Just launched a small balance patch update where I've toned down the damage of the enemies overall making it smoother to progress and get the good gear.
I'll keep fine tuning it. Next version I'll also add a difficulty selector so I can acommodate all preferences. The stats on release would probably be more fitting of a "hard" mode.
I don't have an issue with the AI art thing - frankly (some) artists have done it to themselves with massively overcharging. If you doubt that, look at Late Night With the Devil. Artists were quoting them 5 figures for individual background pieces they could've paid $5-10 for at a Walmart or $2-3 using AI. If artists want to survive, they need to use it as a tool to reduce the time and cost. It's completely unreasonable to charge thousands of dollars to recreate street signs when you can get the actual thing for 10% of what "artists" want. You've got artists trying to charge v-tubers 5 figures for their character models now on top of trying to demand residuals and maintain the rights to the that model. That's the ridiculous shit artists are pulling and why they are being pushed out. Best way to lose support from people - demand a years income for the average person in your country for a weeks work. At that point, you deserve to be replaced by AI.
As to the game, it really is too random. You shouldn't have all of the areas rest areas wasted in the first 3 moves. I ran 8 dungeons. SIX of them had two rest areas in the first 3 moves. The other two - I never encountered a single rest area. The thing with DD is its hard, but fair. This is hard, but unfair and overly punishing. Not once in those 8 dungeons did I find a single rest area in the last half of the dungeon. Only once did I encounter one outside of the first 1/4 of the dungeon. Yes, you might have different luck, but THAT is the problem.
The turn-based system also seems completely random, too. I've seen my mage get 3 turns in a row, ahead of rogues even. That makes no sense.
The best practiced I could find is literally zerging with the free minions until you can get enough gear. Outside of that, idk. I know that the other option is just being forced to do that while you save up enough gold to revive your companions anyway. That's just a fucked up system.
The game can't be completely random. There needs to be SOME level of structure. When you look at roguelikes, yes, it does seem completely random, but they're not. This - is. Until that shit gets fixed, this game will never succeed.
Finally, including a "dlc character" to get people to sub to your Patreon when all you have is a reskinned proof of concept isn't a good look. There are already other, better attempts at this very game on this forum who don't pull that shit. Had this game not been completely undermined by the complete randomness just to have you shove your hand in my face and scream, "MONEY PLEASE!!!" I would've actually considered it. That's not how you get support. That's how a company like EA, who spent decades running monopolies on sports games, gets support. You don't have a monopoly. This is the third or fourth attempt I've seen at this and it's also the most broken in terms of gameplay.
Forging items is a trap. Waste a lot of resources, then get mobbed EVERY tile and the enemies end up taking double turns so you get beat down even with the updated damage. Either its a bug, just a trap, or my luck is the absolute fucking worst ever. I can't even make it through two dungeon before losing everything.
Difficulty slider is one thing but some common features are missing.
Save - Why remove it from the menu? Relying on Autosaves isn't reliable like having a tough fight? If you close the game and reload it rerolls the battle encounter. When exploring the dungeon it sometimes even turned the battles into loot areas instead.
Items/Equipment - When health is low use a potion except you can't Seems I missed the bag that was next to the character stat info. Get better gear then equip it except you can only do that when entering the dungeon or at the inn. Shops don't seem to sell anything for mages or healers.
Cannon Folder Allies - Can't change their equipment? I mean if I come to favor a worthless peon it would be nice to keep them alive. Do they even get levels?
Storefront signs - Have you ever wondered why shops advertise? No because that's dumb, they advertise to attract business! Consider adding signs or labels above shops like the classic anvil & hammer for blacksmiths, potions and shit for the potion shop, etc. Navigation in town really should be intuitive instead of what does this random door do.
Blacksmith - Is it really necessary to have 3 different kinds of currency? I can see custom crafted shit needing special materials but a blacksmith should have some stock in their shop as it's their job. I'm sorry adventurer but even though I make swords for a living there doesn't seem to be any metal in my shop where metalworking is my business and I'm mentally retarded so I'll also need scrolls to figure out how to attach the pointy end of the blade to the hilt even if I've done it thousands of times before... Did I mention I need gold too? Yep, I'm worse then a two bit apprentice who doesn't know how to do shit.
Potion Shop - Let me buy 10 potions... Wait? What do you mean I have to buy them 1 at a time? There are things RPG Maker does better and a standard shop is one of them. They idea is to resupply and that shouldn't be tedious.
Some of the background don't seem to update properly.
So if you have no relics but lots of gold you can get yourself a shadow monarch sovereign from some sacrificial alter. In the event you offer even more money the scene just repeats...
Lust Crystals at the inn shows the amount won from battle and not the quantity currently on hand.
Information broker should let you access the tips you already paid for.
Slave market seemed interesting but after the initial sales pitch the place is abandoned.
