Review for ver. 0.8
Art 4.5/5 - Excellent at what it does. Some people might complain about it burning their eyeballs, but I just inwerted colors on my PC. Would appreciate it there was an ingame option for that. there is also problem with animations I elaborate on in "sex" part.
Music N/A - Not my style, and I usually don't rate music anyway, opting for my own playlist in backgroud, but I have to admit, that it fits very well.
Gameplay 4/5 - While most of what's there is a solid foundation for future game, there is no denying that there are some pacing and balancing issues as of now. According to the Dev, these issues will be resolved as more content comes in, but if I were to judge it as of now, I wold give it 3. Also, it needs some sort of backlog to read back after accidently clicking twice,and maybe an optional log af results after a combat to see what stats, exp items, ect. you have gained. There is a short animation of gained items as icons, byt it dissappears too quickly to check both it and stats.
Story 4/5 - Main point of interest IMO. While nothing revolutionary, there are reasons why tropes exist. This game knows what it is, and does it better than most. Pacing issues from gameplay part are showing themself here, too, lowering final score by 0.5. would be 3.5 if treated as is, or 4.5 if completed while sustaining this level of quality
Sex 3/5 - Scenes are somewhat short animations with a few lines of dialogue in between. Scenes themselfs and art is 4.5, but lack of speed regulation and no option to skip to the next part of the scene makes revisiting them an annoyance. Could use gallery of some sorts, too, as there are few semi-secret variations that one could easily miss.
Overall 4.5/5 - Mostly because it shows solid foundations for what is hopefully to come. Play it, if you want a nice heartwarming fantasy romance with manga style art.