Since you asked for feedback:
1. Disregarding the weird texture coloring glitch in the first image (which you already mentioned), and basing my thoughts solely on the two renders you have posted here, I would say that your main area of focus for improvement at the moment should be getting faces to look more natural / normal.
The first image, "Linda" has some serious derp-face or man-face going on. I can't pin down one specific issue aside from the fact that her eyes appear somewhat crossed... but that's not the only factor. Overall her face looks very masculine to me, which might be a combination of the darkened shading on her skin (which somewhat gives an impression of facial hair, even though there is none) and her wide nose and round face. I'm not sure, but she's just not fappable in my opinion.
The second image of "Ashley" -- her face just doesn't look natural at all. I understand that you tried to make her look more youthful, but to be completely honest with you it looks like a baby's head/face on a woman's body. That's the best way I can describe what I'm seeing.
2. Aside from the faces specifically, you should focus on correcting your shoulder angles (they are way too low in the second image, even with her arms down as they are), and getting the correct neck length. Both of the girls' necks are too long. Maybe shortening Ashley's neck will make up for the shoulder drop, but I still think they're too low. Obviously her head at that angle will accentuate her neck and make it seem longer, but that area of her body just looks incorrect to me.
Keep at it though. I have definitely seen much, much worse renders used in games before. If I were you, I wouldn't consider the two you posted here to be "release" quality, but it's a really good start.
You might want to pull up some anatomical photographs and use them as a reference on a secondary monitor while you tweak your bodies. It really helps to have something to reference. Sites like this are a good reference when modeling: www (dot) female-anatomy-for-artist (dot) com
You can google for others if you don't find the pose you want there or don't like that site. Or just search google images for the pose you're looking for, you're bound to find something. I recommend using actual photographs as reference, though, rather than illustrations or other 3D renders, as sometimes you might find something that *looks* good but is anatomically incorrect, and basing your render off that image will be perpetuating the original artist's mistake.
Good luck!