Daz Fixing the crotch bulge


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2021
I am looking for advice on fixing the crotch bulge while wearing clothing (see attached image). I do not want to simply hide the genitalia. It is not like most men have a penis outline in clothing. Some clothing and some sizes are more visible. Removing the genitalia altogether is not realistic in about half of the shots I have done with male models. I have seen some wardrobe items come with crotch-shaping sliders. This particular garment (and many I have for males) does not have such an adjustment.

Warning: Unsolicited dick pic! ;)
The Bulge.png

EDIT: I found reference to bulge morphs used by a popular Daz PA; although, I have been unable to locate the morphs.

In addition, I found the following tutorial from Daz PA Soto.
Bulge Creation and Smoothing.jpg

And finally, I have found the Genital Bulge Morph available in Daz Studio. Use the above instructions replacing the primitive with the bulge morph.
Genital Bulge.png
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Active Member
Aug 24, 2016
The dick is already hidden from view. Removing the genital is still your best option. Just use a bulge hip morph for your figure.

If you really do not want to remove your dick, try using Fit Control or Mesh Grabber on your pants.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2022
If you don't remove the genital's the crotch area will always be deformed as the pants will try to form to the dick and you can always tell when a DEV leaves the dick on as it's very noticeable. It's best to have 2 versions set up one with the dick on and one with the dick off. The dick off one you use for when the character is wearing pants/shorts and use the other one for when the character is naked.
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