Unity Five Nights at FuzzBoob's [DE P1 v1.1.2] [Pudding's Bakery]

4.60 star(s) 14 Votes


New Member
Jul 19, 2024
Cheat Engine was fun to figure out. It checks two different numbers to see if the first one times something equals the second one. If you want to change or pause one, BOTH have to be affected.

Find your power via 4 byte, place into address list, start new search, find power times 37. Pause both. Close both doors, and speed up game to 5x. GG EZ. Got all stars in under 10 minutes.
[It changes addresses each night, however. Annoying, but doable]
New code 6/9/6/9 to get Golden. If you do 1987 it gives you a regular night with new call telling you about new code. [However 1987 must still be completed for 100% AFAIR]
View attachment 3225138

I find it really funny because they posed this in the Discord]
View attachment 3225180
Thanks for finding the way to cheat it. I'm curious, how did you find that the value for power was getting multiplied by 37 and checked? Is there some method to check if a value is getting routinely compared to another in order to prevent cheating?


New Member
Feb 22, 2019
TL;DR I extracted the textures of the game. They're in this catbox link: (reuploads welcome)

Went on a bit of a journey to extract the textures from this game. The windows EXE version is encrypted, so I initially started with the APK version, which wasn't. After extracting the APK, I found out the images are stored in a "CTEX" format, though with the original filenames still there (so I knew for a fact they all started as PNGs). I figured out that the only tool that can convert the Godot Engine CTEX image format back to PNG was Godot itself, so I asked chatGPT kindly for a script (as I have very minimal python/gdscript knowledge) to import textures, convert them to PNG, then export them into a folder. I then took this script as a jumping off point, fixed a few errors, and adjusted it to work on the entire folder of textures so I wouldn't have to manually adjust it for each individual texture. Last thing I did was copy all the CTEX files to a folder and pointed the tool at it.

Then I found out that certain large textures were compressed using "ETC2" compression, which Godot doesn't support the uncompressing of. I couldn't find a way around it, so instead I switched gears and tried the web version of the game instead, which was also unencrypted. This did actually work, as the images had no compression, but the actual images themselves had some obvious visual artifacts, which isn't present in the textures in the EXE version. Presumably they were crunched a bit to help the browser load them more easily.

Unsatisfied, I went back to the EXE version (actually a slightly newer version of the game that released while I was working on this), and after fiddling around for a bit I coughed up 5 bucks and bought the , which after around 30 minutes on my machine, found the encryption key. Then I uncompiled the EXE to a folder, copied all the CTEX files to another folder, pointed the tool at it, and...
Honestly the feeling of victory is better than any orgasm (I'm still going to fap though).

Unfortunately as was explained earlier in the thread, actually piecing the frames back into animation is a whole other ordeal that I'm not interested in spending time on. Maybe it's possible to edit the textures and recompile the game so that textures and animations don't have effects over them so that you could screenshot/record them pretty cleanly, but I'll leave that for someone else to do. It'd also probably be possible to recompile the game without any of the save-checking/deleting bullshit, but that's really stretching my knowledge of Godot (which is extremely minimal.)

If you want the encryption key so you can decompile your own copy of the game to fiddle with, shoot me a message and I'll try to respond in a timely manner. I'll also upload the texture converting script to the "Tools & Tutorials" forum category in a little bit, after I make it a bit easier to use.


New Member
Feb 22, 2019
Sorry for double posting, but despite my better judgement I was trying to do what I said about recompiling the game for better screen grabbing, and in the process I noticed that for some reason the developer/artist had compressed the textures in the game in the latest version. You can see it in the file size of the final .exe: the 1.1.2 version (latest) is around 70 Mb, while version 1.1.0 (I don't have 1.1.1) is closer to 230 Mb.

No idea why they did this, but it's pretty noticeably bad, just look at the gradients on the curtains here:

I'm attaching the textures from the 1.1.0 version of the game here:
If anyone has the 1.1.1 version and would be willing to link it, I'll get the textures from that version too to see if they're any different. Otherwise, there shouldn't be any difference (besides quality) between these ones and the ones from the newer version, except in the layout of some of the sprite sheets (dev said the image heights were causing issues and had to lay them out differently.)
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Apr 3, 2022
I remember the original being annoying more than it was hard, but not being able to transfer that old 100% file because its a "remake" blows chunks. I do not want to sit through rng the game for a second time. If anybody has a save/ knows some way to cheat my way through the nights, that'd be appreciated.


