RPGM - Abandoned - Forgotten Royals of Astella [v1.0] [Ultimate Corruption]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    so its a really good game if you like mystry ntr and the how to get to the result is more important to you than result than this game is for you like you are doing hunting but but behind you your mother is stolen and in this game the mc is not a helpless guy he is just an unaware guy ending feel a bit rush but all this content is good render is good and the chemistry between goblin and girls are really good
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty good storytelling with decently paced build up, good amount of content.
    No endless task and walking but a story fitting ,steady drip of content.
    Personally i like the renders and can't wait what the future holds for this game. (´,,•ω•,,)♡
  3. 1.00 star(s)

    Harsh 007

    To be honest i really don't like the story of the game and after i played it i regret opening it because of the characters storyline and story development for me it was definitely not even worth downloading.....9 why download it in the forst place because i was curious and tbh why judge before opening the book BUT now that i opened it i wish i did not.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Fun plot, decent writing, hot girls, hot theme, what's not to like?

    So why am i only giving 2 stars?

    Because the game is not playable

    I've tried to play this three different times, and every time i stumbled upon a different game breaking bug.

    Sequence error, loading error, getting blocked in a doorframe.

    Does the dev not test his game, even once?

    I would love to play this game, i really do, but i litteraly can't right now.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Game breaking bugs. too often it happen. it makes this game boring to play. Boring writings/dialogues. Good render but that is not saving the game. I save your time - dont bother to download this game until the makers fix lots of game breaking bugs. Can't believe this game is at v0.9 since several bugs are still there since version 0.1. Likely this game will be abandon.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Really nice game, love the renders, the story, the genre, the story telling and dialogs... BUT the bugs are literally unbearable. I played the game from the start and encountered bugs, got save files to skip those bugs and encountered more bugs, then once I got into latest update, still encountered multiple bugs (invisible walls, characters blocking etc.) which really ruins the experience.

    The game has a lot of potential, but requires a lot of revisiting to make it good rather than building on top. Some dialog rewriting, some bug fixing and even rethinking the combat system and the whole RPG element would carry the game forward as current the battle system is kind of OK, but feels like something to do rather than that its part of the game and has special attention (weapons, armours, outfits, skills, differences in characters etc.)
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    The game has some entertaining NTR, corruption and romance plots with decent combat The problem is all the bugs not getting fixed. The image load errors make this unplayable. Constant save and reload and at some points no remedy between updates. Maybe you can change some file names to get past it as some have mentioned but how about the dev just fixes the same bugs that have been there for multiple updates? Game has promise but until this gets resolved I'm out. Maybe I'll come back to update review if bugs are ever fixed.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Overall... I have mixed feelings. I hadn't played the game before today, so I have fresh eyes for it. I think this game has tons of potential, but in its current form is hampered by a variety of problems.

    The Good:

    1. I really like the characterization of the girls. The MC (name changeable) is pretty dull, as is Noah, but I like the personalities of the female cast. I also enjoy the goblins.
    2. I enjoy the slow-burn pace of the game. There are sexual events, but the girls aren't immediately turned into nymphomaniacs after the first climax. The characters are slowly corrupted over time, and their progression in response to Ogar's manipulation is delightful.
    3. I'm also happy that the game broke from the Japanese tendency to put the "first time" as a big thing, with at least two girls losing their virginities without it being depicted as a huge deal. One of those girls actually refutes the idea of the first time being reserved for a "special one".
    4. The renders are mostly attractive. Charlotte in particular is very nicely rendered, as is Amelia. While I am attracted to Caroline's design and body shape, her face is a bit too Barbie-like for me. In particular, Caroline's smile looks very plastic. Rosie's face similarly looks a bit uncanny valley. The MC, between his outfit and his hairstyle, looks like a douche, but that's fine.

