VN - Ren'Py - Fit Mom [v0.1] [PurePassionStudio]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice game bro, although I have nothing against ntr games, I would have liked this one not to be one, BUT I support your decision, the appearance of the mother seems good to me, don't get carried away by the negative comments asking for a vanilla body, I mean 90 percent of the games have it and it is boring, it is good to see a little innovation, although I agree with the comments about the son's point of view being more fun than the mother's, the art is good, I like the expressions and excited for more.Thank you and don't limit yourself by opinions, in the end it's your game and you decide what you like, it's good to see games that stand out from the rest that makes them special and in the end that's make a difference
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    For a first release, there's a lot to like here. Renders are great with a muscular/curvy/MILF woman as the focus. There's a defined path to corruption laid out in front of her with her son as a voyeur (not sure if he'll play an active/cuck role in the future). It's a simple premise but executed well. The writing is probably the biggest issue, as it's repetitive and overly descriptive in a way particular to AI generated prose. But the content/aim of the writing is discernible and hot in the way the MILF is fetishized. Hope this game is continued.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    The writing is ai and there is paywalled content in the game. There is no choices and the scenes kind of jump from one to the other. It looks like the direction is a mom ntr game which i do like the concept of a son being neglected because of the mothers fame.
    I think the problem with the mothers looks is that they tried to give her fitness proportions and the classic bimbo proportions at the same time which makes her look strange, id suggestion picking one and sticking with it. Maybe look at real life examples of of how fit women look as the mom is supposed to be a body builder but has stick arms and no lats (someone like rhea ripley would be a good example of the muscle mommy look)
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I would like you to continue this work because I really like how it is coming. Personally, I like that model you chose for the protagonist. Don't get carried away by the bad comments and don't be one of those who leaves their work incomplete.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the game it's a decent game (considering it's the devs first), but it seems we won't be able to see a finished product because the dev quit after fat coomers that eat pizza rolls and scroll through 4chan all day decided to make fun of the game instead offering fair critiques and trying to help the dev. RIP. Wasted potential crushes your spirit.
    Likes: Hadgar
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Eh, yeah, that was an interesting five minutes of something. I'm not entirely sure what I was expecting in the first place, but this wasn't it. Will keep my eye on it but this was a bit of an anti-climax as beginnings go.,
  7. 4.00 star(s)



    game is very fun, i love staring at nothing when playing this game.
    installation was a bit wacky but otherwise the game is very funny and entertaining to play

    the game graphics are very nice and the performance is one of a kind, theres little to no impact on my resource usage and i believe that the game is being developed in a good direction. with further development, i can see this game becoming one of the greatest on the f95 website

    my main issue, hence the 4 stars is the lack of game .
    so -rep for that
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Placing paywalled content in your game without giving a proper warning to players downloading it is only going to cause you issues in the long run. Not only that, but I find it counter-intuitive to place your game on display in a site that has dozens of better, well-known games that are entirely free-to-play with their entire gallery available without paying a penny while your game has very little to compete with them.

    The game's premise is interesting and the MILF model is a unique enough appeal, but otherwise nothing justifies paywalling the content on the game. I believe it would also be in the dev's best interests to place a warning on the main post, as to make sure players know what they're getting.