I did say that and I AM shocked about it. I truly believed the game was closer than it was and overestimated my ability to cover certain ground in a certain amount of time."Yes. It was supposed to come out at the end of March, but it's taken longer than I anticipated. Unfortunately, I can't give a firm date but I would be shocked if it went past the middle of the month."
Heh now we going to end of april. I believed you
I will have a more in depth "Lessons Learned" analysis for my subscribers, but after this update is finally released, I'm going to reassess my approach and maybe go more towards a "work on a few things and release what I've done, whatever it is" model.
What I will say is that the nature of the things I've been finding and fixing lately have been typos, lines of dialogue attributed to the wrong character, continuity errors (characters contradicting what they've said previously), issues loading from saved games, and issues continuing from v0.3.2 saves.
Many people have offered to translate the game into French as an official translation. My response is always that the game's text is ever in flux and I wouldn't want anyone to spend time translating something they will just have to redo in 3 months (because the dialogue could change).Hello JorogrArt i wanted to know if it's possible to translate in French your game by myself for my personnal usage?
because your games is great i have a lot of fun, but i don't really understand all the entire English speaking.
If you're talking about auto-translations, this has been brought up and it's somewhat beyond my technical expertise to solve. Five of a Kind uses the Unity Engine, but for all the Adventure Game stuff, it uses a plugin called Adventure Creator. Therefore, the strings are stored in perhaps a different location than Unity typically stores strings and makes Auto Translator plugins fail.
Hopefully someone with both experience with Adventure Creator and translations can chime in and give us all the cheat code to auto translations.