    The Not-So-Good:

    1. The writer definitely needs to go back over the early sections - the writing quality in the prologue is pretty low, and could easily be improved. Similarly, there are misspellings in the disclaimer notice that could easily be corrected.
    2. The "path" choice between Charlotte and Rosie could be clarified. I took Charlotte with me on the first few missions (get food, kill the wolf king), and then chose Rosie for the subsequent mission, which apparently was the deciding point since all future events had the MC pair up with Rosie.
    3. We get periodic notifications about affection and lust stats, but there's no way to check these stats. Either some way to check those stats should be added, or the messages should be removed.
    4. If there are no alternative outfits to dress the girls in, don't label the "Equipment" section of the Item/Bag screen as "Outfits". It raises false hope.
    5. Please, for the love of the gods, enable skipping or fast forward via either the Shift or Control keys.
    6. Check your lines. In multiple locations - especially the prologue but also later chapters - lines go off the side of the screen. These should easily be detected by playtesters and fixed.
    7. Fix the bugs. This is still a buggy game, reducing enjoyment.

    I think this game has a ton of potential, and I'd love to see it. At the moment, I can only leave a mixed review, but I look forward to improving my rating.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    NTR, Goblins, All types of girls ready to become goblin sluts. Great potential to become big NTR goblin game that will make all cocks hard and ready to go. Only bad stuff is no walktrough(its not hard to do quests though, but i allways fear i might have missed a scene or something.) and combat, like who cares about combat, make it ez. Everything else is perfect!!!
    As ntr fan what more would you like to have.

    Idk if the creator reads these, but i would give some suggestions.
    -More goblins, or atleast one or two gangbangs in a cave with passing goblins or something...
    -you have orcs, you have goblins, There is gotta be atleast one scene here with a minotaur breaking atleast one girl, theres gotta be !!! its the rule man.
    -walktrough, or something to get or to know what scenes you get, this way i leave all the girls with goblins, but what if would have gotten more ntr if i took one girl with me or something, idk, i know its mostly linear but still would be cool.

    Thats all, 0.7 version looks good, with a good promice to become top 10 ntr game, hopefully creator dont get bored or something like tyrant creator did.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Really like the idea, not common around here, so it has it's own personality.

    Hot looking girls, each one beign different from the rest.

    Good plot, the goblins story and dialogues are very well implemented. Fair combination of gameplay and scenes.

    the only counterpart is that there's a certain zone where you can't see the MC Sprite. This bug is need to be solved

    The scenes are pretty hot. Looking forward for more content. Hope the developer release the updates a little more often. But its normal since it hasn't many patreons yet. I hope more people come across this project and see that its a good one, worth the invest.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    This game theme is right up my alley, but...!

    While I really like the script and cannot understand why some people give 1-star ratings, because they don't like NTR-elements or "ugly" antagonists, as if people would critizize horror movies for being scary... (idiots!).

    However, there are valid things to critizize:
    - while render-quality is fine the RPGM assets and sprites are very basic
    - not well-optimized for lower-end machines
    - english language version is well understandable but not good
    - it has a quest log, but the descriptions are lacking
    - game-breaking bugs (unresolvable and resolvable movement issues)

    All in all the RPGM-side of the game feels very basic and unpolished. As mentioned, I like the story and have no problem with a basic asset RPGM game, but poor execution hold this game back. Without game-breaking bugs I would rate this average (3*) with the potential for 4*, but as it stands it cannot be higher rated as 2*, as it's content isn't even accessible at the moment.

    2 stars, for the time being
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I don't know how this is considered NTR since the MC doesn't care sexually about the characters that others are hitting on. MC does get sex with other characters that desire him. So I think that the NTR tag is a bit misleading.

    The game is simple, no walkthrough required.
    Good balance of sexy scenes and RPG adventure.
    Variety of characters and body types.

    Corruption happens too fast for my taste. In 4-5 scenes with each character we are already nearing penetration.
    Renders are sometimes off. For example, a woman tries to hide her body from a peeper and crosses her legs but doesn't hide her boobs with a hand and doesn't turn around.
    Mindsets, internal conflicts, changes in outlooks of characters aren't explored that much.
    Came across one bug that has been here for some time (currently playing version 0.6).

