Unity - Abandoned - Fight Angel [v0.90] [Red Fox Studio]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Two handed review: 4/5 Gameplay is solid. Nothing too janky. One thing I noticed is that command inputs are read like an NRS game, example, I am holding back to block and then I press forward and punch to input the shoulder bash but it doesn't work. All inputs need to be done from neutral. The animations are... bearable. I'm not expecting Arc Sys levels of animation.

    One handed review: 2/5 They are hot but that's the extent of it. There is no sex. There is just a strip meter that fills up when getting hit. The character customization is nice but there are some bugs. The only issue I had was that any customization to Yukina will reset every time I boot up the game.
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    Evil Dr Porkchop

    basically this a nude patch for a Steam game,if you're after something better head over to LL and spend half a day installing DOAL5 or 6 Tittie mods,

    There are a few problems. XBox 360 controller works but only in customization menu's then not in game,I've been unable to resolve this

    Graphics are decent ,character customization will keep you more occupied than the game and no don't get to fuck the loser,so hot lesbian action isn't included
    Good button masher with boobs and anime girls,not great but not bad
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    -Fap material 69/69
    -Character creation is great with lots of features
    -Jiggle physics are realistic

    -Music is annoying with 3 notes on the loop
    -Waterfall stage causes ear cancer with sound effects
    -Game crashes when you try to equip 30% of the items in character creation screen
    -Button input is laggy as hell
    -You cant skip animations at the start and end of a match
    -You cant view move list because game wont scroll trough them
    -There is a lot of clipping

    Overall if you want a good gameplay play DoA with nude mod, if you are bored from that game or if it drains you out, try this one out. Its not great but its not terrible either.