Ren'Py - Finding Cloud 9 [v0.3.1] [Onyx Decadence]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is strong on all fronts. Refreshingly, the character writing is really strong. All the characters have depth because they all have motivations and back story. In particular, the girls are more than just props to act as sex toys for the MC.

    Moments of passion feel real and organic. This gives the player much more emotional investment and enjoyment when hot scenes happen. There is usually an undercurrent of sexual tension too between MC and the girls, which also adds to the enjoyment.

    If you are looking for a game where the girls will hop into bed right away, best look elsewhere. The girls are crafted so they need an emotional connection to the MC first.

    On the artistic side, the girls are all cute/gorgeous and the hot scenes to date have been well animated.

    Kudos to the creators - it's great to see something where the creators have a clear, artistic vision.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Queen Daenerys

    The Pros:

    - The Story is decent enough that it can carry the series so far I think it's well written for the most part.

    - The characters so far are well developed, seem down to earth and realistic. I like that the MC friends really are his friends and have his back.

    - This game shatters the ridiculous notion that you can't have multiple guy friends without their being any drama. I wish more Devs look at games like this and Hellcat Lounge to understand how to write male friends in stories. There's no unnecessary drama with chasing girls here, his friends are respectful, it's just awesome to see.

    - The eye candy for the most part is good, I would like to see a few reworked as some seem to resemble the other as if the Dev used the same base model. Or it could just be the vendor like JASA that tend to have the same looking model. Reminds me of AOA a bit. Still gorgeous characters though.

    - So far this is a pretty solid, well designed MC. I can get behind him and he is making this experience of this project much better.

    The Cons:

    - So I'm from America and hear slang a lot but some of this is agitating. It feels forced and awkward sometimes. I don't know if the Dev is American also, if he or she isn't my hope is that they don't think we all talk like this but we simply don't. Make matters worse for me least is if the MC was a city kid from the streets it would make the MC come up authentic or even a redneck but he's not. He looks like the typical suburban kid and sounds like he watched BET.

    I don't want it to seem like I'm ragging on the MC because I'm not. Just know that there are times when slang just sounds... stupid in certain situations.

    for example, when the MC was meeting with Chloe at the cafe, he literally said: "Fuck you, That's what's up!" I tell you, I cringed so hard hearing that. When I'm with friends, fooling around, hanging out. Sure, slang usage is inevitable but not like this. Characters like Isabel also look insane using it.

    - Free Roam is ok as long as it's simple to navigate and get around. Having a home button that transfers the MC from wherever to his bedroom is always helpful as it eliminates clicks and doesn't slow down the player. Just a thought. Also have him watch TV or shower to pass time or simply put a pass time icon on the screen versus just having to go back to his room.

    I hoped this helped. This was meant to help you and not deter you. I like the pacing of the game and I'm not like one of the other lewd only players that compl5when there isn't random sex scenes. Some people just can't appreciate a good story. Most are the ones that don't even read but just skip to the lewds.

    The poor guy just found out that one of the people that took him in was on some Walter White shit and got arrested. And that he, a guy in his late teens early 20's is supposed to take his place or he and Riley and Elizabeth are going to be killed. But some of you are complaining about lack of sex content?

    Whatever, all I know is that I enjoyed this story and the twists and turns. Keep it coming.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    As a game it is good but as an adult game it is on a very low par. Two chapters with one breast flash and one shower scene, not really what one would expect from an adult game. Story is pretty good and there is a plot here that slowly is unfolding. Question is whether or not a player is willing to wait it out. the intellect in me found this to be a good read and can see the developer is developing something here, but the adult game player in me found it hard to stay tuned in.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice renders. Well written I mean there is actual story there. It has game aspects but I wonder if story branching is successfull. If it is this will be one of best ones arround and if not it's still has potential to be great.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    You know, it's kind of hilarious... and sad at the same time.

    As of v0.2.2, here we have another prime example of one visually very polished basis for a 4-star or 5-star game with...

    [+] good quality renders,
    [+] attractive LI's,
    [+] features like a gallery/special renders, a quest tracker & an index/glossary/stats overview,
    [+] a well-implemented UI
    [+] music, atmos & fx sounds.

    Apparently, the dev has gained some good experience of quality presentation and visualisation. Neat so far!

    [o] Sandbox. Not the grindy one, but still.... Some may like, some may hate it. If the "free roam" sections are going to give the player exactly the intended freedom eventually, then the sandbox will be more a plus for me.
    [o] snippet voice sounds, like "aha", "haha", "uhm" etc. I personally hate them, so I mute them. Unfortunately I had to mute all sounds because those voice snippets were falsely assigned to the fx track.

    Now to the mentioned sad and/or hilarious thing: the reason why this game is also a prime example for scattering its own high potentials and efforts:

    [-] The Writing. As polished as everything else is, the writing is certainly NOT. And I'm not talking about the plenty spelling errors.

    Dialogues are sometimes kind of awkward, stilted or even forced "coolish" and make desperate efforts to sound casual. But they don't come natural. Beyond, there's a bunch of annoying nonsense chatter most of the times. Makes me feel pity for the intellect of the characters. Narratives aren't strong either. It does not really help any immersion to write them from the 3rd persons' perspective like "He (the MC) is doing..." instead of "I am doing..." as well.
    In short: the dev seem to have much less experience and skill in writing , contrary to their visual ones.

    But - sadly and most surprisingly - every story is only as strong as the writer and their skills to tell this story in an engaging and compelling way. What's hilarious for me with this game here is that all the apparent solid work efforts are very much undermined needlessly by the sloppy and unexperienced writing.
    A huge issue this game shares with many other stories / games here unfortunately. Too many!

    Due to the bad writing I couldn't enjoy all the positives of this one.
    Conclusion: as of now this is only 2,5 stars instead of its potential 4 or 5 stars. And as of now only worth a recommendation for those who like to skip the story/dialogues and enjoy the renders solely.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    What a fantastic game at least for me, the story is nice the renders are also good, first I had doubts about sandbox but when I played the game the sandbox was not much of a problem it was very simple and non confusing if we compare it with other sandbox games, the quest system is also very good you won't get stuck as long as you follow the hints in quest log there is no hidden quests or hidden requirements that will create any problems for you which nice because sometimes such hidden quests can take a very long to figure out and it's frustrating. Now regarding the story it may have been inspired from 'breaking bad' and it's execution so far is good and it definitely has potential to become one of the top games in this site, well I do appreciate that this game not the exact copy paste of 'breaking bad' but i wouldn't mind if the add Los Pollos Hermanos in it XD. Good luck.