    I still enjoyed it but not sure if I'd recommend.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty good storytelling with decently paced build up, good amount of content.
    No endless task and walking but a story fitting ,steady drip of content.
    Personally i like the renders and can't wait what the future holds for this game.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    OMG nearly gem status! greatly implemeted ideas with very solid renders and a unique look of characters. :)

    + multiple protagonists
    + ugly/beauty fetish
    + curvy girls (well most of them)
    + goblins
    + sometimes funny dialogues
    + good written most of the time
    + nice idea
    + no too hard gameplay/fights
    + interesting characters
    + breeding
    + corruption
    + unique models for goblins
    + very hot half goblin girl! (hope she can get breed by goblins too)
    + quite long early version
    + not too much text :)

    - one girl looks way too immature and thin
    - some outfit choices are far from medieval fantasy and just slutty xD
    - (some girls lack a bit of curves and curvy girls could be even more curvy)
    - goblins are unique but look too similar face wise (most intelligent should have the oldest or ugliest face)
    - (missing very old goblin or old human like old healer and incest with him *sniff*)
    - no sex atm (for quite some long early version ^^)

    About the females in specific:

    1. Amelia (mother/queen): hot. lovely face, lovely curves and hair could be even more curvy overall a bit in my opinion but great girls and in my top two
    2. Charlotte (daughter): very hot. extremely lovely face, nice hair, nice curves, could have a bit bigger tits but my number 1 of all females with queen shortly after
    3. Rosie (companion): interesting and pretty face, hips, nice outfit, but lacks tits and especially legs and butt for a leg/butt girl in my opinion also red hair could be even more red
    4. Lily (healer): pretty and nice face, nice hairstyle and colour, nice nipples, saldy lacks curves - neither hips/butt nor boobs
    5. Caroline (youngest daughter): cute but totally cringe and lets me feel uncompfortable. got she 18 or Charlotte? if she got 18 she doesn't look like that at all! either get rid of her or change her please even noah looks older... (she says she is "cursed" maybe mc can uncurse her?) (hoped she would be the bastard sad :p)
    6. Half-Hoblin Girl: very hot body (wish the others had such a body beside the queen and Charlotte) , nice face, hair and hot character but i want her to get optionally breeded by goblins too please
    Charlotte/Amelia(Queen) > Halfgoblin girl > other girls > Caroline
    Quest: Meal for Two: screen freezes when mc visits girl tent and watched mother and caroline in bed! please fix <3

    Overall a really great game with some really hot girls and kink. If this game will get continued, this annoying bug gets fixed, all girls get nipples and Caroline will get an age upgrade model wise this game will be awesome. can't wait for sex with Charlotte and Mober and Stonky with Amelia (mommy feeding time) :love:

    i hope there will be soon more to come maybe is some things get added/fixed i consider to support this amazing project even i have not much money atm
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    review version 0.4
    a mix of western and japanese games, give live to a good rpg game.
    have you aver played an ntr rpg hentai game? you will love this one
    do you like well made daz3d immages more then japanes drawings? you will love this one
    There is the loli, the big onecha, the queen milf, the gentle healer, the hot red hotty, the queer little brother and 3 lecherous goblins that will everything in their power to make themself an harem at your expences.

    art 8,5/10 needs more animation maybe ?
    story: 8/10 classical hentai ntr one but with a touch of western vibe
    overall: 8/10 i think that the only thing i didn't like is that i want more game to play!

    Definitely in my top 10 on this site right now, looking foward to the next version

    P.S those that got stuck is cause they didn't read a single line of dialogs
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Ok .. I tried it - even when it is RPGM ... but its boring and broken.

    You play a boring fight, search for your trigger. Some strange conversation and a stupid plan (why leaving the castle? o_O) and then you have to search for a room and you have no clue where that is. Then the game jumps and places you in a room with some text about a book about hunting. Then you leave that room, blackscreen and soundloop. Broken. Game over.

