Ren'Py - Completed - Forgotten Paradise [v1.0] [Void Star]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    This is awfull in every possible way, MC gets on a ship with hes hole family where everyone gets their memory wiped , MC can keep hes memory though.

    The problem i have is that you constantly see girls getting fucked, even by an extremly fat bastard, you see your daughters having sex with others even if your already fucking one of the daughters she still has sex with someone else which you can watch if you want and all of this is with NTR OFF, why they have an option to turn it off and force the shit anyway is idiotic, game is clearly made purely for NTR fans and it shouldent lie about it being avoidable when its clearly not.

    Chocies are just weird as hell, you have no clue what will happen when clicking a choice, like drink or not drink doing a dare game, clicking not to drink leads stright to MC fucking hes daughter no option to say no or avoid it and thats from not drinking? huh?

    To make matters even worse after you turn down someone for sex 50 times doing the game, it will then at one point just give you a single choice "fuck her" 100% forced cant do fuck all about it, i will never understand why devs forces girls on you after you have been given a choice to say no multiple times, why force players to watch shit they dont want? that can only result in less support for the game its idiotic.

    MC is a coward and has 0 backbone, not even when he sees someone leading hes daughter into a room for sex can you do anything about it, well thats not totaly true, you can choose to watch? i mean thats fucked up cant stop it just watch or ignore it and walk on by....

    Game also goes to sci-fi mode which makes story an even bigger mess then what it already was.

    Girls are nice enough good diversity in builds as well.

    Animations are bland and boring and its the type where your shown a single animation and click when you get tierd of it and not having dialogs doing them leaves them even more boring.

    Music is bland, no effects doing game either.

    Choices are weird and you never know where they lead, it forced sex scenes with MC with people you might have turned down multiple times earliere in the game, NTR is forced, sex scenes with ugly fat dude forced.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Its a good game and has its up and downs.

    Personally the animation is a little off but the story is not the most usual cookie cutter and there are many characters in the game that you can pseudo-branch off to.
    The main reason for the 1star deduction is the missing path ways that become apparent. The pacing was good at the beginning but got lost later on IMO.

    Give it a go if you can settle for anything other than a masterpiece.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    All the endings sux @zz! the fact that the none of the daughters were his does not affect any choice! he can't get anyone normal pregnant, it must be only bloody aliens! NTR is un-avoidable! Even if you approve NTR, it's implemented half assed! The warden character (Jack) and the eastern boy character are just introduced with no role, wasted potential! The story and plot lines of the game does not make sense, they are incoherent and full of holes! I know it's just an adult game involving fantasy and space, but at least a coherent plot would have been appreciated!
    Although game implementation and animation are good, art is good too! That's the only thing that going on nice for this game!
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is so odd ... I should call it bad , and i should not enjoy how it is all over the place , yet it's enjoyable .

    The initial NTR in space setting was pretty solid , i was getting ready to enjoy making choices withina community of space survivors .. but then all of sudden the author got bored , ditched all of that , and turn the game into some scifi fantasy adventure a la John Carter from Mars .

    I was initially baffled , but said adventure is pretty good and got some decent lore . And then it abruptly with just a mini reunion with the people from the NTR part , and a rsuhed conclusion .

    The game would even have been great , at it committed to its insanity and kept building both seemingly unrelated parts . A pity it got rushed/the author got bored with it .

    I would not be mad at a proper remake
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Recently played this through, and gotta say I just feel conflicted about it. On the one hand there is some genuine creativity in terms of the story plot and ideas... but on the other hand it's some of the loosest writing I've ever seen, in so far as actually closing off threads it opens. The story is constantly changing as if the Dev hadn't planned ahead at all and was just coming with it on the fly, as a result most of the ideas raised never get properly resolved or explored.

    This leaves practically everything feeling half-assed even if they are interesting. The story constantly fractures into new directions; the beginning of the game had this entire premise laid out, and it's very clear the Dev got bored of the idea and decided to transition altogether into a different direction. But then that shifts into another direction, and then another, without fleshing out any of them.

    I felt as if this left it feeling as though it couldn't truly appeal to anyone. It's not a real NTR game, not a real harem game, not a real coherent story either. Most of the choices you're given do not have any lasting impact. Even the alien girl at the end, your daughter, gets - literally - thrown off a cliff because the dev couldn't be arsed to add her to both endings (and I don't know why either since he put zero effort into the ending she isn't included in).

