RPGM - Flames of Desire [v0.0.1.9] [Warthief]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is smack dab in the middle of the rating spectrum, but I mostly round up, so 3 stars it is.

    I started this game excited for the possibilities a middle eastern setting offers, but at this point even being so bare bones, it is very obvious [[edit because mentioning games by name is forbidden]] that it might not reach the standard of other more well known RPGM games

    While the characters are very good looking including the man-bunned man-child of an MC and even though I really like him for some reason as a person AND EVEN THOUGH I am looking forward to rival MILF action (the evil stepmother), I cannot continue playing.

    The gameplay is a chore.. Hunger, Stamina will be refined, ok but as of now it is meaningless. Also the work puzzles are cool but annoying (why only pushing the barrels? why not pulling? it's called artificial difficulty..)

    Finally the "Engrish" is very atrocious and if experience taught me anything is that, sort of a rewrite nothing can fix that, even the most well meaning Dev.

    I never played long enough to get to the sex scenes, but from the models, I think they are going to be pretty good. No idea if I will ever get back to it, but stranger things have happened.

    Good luck to the Dev going forward