HTML - Ren'Py - First Change [S2 v2.7] [Fixers]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Most sandboxes are a chore at the best of times, in this case the payoff is simply not there.

    Renders are ok, but the story has not fluidity and the dialog is in very rough English.

    I would urge the developer to seek a professional translator or to try and leverage one of the many emerging AI translation services which although not perfect would offer significantly more tolerable dialog.

    This could be good, and I would be perfectly happy to adjust my rating in the future, but right now it's just not enjoyable at all.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Crazy game. Renders are insane and I go crazy when a game focus on femdom.

    I would recommend this game to anyone, it's immersive, it's well made. You can see that whoever made it cares about creating a great game.

    Btw, femdom is so underrated
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    This is really really rough. Obviously not an English speaker but there are just too many things that make no sense period, and everything is at an amateur level. Renders are tolerable but story, characters, progression, videos that play for some reason, nothing really works well.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Don't wast your time. Horrible script. Broken language, Interfaces (Renpy and HTML are awful. In the REnpy version the gender pronouns are all messed up, making it painful to read. I wish I could get the time back I wasted on this.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    For Your Efforts :) Please make more options to choose from. For example, the choice of clothes, accessories, shoes. I want to know more about the other characters and about the house. How the transition process will take place. Thank you!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is Excellent game. Renders are good. Story is fantastic. I am looking for more stories like this. I give this game 7/10 . Looking for future Episodes. FEMDOM theme games always seek more attention and are very popular. Love this game
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    The overall quality is not (yet) good at all. For now I will skip this and I don't think that it will be my thing this game. I'm really missing the spirit, the magic that a lot of games have. I don't feel the consistency of this game or story of the game.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Just can't... i don't even know how can this be called a game. The UI is dreadful, went to the femdom house without knowing them, because everything is unlock, on the sexshop you go to buy a dildo, without following any path and at the end you have to answer a question that isn't translated to english. It's the worst i have seen.

    UI: Awful
    Dialog: Very Poor with broken english
    Plot: Very poor/Rush/Bugged?
    Scenes: Very Poor
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    The new renpy game sucks. The html story had a lot of potential. The renpy is also pretty bugged. If you click and miss one of the three location the game auto close itself. Wait to something better maybe reusing the html story with renpy game
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    The game is really rough. The writing is very obviously badly translated, but worse, the writing is just bad as well. At one point the character is shocked that they need $10k per year for rent and exclaims they've never seen that amount in their amount that translates to like $800 per month, which is exceedingly reasonable. At another point the character explains they don't know what coffee tastes like, then recommends a caramel macchiato almost 3 lines later. At another point a woman is exclaiming how they are very attracted and want to sleep with the character, but then explain they're just looking to find friends. It's all over the place, and while some of it is down to a bad translation, the rest is inexcusably poor.

    Willing to give this 2* though, because there might be some potential here, but it needs massive amounts of work.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    It's a short, very buggy demo more or less at this point, which is already getting scrapped and switched over to a different engine. This game has poor and confusing English as you might expect from a Russian project, it has clashing 3d and live action content, that being that the 3d is poorly rendered with all surface lighting and low detail models.

    The help section is bugged out with it just saying Game, rather then back, likely poorly coded, and I am still not sure how much of this is just unfinished content or hard locked content because it keeps saying rest at park and it doesn't ever trigger anything.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a fantastic potential. Unlike some, so far you can pursue all three women at once. Choices matter a little so far, but I'm sure they will have greater weight as the story goes on. There are 3-4 events with each character as of (0.13), so I am really looking forward to the updates!!!