    Aside from that, there's a total lack of sound effects, kind of standard for VN stuff but lackluster. Even basic sex SFX add a lot to this kind of thing. The animations are mostly middling, some are okay and others are 2-frame oscillation kind of thing. Most of the women you sleep with in the game just kind of throw themselves at you in a way that's rushed and unnatural, which is how the rest of the story throws itself your way too.

    In conclusion I actually quite like the story in its essence, there are interesting characters and ideas, but none of them are developed with the depth they deserved. This game could easily have been 5/5 if the Dev stuck to a central idea and explored it in depth.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Average game. The models and CGs are amazing, but lacking in kinks and fetishes, everything feels quite vanilla and rushed. Paths you take is pretty much skip scene and most of the time by accident if you do not use a guide to make sure you see all the content. Overall was very promising in the beginning, but as the game progressed got more and more disappointed.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    nice and interesting story with multiple endings, took me about 3,5h to complete every ending (using savefiles)
    the char. design and renders are nice
    Animations are static
    Some chars (like victor or what his name was?). barely have any screentime or relevance in the story
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    space haram
    Played Version : 1.0
    The Good:
    • decent scene variation
    • quick story
    • pretty quick

    The Bad:
    • scene progression is kinda annoying
    • no gallary or way to see if you have every ending
    • writing could be better
    average game, but there is a long list of better things imo
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Character's and idea is 5/5, nice variety scenes, lot of foot fetish scenes. But little messed and rushed i would say in terms of narrative and dialogs. That been said it's still pretty good game worth playing for original, nice scenes.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved this game I don't Know why it's not 5 stars the game is Great Story and Characters and even the mc looks Nice
    let's first thing first Kick The wife OUT OF THE WAY
    now Let's see the story the drama the Action The Hot moments The Anger all that Get the 5 stars
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    The messiest game I've played storywise, I really wish it was more organized. With how the MC acts you'd think he'd be likable but he's just so bland.

    There's a good chance the creator could make a better game than this, they're clearly talented, but the writing portion is definity where they struggled the most.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Its alright to be honest.

    There is NTR by definition sure, but it is basically your ex wife, and there is no humiliation aspect there really, its more sad than anything its not really all that "hot". Although there are characters that you do something sexual with, that are hos, and no chance of anything more. You make a lot of choices but truth be told they dont matter much. And by the end you make a whole bunch of choices in fast sequence which actually do matter but at that point the game is over so you dont care. Ofc that is in the best ending. There are several endings, most of which are just goofy or funny alternative endings, but there really is just one good ending with differing main girl (not you even see any effect of the choice thats just for you to know)

    Its alright, interesting story with good characters, but in terms of romance or good dialogue etc. its very lacking.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    The Story is all over the place Most of the original cast get completly abandonned and replace about a third of the way throught some NTR is avoidable by making different decisions but some isn't as well as unavoidable rape scene.

    but the game has some pretty sexy ladies good to play if you want to jerk off to the very few scene each lady get and that about all
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Purple Creep

    Really liked this one. I think it might've been the first completed renpy game that I played And finished.

    Story is pretty alright and engaging and overall been in perfect balance with the sex scenes, for which I primarily seek in those kind of games. First time I felt engaged in both. Although the final ending was kinda meh to me.

    Not utilising the sword-wielding, alien barbarian from your crew, in later fantasy setting, also felt kind of weird. At the very least, it could've been addressed in-game, as to why not.

    Setting and theme of the game, kind of begged for some sandbox elements, but it is what it is. Better that way, than having an undercooked, grindy thing.

    And finally, addressing the meat and potatoes of it all - sex scenes and characters. People there are both nicely written and nice lookin, while being varied. Broad selection of poses, which all been decently posed and animated.

    The approach to sex was one of high points in it. Having MC potentially liking to engage in some typically kinky/bottom perceived stuff, while not being degraded for it, and keeping the respect of crew and others. I liked it.

    Good stuff.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    NTR is not avoidable though it says it is, anyone who tells you it is, is lying. There is a lot of rape in this game too and since screwing with a person’s memory removes the possible of true consent, in some ways a bunch of the sex in this game is kind of like rape… depending on how you look at it. That in-and-of itself is enough for me to one star a game, don’t lie to your players and say any fetish or content it's avoidable when it isn’t. For me this is double true for tags like NTR and rape which can cause people who have suffered them in real life to have a full bore panic attack if it happens in any media they see without them expecting it. Worse, it’s not ever really skippable here, meaning you don’t have to watch it and have it acknowledged (which can at least let you headcanon it as not happening) because before and after effects are still there and the event is talked about.

