Others - Completed - None - FIGHTING GIRL MEI [v0.2] [UMAI NEKO]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    what the hell is wrong with this game balancing ... ?

    normal level can be completed by spamming a single key no shit given.
    boss level are immun to everything, have millions life point (i put every fucking skill point on damage and didn't lower them by one pixel after hiting them for 20sec ...)

    there is no immun frame when the character goes back up, meaning being hit once it insta death as she will take another hit before you get the control back.

    i guess you are supposed to grind for hours to get enough money to reach insane stat to beat boss ... ?

    animation a nice so this game is worth only to download a full save and check the gallery
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    If you ever played this type of game you will not be surprised by this one, so like usual, download it if you like how it looks but don't expect to be amazed by gameplay.

    Art: Fairly good, animations are smooth and pleasant, design of MC is cute, monsters aren't bad either.

    Gameplay: Core gameplay is fairly familiar to all, run from one side of the screen to the other and sometimes fight. However this game has some weird moments, for example your HP is also durability of your clothes and said clothes will disappear right before you die, so if you want her to loose clothes you need to lower MC's HP and just before she dies spam HP potion. Another weird part, not all enemies can hit you wile you are stunned/on the ground. And finally not all enemy are good at initiating sex animation some of them will run around before finding initiation spot.

    Sound: I loved the main menu music, in game sound is OK nothing stuck out like bad.

    Sexy part of the game: as mentioned in gameplay section, sometimes animations can be hard to initiate, and there is 1 per enemy.

    Misc: download comes with save so if you want to skip gameplay you can.