Ren'Py - FLX - Downfall of I-Dolls [v0.8a] [Studio Dystopia]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game, with good premisse and exemplary art.

    Awasome ideia of not obrigating the player to public use to progress with fhe story besides the game being centered on that.

    Good corruption game, aplicating what the old games had better and deleting their fails (exessive grinding and stuf)

    A shame that is not the principal focus, but is understandable having in mind that Take Over is also a amazing project. Hope that this is not forget tho

    Srry for the bad englis btw (not my principal language)
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Straightforward trainer game. Some of the included music really fits the setting well and gives it the cyberpunk vibe, other times not so much. The best part is the figures of the three women. One "full figured" another is a still very feminine and attractive powerful and muscular woman and there is a athletic and bosomy in between.

    All in all I enjoyed playing it, the focus right now is a bit centered on the breasts but in the future might expand outwards to more vulva and butt handling and use :) One of the most QOL parts is there really isn't much 'grinding' to do. You just work through the training sessions for the most part (linear scenes) and move them between assignments.
    Likes: Kybo
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good. The story follows a well trodden formula, perhaps, but it does it well, and that makes all the difference. The girls are sympathetic enough that you like them, but not so much so that you start feeling sorry for them; the grind-to-perv ratio is about right and if we never see more than a few boobies, it somehow never felt like I was being blue-balled the I do with some games.

    The one thing that keeps it from being 5/5 is the art. It's good, but the girls are just a shade curvier than I like 'em. I also can't quite decide if the protagonist is a guy, or a girl, in drag, which actually stopped bothering me pretty quickly, but it was a definite distraction at the start.

    Anyway: decent game and any flaws are firmly matters of taste rather problems with the game. But the best recommendation I can give this one is that I was disappointed when I got to the end of the content. Which is always a good sign.

    Looking forward to further updates.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Auriel the autistic bot

    Pretty good start, good lookings girls (speacially Leona, my fav girl), had good laughs at certain times. All the three girls have their own story, their own personality.
    The gameplay; I liked, its what you would expect of a trainer game, raise mood with gifts, or just let them rest. Overall I loved the game, have great hopes for its development