4.50 star(s) 22 Votes

Dracula Belmont

Prince of Darkness
Game Developer
Dec 17, 2017
To find her you must firstly pass the lair of these kappa girls
and then you notice 2 teleports one leads to this boss enemy Irvank
without enchanted attacks you cannot harm her and past this monster is a dungeon containing water nymphs there you can find Yako but i think you will need double jump not sure if you can reach that platform without double jump.

Dracula Belmont

Prince of Darkness
Game Developer
Dec 17, 2017
How do I catch the cyclops witch? or can I even do that?
Avoid her charm spell with the transform ability then just after she has cast her spell spray semen in her face which will cause her to be blinded. Now all you need to do is attack her and she will be stunned.

Dracula Belmont

Prince of Darkness
Game Developer
Dec 17, 2017
Transform can be gained from Kitsune
Dodge her boulder drop attack and hit her exactly 10 times while she still looks like a boulder. You will know you have done right when dizzy indicators appear above the boulder. Now you need to hit her with the Hammer ability to stun her. Also you need to get hammer ability from Kobold
Spray semen on her 3 times (she will no longer show the "..." speech bubble) and then masturbate next to her. When she grabs you let her rape you until you ejaculate, this will stun her.


New Member
Jul 12, 2018
Hey, is there a way to transfer a save from one version to the next, cause I still want to play the game and "earn" all the monsters but I also dont want to just flat out start over and have to redo everything.


Jun 5, 2018
You can try taking the save from your old folder and put it into the new save folder. If that doesn't work, try putting the folder in the main folder where the .exe is. Also, if you want you can go to the 5th page, #89 and get a free updated save file with all girls unlocked (v1.16 update).

Edit: whoops, forgot to reply. Meant for post above.
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May 13, 2017
Guys, can you give a little tip here? Inside the tree area, after the big room with 2 tribal girls on each side, there is a hallway to the right where the yellow level teleport is located. When i proceed to the next S shaped room, end of it keeps sending me back to the big hall with 2 tribal girls. How do i find the brown bunny and the slug one?

Dracula Belmont

Prince of Darkness
Game Developer
Dec 17, 2017
Hey, is there a way to transfer a save from one version to the next, cause I still want to play the game and "earn" all the monsters but I also dont want to just flat out start over and have to redo everything.
Just use your old save file they are working i tested that

Dracula Belmont

Prince of Darkness
Game Developer
Dec 17, 2017
You can try taking the save from your old folder and put it into the new save folder. If that doesn't work, try putting the folder in the main folder where the .exe is. Also, if you want you can go to the 5th page, #89 and get a free updated save file with all girls unlocked (v1.16 update).

Edit: whoops, forgot to reply. Meant for post above.
save got updated on the main page


Feb 28, 2018
Guys, can you give a little tip here? Inside the tree area, after the big room with 2 tribal girls on each side, there is a hallway to the right where the yellow level teleport is located. When i proceed to the next S shaped room, end of it keeps sending me back to the big hall with 2 tribal girls. How do i find the brown bunny and the slug one?
when you say slug one do you mean the one you dash into? If so there should be a little stand past the mushroom girls that you can jump on. enter it and you should have the slug girl. When you say brown bunny you mean the one that gives you the jump ability, then you're in the wrong zone. The brown bunny is in the desert zone. She's to the left of the save point


May 13, 2017
when you say slug one do you mean the one you dash into? If so there should be a little stand past the mushroom girls that you can jump on. enter it and you should have the slug girl. When you say brown bunny you mean the one that gives you the jump ability, then you're in the wrong zone. The brown bunny is in the desert zone. She's to the left of the save point
Thanks, by that moment i didn't know about the passages like that, only about clearly designated doorways or portals.