    I can deal with avoidable NTR in a game, hell even not avoidable NTR if it isn't overdone and sets up something like a payoff for the MC later where he gets revenge or something. But don’t lie to me and have the MC be a beta cuck without any input from the player.

    The MC is billed as a veteran but he is one of the weakest most reactive MC's in a VN I have ever seen. Even at the end of the game he isn’t really able to reconcile events to get a decent ending with both his true daughter and the other characters playing nice, apparently. The trope filled 18yo weirdo who somehow gets the girl in most of these games is better than a supposed veteran who doesn't keep his wife and kids from getting screwed (figuratively and literally) by others, not to mention what happens as the game goes on. This MC is a pathetic cuck (turns out he always was cause his kids ain't even his, whoops, the dev’s didn’t tell you that either…) who does nothing when he has the opportunity to turn the tables on people who are basically kidnapping (as far as he is aware at the moment) him and his family for unknown reasons in the first few minutes of the game. A potential ally shows up and he, a veteran officer, does nothing to help her and take over the ship, or at least hear her out in front of everyone.

    This so-called game is filled with fake plot twists, meaningless choices, genre shifts, and abandoned characters and stories. I stopped playing the game fairly early on, I kept waiting for the MC to really have an opportunity to man up, but he never really did. I was filled in on most of what happened by others and looking at the guide, which made me even more frustrated but glad I decided to not finish the game. From what I've heard from other people I trust that had the stomach to finish this game; the ending is rushed at best, characters and plot lines are unceremoniously abandoned for… whatever reason. Maybe the dev's just gave up and decided they didn't care enough to give the game a good ending.

    I really wanted to like this game, the character models looked so promising and the basic premise seemed interesting but what I played and what I’ve heard made me glad I passed on this before spending too many hours with it.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I really like this game, maybe this one is one of the best story of all adult games I've everplay. The story is amazing about in the future when Earth is destroyed and a group of people have to find a new planet to live in the universe and many things happened during the adventure of the main character. The only thing ruins my experince in this game is NTR. I would rate this game 5/5 if it didn't has NTR in this game
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    TomWant Badass

    I like this game, it is truly one of the best science fiction and aliens game I ever played.
    And the game is complete, you dont have to wait for the next update. The story is very likeable, you start as an average Beta male and get the opportunity to left your boring life behind because your familie left the earth in a spaceship. Then a lot of things happen, a mysterious adventure starts and a lot of people need your help.
    And you get a lot of hot woman in your bed, very fappable hehe. Cant say much more without spoilering.
  18. 1.00 star(s)

    Guy Guyminheimer

    Forgotten Paradise is a mess of update by update twists and turns that turns into the typical "and then and then and then" kind of dramatic scramble that most TV shows take 10 seasons to devolve into. Each update was more involved in tying up the loose ends of the last and moving on to the next rather than having any coherent story. What was supposed to be a story about people in isolation together in space leading to sexual deviancy turned into a conspiracy story turned into an invasion turned into... etc, etc until the game ended as a fantasy/magic series instead of a sci-fi and ended unceremoniously. 90% of the characters in the game's own banner get abandoned halfway through, and even the ones you actually get to have sex with only have one or two scenes at most before that happens (this includes the characters OWN FAMILY MEMBERS from which the story's original basis surrounded). It won't even appeal to the type of people who want to see their wife get fucked because she stopped existing a third of the way through the game's development. If you're a fan of CW shows, soap operas, or the last 3 seasons of Game of Thrones, this game will not phase you in its incompetent writing and meandering plot. If you're paying attention, however, it's a scatterbrained attempt at a story. Much like a train crash, it just kept moving forward with reckless abandon until eventually grinding to a stop.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I really liked this game a lot more than i thought i would, I was hesitant at first because of the netorare tag but it's really a non issue. It has a lot of alternative endings, one in particular really caught me off guard. Give this game a fair shot it really is quite the adventure.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    wait wait! What happened? Is this incest mass effect novel mode?
    its stories are cool i mean really cool. Its was a short journey now that i think about it. Still a good ride. I mean people can die, what more do u need in sex games lol