    Edit: Tried it again. You really has to talk to ppl in the right order or something might break ... annoying af. When every thing is linear - just skip the running.... then another boring fight (spam space to be quicker).

    Then we have a nightly bathing scene in bright daylight.... yeah ...

    Then more running around and boring fights and no real clue where to go ... you have to find berries, but there is only 1 blue and red berry bush, you cant leave the zone. stuck again.

    Maybe a bug? I still have a talking quest from the castle in my questlog because I never talked to lily before the "fight" triggered and you have to leave. Killed everything in Amelia Woods Zone 1 and 2 and cant do shit now.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Although this game is still very much early in its life. The well written story gives it a lot of potential going forward.

    If you're into goblin on girl action then you'll love this game.

    I would say its not too grindy and its certainly not a ren'py , its somewhere in the middle. The cut-scenes do a good job of breaking up the gameplay.

    I can't wait to play more and I really hope the game developer sticks with this game.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Really good start to what appears to be a slow build up corruption rpg, the fight element is added for the sake of it. Overall appears to be a partial NTR because it is the MC's family not necessarily his love interest, at least with the choices I made. I don't like the amount of straight up nudity, especially for the mother without any sexual activity, breaks the slow corruption vibe a lot. So far the content and gameplay is adequate and outside of cheating to not grind through combat, I have not had any problems with the game.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is pretty awesome! Love the NTR vibe and goblins being the ones to seduce and corrupt is a great thing (there's not too much of that on F95). If you like corruption then your gonna like this!
    I have to say I do not like this being in RPG maker (but its too late to change that lol). Here's my review.

    - Awesome concept and I love corruption. I like how it seems the goblins will corrupt the girls all in different ways, some easier than others. This isn't groundbreaking but you would be surprised how many NTR games fuck this up.
    - Very pretty renders and scenes, forests and lakes.
    - Characters look hot and you have a nice range, from skinny and loli to motherly and stacked.
    - Goblin models (and their huge dongs) all looked great, compared to other games these look sneaky and still human enough.
    - Good pace for corruption, not too sexually fast (blows the build up of NTR) and not too slow (you see a good amount of nudity and sexual situations).


    - RPG maker game. I hate this engine so much. I don't want to kill 19 wolves to progress, if I wanted to do that I would load up World of Warcraft.
    - Wolf attack animation is too goddamn slow holy fuck, I'm tired of waiting for these things to scratch me, this makes the already slow combat so much more annoying.
    - Combat in general is too slow, no clue if there's a way to speed it up (cntrl, alt, enter and space bar didn't work). Please god make it faster somehow.
    - Jumping the river in the very first MC quest is dumb and I had NO CLUE you were supposed to do that, I even noticed there was no "dirt" in that location and walked to it but no indication it could be jumped.
    - The berry trees are a little hard to notice.
    - Please add a "quest helper" or more quest hints. After completing the game on second run through they were much easier but I almost gave up when I entered the castle and started roaming around looking for someone to talk too...
    - Not being able to see missed scenes is going to be a massive issue for me (and im sure others). There's no way im repeating playthroughs just to see a different scene and that's a bummer.

    All in all this game gave me 10/10 boners and the corruption concept is hot as hell, its a testament to how great this concept is (and the scenes/renders) that this game managed to get me to play another RPG maker game.
    I would give this game a 5/5 stars if it wasn't RPG maker, and it will earn 5/5 stars from me when its closer to being finished.
    Might join patreon, hope this gets completed!
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Don't get fooled by the weird looking renders in the overview, they got updated (especially the goblins) and look pretty good now i must say.

    A really nice setup for a pure NTR story which is really aprreciated!

    The real downside are the boring battles in between the scenes as well as spelling errors and bugs.


    Pics have been updated since
    Still bugs but the scenes are awesome,

    Keep it up!