I really like this game, although it certainly is not one of my favorites. A couple of (minor) nit-picks:
- Brooke is one of those image/clothing-obscessed teenagers, but she doesn't have a shirt or blouse or whatever???
- The two aunts look way too old, especially Granny Irene.
I tried to follow the Walkthrough, but I got a few things out-of-order. As far as I know, I've been able to recover all of the actions, except for the Charlotte TV plot. I got the scene where she complains about "Smut" and Brooke's music, but I have never gotten the follow-up where she's confronting Brooke. I've tried repeating the Tv evening, but it just has Meredith and Charlotte not speaking to each other. Is there anyway to recover this other than going back to the save and losing all my progress?