Aug 24, 2017
Okay so I think I caught most of the monsters and I will list how to catch them:

Forrest zone:
1. Slime Girl: Hit her until she is a blob hen hit her again to get (!)
2: Forrest Dweller girl: hit her until she is knocked over then have sex with her
3: Ant girl: have sex with another monster while she is present, hit her while she is masterbating
4:Kappa girl: jump over her rush attack and hit her from behind
5: White Bunny Girl: Have sex with a monster twice while she is watching
6: Monkey Girl: Simply defeat her
Tree zone:
1: Slug Girl: Dash into her when she charges at you
2: Santa Hat Hole Girl: Masturbate until she disappears then jump up to avoid and hit her from behind, repeat until (!)
3: Mushroom Tree Girl: Cum on her 3 times
Forrest Flower Zone:
1: Green Serpentine Wind Girl: Simply defeat
2: Pink haired lizard Girl: attack until she starts panting, then cum on her
3: Green Haired Muse Girl: Cum on her then start masturbating until she opens her arms, them cum on her again
4: Blond Wolf Girl: Defeat her then go to cabin you passed earlier, she is inside and you can have sex with her (doesn't actually capture her, don't know if you can change that)
Desert Zone:
1: Red Cat Girl: Fill pleasure meter until almost full, let her pounce on you, finish animation without escaping
2: Cat mage Girl: attack the glowing yellow ball she generates until it explodes
3: Large Running Bunny Girl: equip Forrest dweller ability, attack her then run away (not sure if you have to attack her again to make her trip)
4: Yamabiko girl: attack her until she send hearts, let yourself be hit by heart while at a distance, escape and hit her while she is bent over
Beach Zone:
1: Shark Girl: cum on her then have sex with another monster while she is present
2: Coral Girl: attack her until she starts flashing then cum on her
3: Snail Girl: Cum on her when she pops up
Temple Zone:
1: Rocket golem Girl: use red cat girl's ability to attack her arm until it explodes
2: Clay Golem Girl: Cum on her then use shout ability on her twice
3: Kobold Girl: Cum on her repeatedly until her (...) goes away, then masturbate until she pounces on you, finish animation
4: Thief Cat Girl: stay at full health and attack her until she falls over, then masturbate until she begs, have sex with her and finish animation
5: Little Devil Girl: Equip Slime ability, attack her until she is knocked over while blocking her attack with slime wall, cum on her while she is down and before she disappears
6: Kitsune Girl: attack her then doge her falling stone attack, attack the stone until stars appear over it then hit it with the Kobold hammer
Temple Garden zone:
1: Fairy Girl: attack her once, then dash under her attack, then attack her with the Kobold hammer
2: Brown Harpy Girl: attack her then when she charges at you, dash into her
3: Black Wolf Girl: use voice ability to wake her up, hit her with Kobold hammer until (!)
4: Cyclops witch Girl: use kitsune ability to avoid her attack, then cum in her face, then attack her
5: shadow portal demon girl: attack her four times without getting caught
Ranch Zone:
1: Cow Girl: use shout ability to blow back attacks, then when she gets mad, cum on her
2: Pipe fox girl: keep hitting her while she is in the bamboo stalk she will eventually show (!)
3: Little red oni girl: trap her in a slime wall when she charges at you, then cum on her
4: Boob Mouse Girl: run away from her until she stops moving and attack her, repeat until (!)
5: Red haired lizard girl: cum on her while she is asleep, complete the puzzle to your right, when you return to her cum on her again to get (!)
Swamp Zone:
1: Zombie Girl: use shout ability while she is spitting repeatedly
2: Preta Girl: cum on her then use slime wall when she charges at you
3: Purple swamp lizard Girl: Cum on her then attack her tail from behind, repeat until (!)
4: Insect Girl: get to the end of the hallway with the floor traps, press up near a patch of mushrooms, she is in the room, cum on her
Underground Zone:
1: Slime Bunny Girl: go to far right of the main room and dash under a wall into another room, hit the blue switch, go back out and attack her once, let her jump on you, finish animation
2: Plant Girl: attack her, then use shout ability to knock back her attack, then cum on her
3: Black Blob wielding devil Girl: cum on her then immediately start masturbating, then cum on her again
4: Caged wolf girl: masturbate without reach max to unlock doors, is rewarded at end of puzzle with one with a (!)
5: Knife Throwing Girl: Use slime wall to block her attacks until she shows a heart, block her next attack with slime wall, then attack her while she charges the next one
6: Purple Slime Girl: Go to the hallway with the caged ogre, equip forest dweller ability, press the button to release the ogre and run back to the entrance, exit and re enter the room, this time go past the ogre and through a wall and into another room with her in it, simply defeat her by running around and attacking her when she appears
7: Ogre Girl: after you beat the purple slime girl, activate the button on the far left of the room, go back to the previous room with the caged ogre girl and release her, she won't chase you this time and you can collect her
Snow Zone:
1: Snow Rabbit Girl: have sex with her and stay down, another one will have sex with you and then show (!)
2: Red Horned Girl: Use Shout ability then cum on her
3: Snow Worm Girl: attack her tail with red cat ability when it pops up
4: Honey larva girl: defeat all the ones in the cave which will unlock a door to another one, cum on her to get (!)
5: Snow Ape Girl: simply defeat her
Mansion Zone part 1:
1: Vampire Girl: Masturbate until she has sex with you, then start masturbating again and have sex with her again
2: Frog Doll Girl: Defeat all the ones you find in the room, the last one will show a (!) after being defeated
3: Mummy Statue Girl: Cum on all the statues in the room, go to very bottom of the room and the far right, go back and up a floor, then go back down, there will be a mommy with a (!)
4: Puppeteer Girl: go to the room with the rabbit head sign, use the rabbit head item (the one that send you home) you will be teleported into a room with her in it, simply defeat her and her puppets
Mansion Zone part 2:
1: pumpkin Ghost Girl: hit her twice, then cum on her, then hit her again
2: Pink Sheep Girl: attack her barrier a bit then get caught by her ability, finish the animation, cum on her and then start masturbating until you get caught again, finish the animation
3: Bat Girl: simply defeat her
4: Black Floor Trap Girl: Get caught by her and finish the animation, then use the shout ability on her twice.
5: Gargoyle Girl: Complete the Gargoyle puzzle, there will be one at the end with a (!)
6: Slot machine Girl: when she attacks you directly, attack the thing that comes out of the ground until it looks cracked, then let yourself be caught and break out.

