooking.

Ass is for the man who's a coward who enjoys hitting in the back. Who'd rip his sister's dolls' heads off cause he cannot stand having anyone look at how disgusting he is. He is a very practical physical man who hates a fair fight, he wants to backstab, to feel overpowered, fairness is not on his mind. He lurks in the shadows, but not in a sophisticated vampiric way, but a backstabber who merely wants his prize fed to him without the prize struggling. This is his reward after let's pretend he had a fierce fight with his victim.
When I yell at you I want to yell at your face and see your reaction, I want to see your heavy chest breathing and your facial features wincing as I stare you in your pupils contracting out of fear and I smile at my handywork. I am a courageous man who says what's on his mind and slap you over the chest rather than thine backside. For me the shape of the booba is more important than the size of it. An ass in my e.opinion must be equal to its thighs and complement the hips. I prefer an equal ass as oppposed to a fat ass. Every sane man & woman does.
Shapes, pecs & abs are the sane man's fetishes , also the most common. Of course abs wouldn't look good on a woman, a flat stomach with a rhomb/diamond shaped "belly" would look good.
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Ass prefer

Engaged Member
Sep 30, 2022

Is the cock brown, yellow, white? if white healthy pink or mooncheese pale white?

Some would say you're a classical man, you enjoy the classics. The primordial instincts that only a true oldfag of true taste can appreciate, like a moldy cheese enjoyer.
I would say they're completely right. Since you have returned to monkeh, canine lupus, naked molerat & porcus by having to identify a person by their rectal odor as opposed to their sweat and you enjoy something lesser than dirt, something more bountiful in substances which have no use for humans, but plants and other creatures might put to good use.

I say there's a very fine line between 99.99% of monkeys throwing feces and the primordial caveman who he himself will tell you he'd choose the modern booba if he had a choice. Which one are you, pretender to the throne?

Ass is one staircase down into scat fetish considering our body wants the scat out, not in. Our bodies have no use for it, yet you keep on insisting on consuming & playing with it, curious. Curious since only plants & flies are capable of consuming it and often times only all natural cow dung ... and other creatures such as dogs do not play with it, monkeys use it as an offensive tool and naked molerats & pigs we might be more closely related to DNA wise enjoy bathing in mud, not feces. Most curious don't you think these fetishes? when you break the camel's back and inverse the fetish and you fall down a slippery slope which no human brain should find acceptable. But we also consume alcohol, coffee, drugs, eat garlic & spices which no other animal does, not even insects. We humans are aliens in that way, almost like we are deeply sick from day 0 and refuse to change, we can be talked into consuming anything. Biologically you'll end up physically sick from anal, especially the male without the use of rubber. All that feces in the urethra is not good for your urinary tract and microbiology.

Booba is for the evolved form of man who merely enjoys an ass in the front. Albeit 99% of booba enjoyers might be infants asking for their mother's milk. The other 10%, 1% and 0.0001% well....
I personally got sick of booba and evolved more towards the chest itself. I became like a woman insulting women for their pathetic booba and laughing at them just like a man would insult another man for their pathetic lack of pectorals. I find the lack of a developed chest to be the sign of bad genes, a malnutrition and a lack of self-care, a parasite who wishes to spread their bad chests around. A man with pecs could breed some decent women with booba for we all start from XX with the added mutation of the Y. X is the base, Y is the spice. Whenever I see a woman with small booba and bad torsos I react like a woman looking at a skinny feminine body where there should be a respectable alluring chest, torso, massive non-sagging boobs to stare at and instead I get this raw chicken out of the oven who didn't have time to develop. Disgusting, put that chicken breast back in the oven and let it finish cooking.

Ass is for the man who's a coward who enjoys hitting in the back. Who'd rip his sister's dolls' heads off cause he cannot stand having anyone look at how disgusting he is. He is a very practical physical man who hates a fair fight, he wants to backstab, to feel overpowered, fairness is not on his mind. He lurks in the shadows, but not in a sophisticated vampiric way, but a backstabber who merely wants his prize fed to him without the prize struggling. This is his reward after let's pretend he had a fierce fight with his victim.
When I yell at you I want to yell at your face and see your reaction, I want to see your heavy chest breathing and your facial features wincing as I stare you in your pupils contracting out of fear and I smile at my handywork. I am a courageous man who says what's on his mind and slap you over the chest rather than thine backside. For me the shape of the booba is more important than the size of it. An ass in my e.opinion must be equal to its thighs and complement the hips. I prefer an equal ass as oppposed to a fat ass. Every sane man & woman does.
Shapes, pecs & abs are the sane man's fetishes , also the most common. Of course abs wouldn't look good on a woman, a flat stomach with a rhomb/diamond shaped "belly" would look good.
now I have something to think about for a few days :)

Ass prefer

Engaged Member
Sep 30, 2022
I want to share another of my "fetishes", if it's possible to call him that by that word.
I like the ordinariness of sex, that is, a man fucks a woman and this is normal, that is, there is no context that someone "deserves" someone, no, it's just nature, they are both pure in their desires, everything is as it should be.
you may not understand, but I see beauty in it.