Let's reinvent the wheels!
Fixes shits in RPG Maker MV games.
Put that script in www\js\plugins\shitty_fix.js and write that code at the end of $plugins (before "];") in www\js\plugins.js:
, {"name":"shitty_fix", "status":true, "description":"fixes shits", "parameters":{
stopBeatingDeadHorses: true // don't waste attacks on dead enemies
, noSlowpokeText: true // slow typing in dialogues; not stops AutopauseAtPunctuation
, noSlowpokeWindows: true // slow closing and opening
, noSlowpokeSceneSwitch: true // fading between locations
, noBlurryCrap: true // image stretching; don't want to press F3
, letThereBeMute: 77 // 77 for the 'm' key; google "javascript keycode"
, alwaysDash: true // WTF do I have to do even THIS shit?!
version 2
works with old nw.js 0.12.3
mute in old RPGMMV
(function(shits,dungs,poo) {
shits.stopBeatingDeadHorses = function(){ // modify showNormalAnimation if you want to fix animation
var old = BattleManager.invokeAction;
BattleManager.invokeAction = function(subject, target) {
if (target && target._enemyId && (target.hp <= 0 || target.isDead())) {
if (horse.hp>0 && !horse.isDead()) return target = horse;
old.call(this, subject, target);
shits.noSlowpokeText = function(){
var old = Window_Message.prototype.clearFlags;
Window_Message.prototype.clearFlags = function() {
this._showFast = true;
this._lineShowFast = true;
shits.noSlowpokeWindows = function(){
Window_Base.prototype.updateOpen = function() {
if (this._opening) {
this.openness = 255;
this._opening = false;
Window_Base.prototype.updateClose = function() {
if (this._closing) {
this.openness = 0;
this._closing = false;
shits.noSlowpokeSceneSwitch = function(){
Scene_Base.prototype.startFadeIn = Scene_Base.prototype.startFadeOut = function(duration, white) {};
shits.noBlurryCrap = function(){
Graphics._defaultStretchMode = function() { return false };
Graphics._updateRealScale = function() { this._realScale = this._scale = 1 };
shits.letThereBeMute = function(keycode) {
keycode = parseInt(keycode) || 77;
var muted, bgm, bgs, me, se;
document.addEventListener('keydown', function(e){
if (e.keyCode==keycode) {
if (AudioManager.masterVolume!=undefined) {
AudioManager.masterVolume = AudioManager.masterVolume?0:1;
} else { // old RPGMMV
if (muted) {
AudioManager.bgmVolume = bgm
AudioManager.bgsVolume = bgm
AudioManager.meVolume = me
AudioManager.seVolume = se
} else {
bgm = AudioManager.bgmVolume;
bgm = AudioManager.bgsVolume;
me = AudioManager.meVolume;
se = AudioManager.seVolume;
AudioManager.bgmVolume = AudioManager.bgsVolume = AudioManager.meVolume = AudioManager.seVolume = 0
muted = !muted;
shits.alwaysDash = function(){
ConfigManager.alwaysDash = true;
var old = ConfigManager.applyData;
ConfigManager.applyData = function(config) {
config.alwaysDash = true;
old.call(this, config);
config.alwaysDash = true;
for(poo of Object.keys(dungs))!~[[].l,!1,![]+[]].indexOf(dungs[poo])&&shits[poo]&&shits[poo](dungs[poo]);})
({},PluginManager.parameters([1496931449,19038].map(function(a){return a.toString(35)}).join('_')));
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