And these are all the ones I have and know how to get, I might be still missing some.


Feb 28, 2018
And these are all the ones I have and know how to get, I am missing the sleeping pink haired sheep girl, the floor trap girl, and a few others.
If you're talking about the sheep girl that's sleeping, just attack the shell a few times then masturbate when it starts spinning fast. do twice and you capture her. if you mean the floor girl in the temple zone, I'm not sure she's capturable. But then again, I didn't know the rocket girl was captuable either. I think you're missing the butt monsters in one of the mansion zones. It's a puzzle where you have to press the right buttons in a certain order.


Dec 1, 2017
And these are all the ones I have and know how to get, I am missing the sleeping pink haired sheep girl, the floor trap girl, and a few others.
or you could also click on the guide in the first page for some help if you need help. Gives you all the info you need.


Aug 24, 2017
If you're talking about the sheep girl that's sleeping, just attack the shell a few times then masturbate when it starts spinning fast. do twice and you capture her. if you mean the floor girl in the temple zone, I'm not sure she's capturable. But then again, I didn't know the rocket girl was captuable either. I think you're missing the butt monsters in one of the mansion zones. It's a puzzle where you have to press the right buttons in a certain order.
Thanks about the sheep girl, and the floor trap girl I am talking about is in the mansion where the hint for the gargoyle puzzle is, as for the other girls in the mansion, I know of the one that drops down from the ceiling but I don't know if you can catch her, and there is the wall traps that spew out gas, are you referring to those?


Feb 28, 2018
Thanks about the sheep girl, and the floor trap girl I am talking about is in the mansion where the hint for the gargoyle puzzle is, as for the other girls in the mansion, I know of the one that drops down from the ceiling but I don't know if you can catch her, and there is the wall traps that spew out gas, are you referring to those?
The one that eats you? I think i captured one of them in an earlier playthrough but i forgot how if i did. And the one I was talking about is the one to the right of the save point with the gargoyle statues. the first few puzzles you should be able to do but the last one flashes by too fast. To be it, you jump above the butt on the right and go right until you hit a button. that should let you get all 6.


Feb 28, 2018
I'm not sure if the pattern changes for anyone, it stays the same for me but watch anyway.
1. middle left, bottom right, top left
2. TL, TR, BL, ML
3. TR, MR, ML, TL, BR, BL
4. too fast. Jump above the top right butt and go right.

Deleted member 379889

Lmao the save file goes in the main folder I'm stupid
4.50 star(s) 22 Votes