VN - Ren'Py - Completed - FmF - Theatrical Cut & FmF Stories [v2] [OhWee, RustyV]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I thought it was pretty damn good, myself... The characters are pretty damn close to the originals, but with a few differances... I myself like the fact of throwing in a lot of refrences from the 80's... Storyline has some great possiblities...
    I am familiar with OhWee's work, and have always liked it... For people to say it is trash obviously have no insight on where the guys are going with this...
    I for one am gonna enjoy the updates... Keep it up guys!!!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is completely crazy, and I love it.
    It is completely different from anything that you have experienced here, and I can understand that some people give it one star: some just do not like to think outside of the box. Or are just searching for a fast fap with the already-seen-a-thousand-times incest scenario.

    But if you don't mind having a good laugh time with something different, run and play this game.

    So where can we start?
    The renders? Saying that this game is bad because the renders are grainy is as stupid as saying that a sweded movie needs more crystal clear images. Actually the renders are great. Probably some could tolerate a few more iterations, but that is probably a matter of limited hardware and the technical quality is generally more than decent. Some even have a great lighting rarely seen in games. But what makes them great is the attention that is given to details in the scene. All is turned toward parody and if you look closely at the images you will find many details, props, etc, that will reminds you of classic movie scenes. I am certain that the devs spent a long time setting up these environments.

    The story? It is crazy and it is obviously completely assumed by the devs. Do not try to find any logic, just enjoy the images and the situations.

    The parody? Yes it is just a parody and this is how it must be evaluated. Just like the first Woody Allen movies or the Monthy Pythons. All is parodic in this game, a parody of porn games, of porn movies, but also of peplums, sci-fi movies, westerns and so on, and it is is very well made.
    I really love the parody in the heroins and their interaction, the slutty cloths, Ron Jeremy, the cheap retro futuristic spaceship, the slimy tentacles, the western duel, the fun sci-fi guns, the cavegirls, the belly dancers, the haunted house, the space station, the crazy queen, and so on
    Even the FX and the music are parodic. Just enjoy and try to find the many hidden references.

    The dialogs? Completely crazy, deliciously absurd and very fun. I burst into laughter several times while reading them. I wish all the game had dialogs as polished as this one.

    The sex scenes? Well, euh, very few at the moment, TBH. Many lewd situations (more precisely all the scenes are lewd) but real sex scenes are rare and mostly lesbian. But I can definitely enjoy a good game without fap material.

    The characters? As anything in the game, an assumed caricature of porn games. So do not seek for a deep psychological evolution. And of course, very cute girls.

    Gameplay? Actually your choices matters and will completely chance several scenes. Besides that, the gameplay is smooth and seems bug-free and the devs have even added some extra gadgets to the standard renpy interface.

    All in all, this is a very good parodic game and I really enjoyed spending a couple of hours playing it.
    Many thanks to the devs for this good laugh.
    And I really appreciate that this game is 100% free and not linked to any kind of patreon account. Continue the good work.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Review: FmF - Theatrical Cut [Part 1]

    FMF is a Parody of another popular game; whilst the game is eminently playable and can stand alone it is inevitable that it will be compared to the original.

    The current version is the scene setter from which the story will unfold. Knowledge of the original is not necessary to play this visual novel.

    As a parody it offers a different perspective to the characters and relationships in the original.

    This game is unlikely to appeal to those who play the original on a 'Pure' path, as it promises to explore mores that do not align to the mainstream views expressed in the original game's thread.

    This review is in two parts. An 'Objective' view that describes the in-game elements and a 'Subjective' view that provides some context and framing for the review.

    Objective Review:

    The three major and some of the supporting characters share primary physical characteristics with their counterparts, although they have been re-created to better fit the creative team's vision and resources. There is also an interesting side character used to flesh out the back-story which adds to the humour.

    The renders are in the creative team's known and distinct style, the scenes are well lit and some display a wealth of detail and visual references that add to the entertainment. The creative team have added some additional widgets to the Ren'Py UI to ease navigation all of which are nicely explained in the in-game tutorial.

    The occasional incidental music displays the same sense of humour that pervades the game.

    Story, Plot and Dialogue:
    This first part is scene setting capturing the player's preferred path; the game's OP provides a lot more detail on the story's direction and does not warrant repeating here.

    The backstory also differs from the original, this in turn affects the game's universe and inevitably some of the scenes.

    The dialogue is quirky, even cheeky, and, as with the visuals, full of real world references, identifying these add to the entertainment. The dream sequences also provide references to originals that inspired some of the scenes.

    This is not a re-hash of the original, it stands alone and does not need familiarity with the original.

    A worthwhile addition to the original game's multiverse, quirky, humorous and original in its own right.

    Subjective Review:
    I have followed an original game for a while and have been left wanting a bit more out of it.

    Fortunately, the original has spawned a multiverse for its principal protagonist which is explored in that game's Fan Art thread; two of the significant contributors to this thread have produced a view from one of these alternate universes: “FMF”.

    Aficionados of the original will find niggles in FMF's divergence from it, as the visuals, characterisation, relationships and perspective are different; but then, this is not the original universe, it has its own perspective, so per force the goals and journey will be different.

    The current release, which I am reviewing, is a scene setting piece. My first play through, following my instinctive path, was a delight. The graphic style, subtly embedded humour, character definition all working together to set up a promising visual novel. I was particularly surprised and delighted by the reference to the Barbarella movie. ~ Oh sweet memories! ~ There have been laments about the lack of animations in the game, frankly I didn't miss them.

    I look forward to exploring the different paths to the different endings.

    A big thank you for the creative team behind FMF, their voluntary contribution to the game's Multiverse released free here is very much appreciated.
  4. 1.00 star(s)

    Before I Forget

    How to you take an already average game and make it worse? These guys developed a recipe for it.


    The same issue as the other adult bods on childlike faces.


    Even grainier than the original story.


    Just a bad spin-off of the original. There's already a couple of parodies out there but this may be the worse.


    This isn't how I wanted my new year to start by reviewing an unoriginal hot mess.