Porn, Games, Alcohol, Going out, any form of entertainment you can think of is only positive and good if you do it in moderation.
As a gamer I know the feeling of playing the game the first time and then throwing a lot of hours on it and it gets less and less exciting... With time I have learnt to put a stop and that not only affects my life positively but it also keeps the experience as good and exciting, it is a win-win.
Granted that too much of anything is bad, including work, sleep, food (...), while those gives you a "real thing" like money whereas entertainment gives you an abstract happiness you should learn to not overdo it in general.
Deleting all your collection (RIP) is a good first step but you should not stop there, only once you will be able to download a porn game, play it and learn to put a stop when it is time to stop you'll really be able to change your life in a positive way, if you do not you will simply fall for another addiction, be it work or another form of entertainment.