PROPOSED Version [0.3.2] Changelog.
* This will be a short, seasonal update to be released before Christmas 2022. It will contain a couple of new Christmas-themed quests with some unlockable erotic content.
* Game will check system clock to activate "winter" content through the month of December, whether you start a new game or load from an existing one. Once December is over, the game will revert back to the normal state and the Holiday content cannot be worked on.
* Holiday Content will remain in the game and is designed to be built upon/added to for next year.
* The game will have an easter egg to activate the Holiday content outside the normal calendar window (Currently, you use the Magic Wand on the Grandfather Clock for debug purposes, but that will probably change).
New Content
* Snowfall visible in all outdoor locations and visible through window in indoor locations.
* A couple of new Christmas-themed quests (no spoilers)
Gameplay Improvements/Features
* Aspect ratio will now be fixed to 16:9, putting black bars on the sides when necessary.
Bug Fixes
* Removed "Demerits" button from the Game Journal and all references to that term. Internally, the game will refer to them as "sins" and they will still be collected behind the scenes. Some players objected to the use of that term because of negative connotations.
Not release