New Member
Aug 18, 2020
for anyone who struggles with this game i made a rather simple and easy guide for 4/20 or any of the nights really

Chica and Bonny: very simple they both have a very obvious audio cue when reaching a door and you can honestly just react to this not much to say here, do note them moving forwards and backwards is rng so they can reach your door a lot on a night or barely at all, anyways very easy to deal with not much else to say

Freddy: each of freddy's movements is done with an auditable laugh, after 5 laughs she will reach your right door cam and from there she can kill you, each laugh after that is moving back a cam and then back to the right door cam so how do we counter her? simple as long as the current cam is on the right door cam she cannot kill you or enter your office, make sure to always close the right door if you plan to check other cams (most likely for foxy) as switching cams does allow her to kill you

Foxy: foxy moves from multiple stages until she leaves the cove and starts a sprint lets talk about how it works, if she leaves look at the cam under cove to trigger a sprint IF YOU DO NOT TRIGGER HER LIKE THIS AND MAKE HER SPRINT ON HER OWN THE POWER DRAIN WILL BE MASSIVE, additionally she will drain 3% on her first sprint, 6% on her 2nd, and 9% on her 3rd sprint and onward (correct me if im wrong)

oh yeah looking at the cams MIGHT stall her but ive not done enough testing to know if this actually works (although it certainly does seem like it does)

4/20 mode: ok here ill explain some strategy's and ways to make this mode a little easier for people

Bonny and Chica: because they are set to 20 they will leave your door extremely quickly and often times you wont even need to use lights to see if their gone

Freddy: make sure you cam stall her as much as possible to save power and also keep track of when she laughs to go away from the "kill cam" (aka right door cam) as when she is away from there you are safe

Foxy: hardest and most rng part of this challenge but there are some things you can do
1. sprint stall: after you know she has just left her cove try if possible to stall the sprint as it takes a long time for her to auto sprint these slight extra seconds can really save your power in the long run
2. door timing: try to close the door right as she hits it to save as much power as possible (the timing is right as the running sound starts to fade out she will hit the door) saves once again some power against this power drain menace
3. quick cam flips if possible to stall her (once again not sure if this actually works but it sure feels like it does)

hope this helps anyone!
(ps foxy can still be extremely rng and unfair)
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Mar 24, 2023
for anyone who struggles with this game i made a rather simple and easy strat for 4/20 or any of the nights really

1. freddy will always do 5 LAUGHS before she reaches the right hall then she'll go back and forth each laugh after that, so just count to 5, close the door wait for her to leave, open it, hear a laugh close it again ect, this allows you to never check the right camera ever (another idea is to just keep the cam on her at all times so she cant kill you)

2. foxy's power drain is based on how many times she reaches the door IF im correct you can stall her with cams like in fnaf1 so keep spam flikking and it should stall her a bit although she can still be a bit rng at times

3. because you only check the left hall cam you'll also instantly know which footsteps belong to chica and which to bonny this also allows you to rarely need to check which side the footsteps came from and saves a bit of power usage from lights

do this loop for the remainder of the night and it should be an easy clear for any night really, also keep power in mind so don't flip too much after you stopped foxy with a door as she takes a bit before another run happens

hope this helps anyone!
(ps foxy can still be extremely rng and unfair)
or uh just keep the cam on freddy and actually watch foxy's stages but thats up to you
This is a great guide, but I just want to share my experience. Idk if I am just unlucky but, when I was doing that strat on foxy she sometimes moved regardless. That was on 1.1.0 so idk just someting to watch out for. I beat the 4/20 by camera stalling freddy in the closet cam this took care of foxy too as she is stalled when you look at any camera.


Aug 9, 2018
Camera stalling Foxy isn't possible in this. Either she has a minimum movement opportunity of 1 frame, or it's at least so low that it may as well be. Spamming the cameras as fast as possible still won't stall her.

Camera stalling Freddy works fine.

For Bonnie/Chica, I think they don't actually have an AI cap in this. This is only relevant for 4/20 mode, but if you're playing that... you don't need to check the door lights at all. They will always have left after a movement opportunity.


New Member
Aug 18, 2020
Camera stalling Foxy isn't possible in this. Either she has a minimum movement opportunity of 1 frame, or it's at least so low that it may as well be. Spamming the cameras as fast as possible still won't stall her.

Camera stalling Freddy works fine.

