Hello people, me and my friend unpacked the game's code because Foxy is a bitchass motherfucka (excuze me for my foul language)
Here is what we found:
Every random interval from 10 to 33 seconds she does a check
If you are on cams (not exactly watching her per se) she will stand where she stands, but, if you are not on cams, she will advance, repeat that a few time and she'll pop into your'e office
The best strategy towards achieving that 4/20 was skipping her first attack almost entirely, then monitoring her almost exclusively while none of other animatronics are around the place. Is to watch her as much as possible.
First of all, start a timer.
One hour takes 1 minute 25 seconds... 85 seconds.
Six hours takes 8 minutes 30 seconds... 510 seconds.
1 Second drains 0.125 energy, 1 Second with anything else adds another 0.125 drain....
So, in theory, sitting straight doing nothing you will drain only 63.75 energy (which is quite a lot, honestly)
So for every hour you can waste about 18% of energy I do believe, if you don't get third Foxy attack that should work.
So, another thing to know. Foxy's attacks drain stacks not with time but with the amount of attacks. So YOU GOTTA LOSE MORE ENERGY ON WATCHING HER, because otherwise she will attack you thrice or even 4 times. The best maximum you can go for is 2 times. You gonna have about 30% energy left on 4am, then just sparely watch her, don't forget to bump the right door up for Freddy at ~7:30-7:40 on the timer (didn't touch this part too much)
then just pray idk.. still haven't beaten, but heres the math I've got
If you are extremely lucky, you'll survive that encounter at a sweet 15+10+15 seconds time out for freddy timer, about 33% total :clueless:
Other than that heres some "questionable" tips.
-You don't need light to check neither of two sides
Bonnie stands for about 4 seconds Chica stands for about 2
-Freddie(XD) does come about 30 seconds into the 5 am
(every hour is about 85 seconds (((I think))), so every second with nothing turned on drains 0.125 of battery (((I think))) (I know the math is off, but counting to 4 and then seeing the battery go down is kinda of trollface moment)),
so if you start counting at 5 am you can bargle up a door 30 somethjing seconds later and (presumably) be perfect on time
-Foxy is a bitchass there isn't really a perfect strategy of beating her (tell that to that 5 attempts where 1 second away from checking she pops another level X D XD XD XD XDXD) so pepePray and keep tryin'
Not sure if that gonna help but goddamn I am eager to beat that mf of a game