Fan Art Foot of the Mountains - Fan-Art


Active Member
Nov 2, 2019
A few months ago I made some scenes at Llamamann's request that were supposed to be part of his MOD SEX>GRIND, but they never saw the day light, so, at the request of some Melinda fans, I'm going to post my work here!
The idea will be to put it in the context of the game!


Llamamann 1.jpg

LEE: Thank you! So, about self defense?
MELINDA: Yes, let's start!
LEE: Ok, cool
Llamamann 2.jpg

LEE: First the abdomen needs to be straight!
And now i show you the real moves...
Llamamann 3.jpg

MELINDA: Am i doing it right?
Llamamann 4.jpg

LEE: Focus more on your lower body!
Llamamann 5.jpg
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Active Member
Nov 2, 2019
Melinda: Lee, you need to focus more on your lower body
Llamamann 17.jpg

Melinda: Let me help you up...
Llamamann 18.jpg

Melinda: I'm going to take a shower...
Llamamann 19.jpg

Two choices here:
1-Lee follows Melinda now
2-Lee will wait a little and then follows Melinda

First choice

Lee Thinking: Was that an invitation?
Llamamann 19 (1).jpg

Llamamann 19 (2).jpg

Daniel: Do you need something?
Lee: Yes, a glass of water, please!
Daniel: You can go, i'll deliver it to you!
Lee: Ok, cool!
Llamamann 19 (3).jpg

Deleted member 34473

Engaged Member
May 15, 2017
Daniel: Hey...
View attachment 1259239

Daniel: Get out you asshole!
View attachment 1259242

Daniel: I will break your face!
Lee: Hã?
View attachment 1259243

Melinda: Daniel stop.
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Melinda: Stop right now!
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Lee: Thanks for the water!
Daniel: Yeah! Run away or i...
View attachment 1259246

Daniel: will fuck your ass, ha ha!
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Melinda: Go sleep to your room...
View attachment 1259249
you did a great job (y)

Max 88

Dec 25, 2020
View attachment 1259810

William: Hi Lee!
View attachment 1259814

Lee: Hello william!
Lee wispering: Get down
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Melinda: Nhmmm!
William: Come here boy, i need your help for a secound!
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Lee: Yes, of course!
Melinda: GULP
View attachment 1259817

Melinda: Coughff
View attachment 1259818

William: Come with me...
View attachment 1259819
Thanks for posting your works. Great talent you have man! Make your own game, I'm pretty sure it'll be a hit.


Active Member
Nov 2, 2019
Third day
Picking from:

Melinda: It's, it's...
Llamamann b04.jpg
Llamamann b05.jpg
Daniel: That bastard forgot the pitchfork here...
Llamamann 33 (1).jpg
Daniel: What's he doing with Melinda in the kitchen? That motherfucker...
Llamamann 33 (2).jpg
William: Daniel...

Llamamann b05 (7).jpg
William: Come with me, i need your help!
Llamamann b05 (8).jpg
Daniel: Fuck! Just a secound, i have to go pee!
William: You can piss over there! Come now!!!
Llamamann b05 (9).jpg
Daniel: Ok ok, i'm going! Fuck...
Llamamann b05 (10).jpg
Melinda: I don't see anything bad! Try rubbing it between my legs, maybe that helps!
Llamamann b06.jpg
Llamamann b07.jpg
Llamamann b09.jpg
Llamamann b08.jpg


Active Member
Nov 2, 2019
Melinda: Hey, i'm not made of rubber don't you know?
Llamamann b011.jpg
Lee: Oh my...
Melinda: Lee, you're going too far, hehe!
Llamamann b010.jpg
Lee: I have to take your panties off...
Melinda: Errrrr haha, why? Wai...
Llamamann b012.jpg
Lee: Sweet
Llamamann b013.jpg
Melinda: Lee, just rub it between my legs, ok?
Llamamann b014.jpg
Lee: First i want to...
Melinda: Don't...
Llamamann b015.jpg
Melinda: it...
Llamamann b016.jpg

And in a split second, Melinda was being eaten by the boy

Llamamann b017.jpg
Melinda: Lee! Ahhhh, Fuck! Lee, stop, please! Ahhhyesssssss...
Llamamann b018.jpg
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