For Bonnie/Chica, I think they don't actually have an AI cap in this. This is only relevant for 4/20 mode, but if you're playing that... you don't need to check the door lights at all. They will always have left after a movement opportunity.
for foxy ive found that she honestly does somewhat get cam stalled as not checking the cams at all has led her to starting a sprint way faster than normal but once again it feels very inconsistent in this game, and her always doing 3 knocks is a fucking pain lol


New Member
Aug 18, 2020
This is a great guide, but I just want to share my experience. Idk if I am just unlucky but, when I was doing that strat on foxy she sometimes moved regardless. That was on 1.1.0 so idk just someting to watch out for. I beat the 4/20 by camera stalling freddy in the closet cam this took care of foxy too as she is stalled when you look at any camera.
yeah don't worry about it ive completely rewrote the quide to not be a garbage rng strat anymore lol


Aug 9, 2018
for foxy ive found that she honestly does somewhat get cam stalled as not checking the cams at all has led her to starting a sprint way faster than normal but once again it feels very inconsistent in this game, and her always doing 3 knocks is a fucking pain lol
Basically Foxy picks a random amount of time every camera flip (in the original it was roughly between 1-18 seconds) and if that number hits 0, she will be able to roll her movement opportunities like Chica/Bonnie. I assume that on 4/20 this just means she succeeds every single opportunity.

The movement opportunity was 5 seconds and I think it's the same in Fuzzboobs, so however much you flip the cameras, you NEVER want to keep the cameras down for more than 10 seconds because then you're allowing her to progress twice.


New Member
Aug 18, 2020
Basically Foxy picks a random amount of time every camera flip (in the original it was roughly between 1-18 seconds) and if that number hits 0, she will be able to roll her movement opportunities like Chica/Bonnie. I assume that on 4/20 this just means she succeeds every single opportunity.

The movement opportunity was 5 seconds and I think it's the same in Fuzzboobs, so however much you flip the cameras, you NEVER want to keep the cameras down for more than 10 seconds because then you're allowing her to progress twice.
ok after more experimentation i think ive figured it out and some extra things
1. foxy can only take an opportunity 20s into the night before that she is completely inactive

2. as long as ANY cam is open and being watched she will fail any movement opportunity she gets

3. she seems to get a movement opportunity every 8-10s (first one starting at the 20s mark into the night)

using this info and opening up cams every 8-10s after the 20s of the night starting i was able to indefinitely stall foxy on 20 ai level and cause her to never leave the cove for the entirety of the night


Mar 16, 2023
I played the old version before and I was going to lose by the powerout jumplove but the 6AM Saved me in mid jumplove. I was shocked. I'm glad the android version is done.


Mar 16, 2023
I played the old version before and I was going to lose by the powerout jumplove but the 6AM Saved me in mid jumplove. I was shocked. I'm glad the android version is done.
And if you don't believe me that it on android finally... This will convince you. Screenshot_2024-08-12-04-05-05-147.jpg


Aug 9, 2018
ok after more experimentation i think ive figured it out and some extra things
1. foxy can only take an opportunity 20s into the night before that she is completely inactive
I was so ready to write this off as complete BS because I've not just had her progress 20 seconds in the night, I've had her run down the hallway in the first 20 seconds.

I did a little testing and tried a few different things. It seems like you're half-right - she is inactive for the first 20 seconds or so, but only if you don't look at the cameras. If you look at the cameras, she becomes active, and yeah, if you flip up the cameras right as the night starts she can easily attack your office in the first 20 seconds.

2. as long as ANY cam is open and being watched she will fail any movement opportunity she gets

3. she seems to get a movement opportunity every 8-10s (first one starting at the 20s mark into the night)

using this info and opening up cams every 8-10s after the 20s of the night starting i was able to indefinitely stall foxy on 20 ai level and cause her to never leave the cove for the entirety of the night
Number 2 is correct, though the 8-10s figure seems to be born out of thin air because I can't see that in any respect. She can move as early as 6 seconds into the night. I've seen her move in between 23 seconds and 27 seconds. I even had her move during a brief 0.4 second window between 40.00 and 40.40 so that math isn't really mathing. I think she really does just pick a random number between 0 and x and if that many frames passes she progresses.


Mar 24, 2023
I was so ready to write this off as complete BS because I've not just had her progress 20 seconds in the night, I've had her run down the hallway in the first 20 seconds.

I did a little testing and tried a few different things. It seems like you're half-right - she is inactive for the first 20 seconds or so, but only if you don't look at the cameras. If you look at the cameras, she becomes active, and yeah, if you flip up the cameras right as the night starts she can easily attack your office in the first 20 seconds.

Number 2 is correct, though the 8-10s figure seems to be born out of thin air because I can't see that in any respect. She can move as early as 6 seconds into the night. I've seen her move in between 23 seconds and 27 seconds. I even had her move during a brief 0.4 second window between 40.00 and 40.40 so that math isn't really mathing. I think she really does just pick a random number between 0 and x and if that many frames passes she progresses.
I believed that there had to have been some counter to her movement, but after testing I have to say she most likely is just RNG. I tried both counting and timers. But even after consistent imputs she would just move earlier than she should have (if the timing was true).Freddy stalling will reduce the RNG somewhat, but not completely. I hope I am just smoothbrain/bad at the game and that there is a consistent setup, but I just cant see it.
4.60 star(s) 14 Votes