Ren'Py - Completed - Forgotten Paradise [v1.0] [Void Star]

  1. 2.00 star(s)

    Wicked Garden

    I wanna at least be fair considering this game had some bright spots. Early on it peaked my interest because there wasn't/still isn't many sci-fi games that take place in space so I was invested.

    I was confused by characteristics of the Wife and the Daughters once they entered space. The Wife almost immediately became slutty although she seemed well level headed previously. The Black guy almost effortlessly had his way with her and even knocked her up, while the MC just let it happen. Then the daughters who appeared somewhat innocent turned into easy sluts as well, which left my head scratching. Through it all I still enjoyed It, especially exploring other women and creatures and I even knocked up a Alien.

    Things went downhill when the Amazons and this whole Game of thrones crap came into play. Like why ruin the atmosphere like that? If anything why not have the MC land on another foreign place inhabited by other foreign creatures? It would've kept up with the current theme of the game. But instead it kinda killed the game, which lead to horribly lackluster endings.

    I also didn't like that had to choose between my Alien daughter and everyone else, as if they couldn't have accepted her.

    This game featured a lot of eye candy Ruby, Dalihla and my Alien daughter were my favorites.

    The renders were really good in my opinion. Overall I'll give it 2.5 stars. It's one of those games that I'll probably never play again due to the Devs lack of effort.
  2. 1.00 star(s)

    The Panty Sniffer

    When I first started playing the game I was hooked then as the story progressed it got more and more confusing, not making sense and lacked direction of where it was going and the endings sucked this game had no direction at all, renders were horrible, I dont recommend wasting your time on this game
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Most of the game was slow to update and not good enough for how little content their was renders were OK but felt a bit robotic.

    The ending is a copy and paste ending, they could not be bothered to make a proper ending so they resulted in a useless-ending that doesn't resolve the bigger problems.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    This game started off looking really good with great renders, and a plot revolving around a conspiracy to uncover. Each update has made it progressively worse, and now the plot and characters have become a complete wreck.

    For the first few updates we were introduced to a cast of unique characters and the plot slowly unraveled. Then the dev completely gave up on everything and started throwing in nonsensical side stories, forced NTR, game over choices that are based on complete luck, and characters from other games that nobody wanted. The sex scenes have become worse over time as well. Many don't even involve your character, and some result in game overs.

    It's hard to say what is even happening between updates now. The story is impossible to follow, there is no overall purpose to any of the content added in the last year, and most characters last for only one or two updates.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Serious disappointment: mediocre, blury graphics, worest camera shots, lousy story, copy&paste characters etc, etc.
    There's nothing good in this project so better stay away from it. Total waste of time.
  6. 1.00 star(s)



    1- Renders are decent enough.


    1- Story goes from average to nonsensical pretty fast. You literally can't walk straight without falling into a plot hole.
    2- Forced NTR. While at an early game it was avoidable to some degree, late game it pretty much forces itself on the player since the dev really couldn't restrain himself.
    Funnily enough, Dev already has another game focused on this particular aspect.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    What started of as such a great game has taken a nose dive. Several updates ago I would have given this 5 stars and put this on top of my watch list. Now I find every update to be worse than the one before.

    After seeing the devs other game (pandoras box) it is clear that he has a thing for NTR and rape (since that entire game is forced NTR and rape). And while he controlled himself at the beginning of this game, in the end he couldn't resist and now he wants force it in here too.

    Having said all that, this is not the same game as the one that he started. First he destroys earth, then he puts all the characters (except MC) in the game in suspend animation indefinitely. And now he turns the MC into a woman. So now the only thing left from the original game is the tittle.

    I will however give credit to the dev for the great renders
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a "love it" or "hate it" game.

    The story start out with a plan.
    Then thrown it out, Light it on fire, and run off to another planet. - for reasons

    So i can only suget that you strap in for a ride.
    And try to enjoy the trip, It will make little to no sens.

    But Tits and Ass. . .
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    That's an exellent game ! to be honnest in the beginning i was like " well let's give it a try if i dislike it i'll remove it" but then guys i love the story. I like scy fy so it did have favorable point for me but it doesn't stop at that.

    The characters are very intersting when you start to learn more about them trough the story.

