This is somewhere along the lines of what I would expect it to be. It's just a bit sad to me, that there are so many supposedly mature female characters around here, that look exactly the same, and have the exact same body, as characters that are a generation younger. I am not saying it's completely impossible, the last two gyms I frequented, before buying my own stuff, had some very well maintained "milfs", it's just the extent to which the developers feel the need to portray them as flawless. Feels like wasted potential, but you as a developer obviously have to take other things into consideration. Actual "gilfs" are a niche and as long as you want to "sell" something, the crowd they will attract is not exactly large. But even just a proper "milf" is something I would love to see more, since I am personally a huge fan of truly mature female characters in games, so any and all are higly appreciated.