While I thought this was funny but winning the unwinnable fight repeats the fight senescence again. Yep, I cheesed the combat after allies died after one hit.
Just launched a small balance patch update where I've toned down the damage of the enemies overall making it smoother to progress and get the good gear.
If u check Ero Dungeon, the artstyle is really simple, it's not high art or really good. People like it.
But if u want a proper critic of AI, Ai is a tool, could be good and well used. The same way Renpy is a tool to help people less good with dev stuff to handle that part.
But even if u use Renpy, rpgm or anything like that, u still need to work, AI is just "use prompt, put example, select image u like repeat".
Zero effort needed, but good, a tool that work so well that make zero effort needed!
Sadly when zero effort is needed for the art, u expect that all the effort the dev should have put to creating art, will be put somewhere else.
The dev mostly used ai for art, Darkest dungeon for the gameplay, renpy for some dev work (still need good effort to make a game like this in renpy it's not really what renpy usually do, so i recognise the effort of the dev here).
So if so many part of the game didnt ask for any effort of the dev, why the other part are not super nicely polished and good?
Balance is terrible and the writing is not that great.
The biggest problem is not AI, the tool is "fine" (depend taste honestly the art is really boring for me after so many) but people use the tool and don't do great on the side.
I won't even ask why you wrote all this in reply for one simple idea: Those who can't draw - can't draw, those who are bad at drawing - are bad at drawing. And nothing changes this simple truth. I looked at the previews for Ero Dungeon, it looks like shit. Only one picture looks like something decent. And yes, if something looks like shit, I'll say it straight out. I won't say "well it looks decent, it's not that bad, someone tried, people like it, etc."
In a roguelike, there is progression, which is usually that you learn the meta or develop strategies etc.
If the combat is unbalanced, meaning that your strategy is "just get lucky with the random encounters", then there's nothing to learn, and there's no progression.
I might have come off as hating permadeath, but it's just that the economy combined with the unbalance makes this a game of luck and not a game of skills.
Edit: Dev seems to have fixed difficulty, I'll give it a go later. Thanks, Dev!
It's not really on AI (even if i think it should be a placeholder more than the final product) but the problem is the overall gameplay. There are other games that use stolen pictures or use AI that are good game, this one is doing the bare minimum with the concept.
gameplay is fair game lack of proper game mechanics of having clear concept of how standard game mechanics are supposed to work is totally on the Dev, I'm just harping on those who want to dogpile on just because its AI art. (ya know the ones who say AI trash, n that's it, no explanation other than hate festing)
The constructive part is this: even a complete novice of an artist is capable of creating images more appealing than AI-generated slop. I think it's fine to use AI images as placeholders, and doing so might help proof the game concept out to recruit/hire an actual artist. Otherwise, that's all it feels like - placeholders. It could be the most mechanically interesting H-game in history as far as I'm concerned, but its primary appeal - the porn - is undercut by these boring, dime-a-dozen AI-generated images and characters. Cheap out on the art in a primarily visual medium, and you cheap out on the whole potential appeal of your game.
Do you also give the same criticism to those who use pre-made poser models. I bet you don't, even know there dime a dozen and have been more over done then over done can be. why because it's a standard and you don't realize your bias is with AI, you think positioning poser models is any more hard work then getting the AI to get what you want it to give you and then doing the same kind of renpy positioning as any other poser model user dose. Nether are being lazy there just utilizing what tools they have at their disposal.
BTW my brother is an armature artist, he has done work for others before. he charges $25 per image. Honesty his art is not better than the AI art as its very 80s manga style.
I could not figure out how to try on found armor and swap with armor worn in game. Open inventory, click armor nothing. Found a better armor and an old sword which might have been better but could not give to minions sold to blacksmith. Not a promising feature. Need instructions on how to remove and replace with stats to see if its better.
Is it just me or is this game a grindfest with no gallery? I am getting bodied in level 1 dungeons by the 3rd room no matter what items I have or party members... I'm not sure how to actually progress because leaving the dungeon ends with no experience gain so my only option is to rely on RNG to give me rooms with resources in them and then buy levels from the brothel. Am I just bad? Is there a trick I am missing?
I made it to the eighth room, seems better to use your minions than be on the encounter directly at first. Used a few potions. Rested on the first trip about the fourth or fight room. If you clear a room, it should take time for the wandering monsters to occupy it, so it should be a safe room for a turn or two at least.
My unpopular opinion is that if any of these AVN devs were even decent at creating satisfying turn based combat encounters they wouldn't be making porn games.
Had an error where had an old fight continuing on top of a new fight, sometimes scene in town sometimes a different dungeon room. With the new download, made it through 1.8 dungeons, then they all died again. Should be an option to backtrack back out of the dungeon. Which works on low level dungeons. Once you get deep levels in some, you have to barricade the room fight in doorways against mobs. We will see. Also need a save point, as one should have an option to withdraw and come back without continuous play. We have lives too.