    Then the Story : very good and even immersive i laughed for some reference the develloper did. Appart from that i was alaways like " what's gonna happen next ?! " . Moreveor it is full of plot twist and i like that !

    SO : give it a try it is, in my opinion, worth it !
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    For a porn game, it's actually quite good story :D Of course, there are some typical to a porn game "cringy" moments, and also some problems with the writing, but im quite interested in it anyway :D

    Renders are looking great overall, but author has problem with making lights natural and sometimes they're looking like a photo taken with flashlight :x

    One thing, that i'm not satisfied with are... the choices... There are some of course, and the're leading to different endings, but you know... i like to take more control over the action and in sex scenes, than only choose between blowjob/footjob/cuminside

    Anyway - gg, 6/10 (y)
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    With the exception of the first couple of updates, this game has the narrative coherence of a bad LSD trip.

    MC and his family leave Earth in a spaceship. They are part of an experiment, and everyone in it looses their memory, except MC.

    Good excuse for some incest and some cucking in the spaceship. Because you are not a porn game in 2019, if you dont have incest and cucking.

    Then everything goes to shit, Earth explodes somehow, some alien chicks attack but its pointless and suddenly MC is on an unknown planet.

    He then proceeds to act like a retard in his interactions with people on that planet, no matter your choices.

    Then Daenerys and friends from Got enter the fray. Yes you read right.

    Then MC acts like a retard yet again and now he is a girl.

    I hope this little summary saved potential players the pain of going through all that. It's a bit of shame since I was hoping this would turn out good, there are so few sci-fi adult games after all.

    This game's "plot" only works if you are looking to give yourself a migraine. I'm convinced this dev was in the mood for a sci-fi game but then they watched the last season of GoT or whatever and were like "ok, this is a fantasy game now". But that's not how game development works....
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    "Oh my god Earth was just hit by a meteor and exploded, everyone I have every know is dead. None of my family remembers who I am, my wife cheated on my and my kids aren't really my own. This is a total disaster how will we survive."


    That's the biggest problem with this game, the story just jumps all over the place, one moment you're being attacked by aliens, then your 200 years in the future. There is moment where you are talking to the doctor and you can tell her you want your wife to recover her memories as fast as possible or not. But it doesn't matter either way she doesn't regain her memories and in the next scene 10 months later your banging both your daughters then getting in a cryo pod for 200 years. What the fuck happened over those 10 months with her memories, if you turn on NTR she get's pregnant from someone else, but apparently 10 months is still to short to regain her memories even when you say for it to happen fast.

    The models and animation are some of the best I have seen though. So it's got that going for it, which is nice.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Alright game. Decent story. Well thought out. Endings that actually have endings and each choice affects the future. However most choices are either "Want to fuck my feet or my mouth." It gets to be a nuisance after a while. I dont prefer that but thank you for giving options to see something instead of. So its a decent game.
    Likes: Ataly
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Wasted opportunity right here people, come get your disappointment in spades if you are into SciFi, mindcontrol and incest.
    The story only delivers on the SF part the rest goes out the window pretty damn fast after that.
    This 'game' (it really is just a story that went completely of the rails after the first 2 episodes or so) has some nice renders and that is about all the nice I can say about this game.
    Shit just gets made up and added every time there is an update to this pile of floppy wank: there is zero consistency in the story. It started out going to be about mind-control, then it became about corruption, suddenly there is aliens, it just went on and on...the story is just being made up with no clear goal insight. Vision less crap imo
    Then there is the girls/women you might be interested in, you might not be seeing them ever again after the, what I call, 'introduction phase', you probably know what I mean with that. There is no option for the 'player' to pursue the ones you might really like. You get stuck with what the dev decides to give you. And the story flow proves how flaky that dev is, so do not bother looking for something consistent.
    The only red-line through all of this massively padded pile of shit, is a somewhat cuck part about your wife fucking and having someone elses baby. And if you are really into that stuff (i'm not) you will still be disappointed, because of all the other stuff that was made up to pad the story with.
    This game could and should have ended ages ago if there was just an inkling of a plan and story in the dev's mind and all he/she would have to do was kinda stick to that and then it could have been something good.
    For me the last update is just another wasted opportunity and I am done with it. There is much better stuff to get titillated by on F95 for whatever your tastes may be.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.11

    I love this game. Definitely the best one I've played in a long time. Finally a sci-fi setting with a great story. I like the characters. The models and renders are great. Considering one of the plot points of the story the NTR doesn't bother me. It actually kind of makes sense.

