Interesting concept... a few issues though:
1) Bugs - But it is in testing, so that is to be expected. Bugs I encountered:
A. If you use your last / only health potion, you can never have another. Doesn't matter if you find or buy them - they do not appear in your bag, so cannot use them (even if the game is tracking them).
B. If you use the brothel upstairs to 'level' your party (or the male MC), it increases their exp and level, but NOT their stats, hp, mana, capablilites. So the 'leveled' person is still effectively whatever (lower) level, but now cannot ever get stronger (or at least not as strong as they should).
C. Even if the listed / displayed 'challenge' of the dungeon section is low, if you level past it, it will get stronger (though rewards stay low) - but it does not reset if the party dies and is now lvl 1 again (which greatly reduces their chances of making it through - if they even can depending on party).
D. Items found / dropped do not always end up in your inventory - you finally GET a nice item, but it disappears before/when you get back to town.
2) Suggestions:
A. MC is a complete asshole - completely unsympathetic to the point you have to wonder if the head mage that summoned him was correct about just letting him die. He needs to at least be moderately likable. If he is going to have a regular party (instead of slaves/guards), he should also be at least somewhat considerate of them (the sex scenes seem a bit brutal for someone you even think of as a person).
B. There needs to be a way to craft / buy items for mage and healer (weapon, primarily) - especially for the healer since her ability to heal does NOT scale with the enemies' ability to do damage.
C. The whole bit about the Crusader being a 'front line' defender is meaningless, but needs not to be - enemies can freely attack anyone in the party (and frequently will concentrate on the mage after 5th level, then the healer making it challenging to get through a dungeon with them alive). Attacks past a 'defender' type character (the Crusader or a guard) should have one (or more, depending on level) of the following reductions:
i - reduced chance to hit, based on defender(s) level/defense
ii - reduced damage if successful attack, based on defender(s) level/defense
iii - chance to automatically provoke a counterattack by defender(s)
iv - chance for entire attack to be blocked / intercepted, based on defender(s) level/defense
D. Shields should NOT take the place of weapons... that is just indefensibly stupid.
E. Rogue's dodge ability needs adjustment - even with her special ability, she rarely dodges anything, even when she is higher level.
F. Healer's 'cleanse' ability - removing a debuff/dot is too weak for it's cost and taking up an action. She already does the least damage and has weak heals. Suggest either:
i - Cleanse affects entire party and low heal amount for the same cost
ii - Cleanse is made part of her normal heal and replace it with a 'defense/protection' buff
iii - Cleanse is made part of her passive (has a chance to cleanse each character each turn) and replace it with a 'defense/protection' buff
G. Have part of the Healer's passive be a *chance* to stabilize a character that 'dies' so they don't actually die (and lose everything). They still are unable to fight for the rest of the dungeon, but survive.
H. Have some of the characters abilities 'grow' as they level - affect more than single target, gain an additional effect. For example:
i - Crusader's 'mini-heal' at 5th also adds a defense bonus for 1 turn. Crusader's 'stun' attack affects 2 targets starting at 3rd and 3 starting at 5th
ii - Rogue's 'ghost step'/dodge ability gains a damage reduction at 3rd and counterattack at 5th
iii - Mage's 'fire blast' gains a chance to set targets on fire (damage over time) at 3rd which increases at 5th (both chance and duration)
iv - Healer's "heal" gains a 'heal over time' at 3rd (healing again next round for lesser amount) and again at 5th (for 2 extra free reduced heals)
v - Main Character's poison passive should increase in chance at 3rd and damage/potency at 5th - as well as increasing duration. His bleed effect should increase similarly.
I - If using a City Guard, should the guard *survive* they should be assigned a name and the player get the option to get the same guard again next time (effectively allowing them to level)
J - Please place some priority on being able to buy (or at least FIND) rings, belts, boots, etc. (I am assuming these will be the 2 relic slots). Some suggested effects for them (aside from obvious offense/defense/hp/mp bonuses): chance to counterattack a physical attack, chance to counterattack a magical attack, chance to reflect an attack, add <fire / poison / freeze / weakness> effect to regular attacks, regeneration (of hp / mp / both), increase damage/defense vs. opponent type (humans, undead, goblins, animals, etc.)
all that said, I look forward to your next releases!