Mod Firebane's My New Life Modded [v2.1+Xtras Modded]

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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2017
i extracted the files and put it win www/data folder, but when i start the game it says
loading error
failed to load: img/system/ballon.png

i downloaded the compressed version.
is that the problem?
The mod works only with full version and do not use the mod with v1.8 or v1.8.1 also didn't work. Wait for Firebane's new mod.


Feb 3, 2017
Shouldn't he have had the compressed game file he downloaded to start with? And how do they make that mistake. I thought it was extremely obvious in the OP.


Aug 13, 2018
I've yet to see an official version clean of bugs. I won't even claim that on the mod versions. And no, I'm not doing 1.8 until the Fixed/Extras version of the official is released. Probably won't be until the weekend, though, even if it releases today while I'm off.
the 1.8 fix/extras is out now
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Apr 3, 2017
double checking i cannot use this mod with the crunched version? i had a failed img load at the beginning menu, wondering if that's an issue and ill have to return to the original version


Feb 3, 2017
I did the mod quickly, despite having been sick for 3 days, and I don't have any detailed bug reports in a format that I can actually work with. I actually had to force myself to take the time to do the basic stuff on this one. At some point, I will put a guideline of how to report bugs in a manner that helps me find and fix them quickly so that I can actually add them to the mod without spending a day tracking each of them down.


New Member
May 5, 2017
i have intall the mod and star game without any bugs but when i press W key to see love point of those girl and the mods not working :( it only show to ( look at time . ask for date ) "


New Member
Aug 15, 2018
i have intall the mod and star game without any bugs but when i press W key to see love point of those girl and the mods not working :( it only show to ( look at time . ask for date ) "
i think it might be because the mod only works for V1.8 and u might be like me on 1.8.2 or even 1.8.1.... i could be wrong but atleast i cant get it to work on 1.8.2
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Feb 3, 2017
The mod only works on the Fixed + Extras version. Mod features are in the phone, and this will not work on the crunched version. If it didn't ask you to overwrite files, you didn't install it properly.
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Aug 13, 2018
I did the mod quickly, despite having been sick for 3 days, and I don't have any detailed bug reports in a format that I can actually work with. I actually had to force myself to take the time to do the basic stuff on this one. At some point, I will put a guideline of how to report bugs in a manner that helps me find and fix them quickly so that I can actually add them to the mod without spending a day tracking each of them down.
First of all sorry to hear that you been sick hope you get better soon and Second i know some of the bug i am about to list can be fix using rpgMakerSaveEdit but i am really really really new to that but it skips some scenes to fix some of them which i have never seen and would like to see
and Third some of the bug i us the wording from @Kertug walkthrough but i have experience them my self but his wording is better than mine

the bug i know of is:
1. On Jet book store there are seashells that make square you can step in and a extra door on top (don't know if that is what is causing some bug in the game or not but it look weird)

2. Rozalva not showing up after Ronald is arrested

3. On Pam quest line after you find all the clues an go see her at recess it doesn't teleport you to the bathroom to solve it instead it send you back to class and that keeps on repeating over and over does not go on to the next step but if you us
rpgMakerSaveEdit to make it go on you run into a another bug later when you give her the camera and she tells you to visit her at her home after speak with Pam MC teleport to bathroom, there repeats the last scene of Beth’s recess (if you finish it earlier). {After scene, go out and continue the game, this bug returns no error} that what is says in the walkthrough what is in {} don't know what it means lol. There is a bug in 1.7 that if you talk to Pam at recess and you are max love with her your suppose to be able to meet in the bathroom for sex but that does not happen i have not gotten to this point yet to see if it is in 1.8 F.-E. but i am noticed a lot of bug that where in 1.7 are still in 1.8 so i am guessing this on is in there too

4. if you talk to Marcus or Mark about him having sex with the principal before doing Beth's quest it bug it out her quest

5. In this scene you are supposed to see several images of your character putting the butt plug in Sarah's ass and her showing it off to you before you go to school but all i get is a black screen with the dialog until the last right before the head to school it the picture of her asking if you want to sleep next to her for the night and that is all i get i don't even get the one your suppose to see at school if your submission is high enough.

6. Not sure if this is a bug or bad design, but the flag that is set to say you are no longer tired only gets set when you transport back to your home at night. So if you sleep before 22:00 then when you return to the gym it will still say you are tired.

7. When you get to the point where you can choose what action you do the the girl you are in a relationship with if you choose any thing other than sex it reset their love for you i have it happen on all the girls i tried it on so i am guessing to goes for all

8. After you have completed your training you can return to Tyna outside of the schoolyard and tell her you completed the training. *POSSIBLE BUG ALERT:Try to continue before change the Quest Variable, for me work without change. When you go back earlier to visit Amaria for your reward to help Tyna, the Quest variable 103 for Tyna is set to 20. In order to continue it must be set to 17 ( one time it the bug didn't happen and another it did)

9 . I noticed that there are a lot of dialog not in English but still in Spanish

10. After I bought the Tinymon card from Richard for $3000 i could still destroy the picture and screw up my aunts computer and all the other stuff your suppose to do if you don't buy the card

11. After you choose your Gang and go to train Aim there after the first shot the picture freezes but the game still goes on i can hear my character walking around or trying to interact with stuff but is just show the gun going off
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