Its great that you are responsive to fans and subscribers. But remember it's your teams game and bowing to external pressures can lead to undue stress and work to please the vocal minority. That pressure typically leads to a slippery slope of feature creep that damages timelines and usually ends in project failure/incompletion. Sometimes the customer cant have it their way. Maybe it becomes a feature on the next game where it can be better implemented without detracting from the current game's release schedule
Team? They say there's no 'I' in TEAM, but there is an M and an E.
There are obviously pros and cons to being a one-man show. One con is that the pace of development is slow, which has been documented several times in this thread. Another con is that the quality of every game asset (art, animations, dialogue, story, puzzles, programming) is only going to be as good as my proficiency in that area. The pros are that I don't spend hours in meetings arguing over the color of a button or statusing developers/managing a schedule/bug tracker. Also, if I discover that it would take just a few hours to design and implement a name-this-npc feature, I can just go off and do it.
changing relationships only exists because of problems with the patron. Personally, I am not a fan of this procedure, instead of saying "what we are going to do is incest because we are a family" there will be a text like "what we do is forbidden, it's taboo". So that the keywords do not appear in the text
I had assumed anyone that would click on, download, and play this game would be entirely a pre-filtered, self-selected group of players who already like incest content, but there is a small minority who do genuinely want this feature. It's been asked for a few times in this thread and I have at least one subscriber that is currently overlooking the incest content because they like the game so much (talk about the ultimate compliment).
With that said, the amount of effort I've put into this hypothetical feature is what some might call an "estimate."
In addition to the issues both of you have pointed out, thinking about it a bit more, I remembered that I use relationship-based puns for names of Achievements and Perks that would make zero sense with a rudimentary variable replace. Some examples:
- The Motherload -> The Landladyload
- The Mother of All Bombs -> The Landlady of All Bombs
- Sister Act -> Roomate Act
- Aunts In the Pants -> Landlady's Sister in the Pants
- Getting Auntsy -> Getting Landlady's Sistery
- Mom Cums First -> Landlady Cums First!
- Oh Brother! -> Oh Tenant!
Off-topic observation: the original puns probably make no sense at all to non-English speakers. "The Landladyload" probably makes just as much sense as "The Motherload."