    There are some grammatical errors every so often, but nothing bad enough to detract from the experience. A few of the sex animations are a little janky, but they serve their purpose.


    I was seriously confused when the asteroid showed up. Everything happened in maybe three frames. You see a large asteroid, something hit the ship, then you're over a red planet. At first I thought the red planet was Mars, until one of the characters said it was Earth. That whole sequence should have been much longer to flesh out the severity of the situation. Also what hit the ship...a small meteor? And was that creature on one of them? It's like the first meteor shower at the beginning of Armageddon happening in 2 seconds.

    That whole event should have been shown in much more detail. And how did the asteroid come out of nowhere? Does the ship not have sensors? Did the android not know it was coming?

    The whole asteroid part is my biggest problem with the game. And asteroid destroying Earth and having to find a new home is fine. The whole event just wasn't done very well.

    I really like this game regardless and am really looking forward to future updates. I really hope the creator stays on it.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    story: very good.

    gameplay: good.

    characters: good.

    scenes (erotic ones): really hot.

    draws (cg): well done.

    music: is only gets anoying after an hour.

    conclussion: the strongest point in this game, is the factor "whats is going on here?)
    the characters are well done, i dont get any stronger feeling from them (like "I HATE THAT GUY" or "man, that girl is really cute")
    the story feels with lot of tough and work, and is easy to follow.

    this game deserve your time and money.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    My Rating of this Game (v0.11) is:

    + Fantastic Renders
    + Nice Story
    + lots of different scenes
    + Long Game Play
    + Lots of Characters
    + Easy Playing

    - Long wait for Update
    I thought this Game was not being updated anymore, its been so long that I forgot all about it,but after playing a couple of minutes,I found out that I really missed this Game with all its Sex scenes.
    I just hope that it doesn't take that long again for the Next update.
    worth the Download.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.10

    The NTR is optional through a disabled feature in the settings menu and most of the content isn't NTR so if you don't like it like me there's still plenty of content for you.

    It really good artwork and a nice storyline to go with it.

    There is no scene replay so you have to save your scenes but that's easy to do.

    Gameplay is nice and smooth no grind no going around collecting random items
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Thought the art and story was amazing cant wait to see what the creator does next. Each character does have enough to envelop you into the story while others are just there. Would like to see for later versions more inclusion of the other characters. Otherwise a great game with amazing visuals and story.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Game is pretty great if you like getting cucked, cause god damn, it's so obvious that this is the kink of the dev.

    When I had clicked on this game, it was because I saw Chloe from Life is Strange and wanted to check it out. So good job on at least hooking people for that. Saw the tags too, and thought it would be the usual game where the MC cucks others, but not at all even close.

    All he does is get sloppy seconds, while the true protagonist, Andre, has likely hooked up with everyone except the MC's daughters. And it's really obvious that the MC is not a real protagonist, because not only does he have a smaller dick, but he doesn't even get the chance to grow it. A fat obese and the captain that had hosted the event first place, gets to, and also ends up having one of the best endings.

    The game is solid overall, but the writing could be so much better. Starting off by not actually playing someone whose obviously not the protagonist. There's a lot of different ways to cuck, but to do it to the player is pretty niche on this site, considering the fact that the more popular games on this site doesn't do anything like that.

    There should have been days of exploration where the MC got to bang a different girl throughout the day. A lot about this game could have been done better. For no reason at all, there were no quick animations when the red alien was getting raped. Choosing to fuck Chloe first, doesn't even let you fuck the oldest daughter, but near the end of the game, you get to check up on Chloe and the MC's daughters.

    The camera shots of the sex scenes are also bad. Instead of a pov shot, there's so many side angles, you can hardly see anything. I'm always going to be damn surprised seeing games like these be out for a year or several months, and not really have much content to it.

    Yeah, version 0.10 actually had an ending, but it also went from 0 to 100 so quick. With how unconventional it also is for the protagonist to get cucked so badly, it's no wonder it only has 33 pages. A lot of better games are out there, and a lot of what's in this version doesn't even look like it would have really taken that long to code into Ren'py.