HTML - Forsaken Throne [v0.15] [SmallTownGames]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Writing: 7/10
    Imagery: 7/10
    Gameplay: 5/10
    Kinks: 6/10
    Overall: 7/10

    Casual conversations with the biblical Cain.

    One day you get a badass looking skeleton man in a suit in your head, turns out he's 'that' Cain from the bible, and he's here to give you powers and train you to becoming a little known but legendary human. You're granted the use of the seven deadly sins, and you can use them to bend the wills of others to your bidding.

    So yes, it's a mind control porn game with IRL pictures. There's a dozen others I can think of, so what makes this one unique? Well the story for one delves into biblical theories, amusing banter with Cain, as well as learning about this secret society of witches and hunters from the Church. All the while Cain fills you in on revelations that would break the very fabric of religion.

    The way you also go about mind controlling the women (and men) around you is also more unique. It's not immediate, training your use of a sin takes time, and not all women are susceptible to the same sin. So you'll wander about looking for a new girl to add to your radar, and figure out how to best corrupt her.

    I do wish there was a tad bit more direction though, as the map can feel pretty sandbox-ish at times. Sometimes you'll not know how to activate the next step in a mission or quest line, which usually means you need to sleep more or just keep repeating daily events.

    So far the game is at just a 'taste' of what it can offer, so I'm going to hold out for a 0.5 version before returning.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    It's a typical sandbox browser game without anything special going for it. The UI is serviceable, but somewhat awkward to navigate. The writing is subpar, but nothing out of the ordinary for a porn game. Normally a 2.5/5, but where it loses the most points is a homophobic scene where you compel a lesbian woman to crave penis and sex with a man. Just no.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Kinda overrated with 2 star as it really doesn't feel like dev is currently serious about development atm.

    One of those linear story telling game with no re-playable/sandbox content but require you to click multiple places to progress quest for absolutely no reason. After you done with quest content then what you have is a dead sandbox.

    Ppl might think the UI is neat but actually it is the basic Twine Sugarcube UI with color instead of default black. Cannot blame ppl for not able to recognize this bc recent new works like to waste time redesign UI for no good intent.

    Atm, the UI content are all over the place and confusing is bc dev is not being serious in development, but lazily pushing story forward without tying the UI content (hint, power, and character info) to story progression. Undoubtedly, we will see a rework from the ground up very soon if this kind of lazy development continue.

    Built a sandbox environment then ignore making content for it: wasting development time and falsify playtime. Literally making ppl hate sandbox for the wrong reason.

    In addition, changelog that just logging how many words the game has is just absolutely cringe. A month development only able to produce 6600 words...That is equivalent to less than 7 days of writing. Did not know adding passage tag took additional 23 days.

    Lastly, S-scenes to illustrate are few and that is too generous wording for it.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    I do believe this game has some potential but the UI disrupt it all...
    Like I do appreciate the tips helping you on the storyline developpement but how is this many buttons even a manageable thing for the dev for the future of the game.

    Imagine the game starts with that messy of a UI, how could it actually get better like he says it will?

    Also, some part of the game lack life a little bit, too dark themed. I'd enjoy some nice variation in color to bring emotions to the players.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Review for 0.05
    Story is not particulary unique, but the writing is not bad. I don't understand how players can give a 5 star rating to something which is a UI nightmare. Why so many buttons? What is the point in having locations if there is no content for it? Surely that is just making your life and your players difficult. Especially since it is unclear on exactly what players are meant to do. Personally, I was clicking through locations to trigger events. Cain's tips are confusing because certain story events need to happen prior to doing what he says. I think there is an error with Ellie's makeup bathroom quest since she never appears in the bathroom at all on wednesday. My fix was just to manually move her to the bathroom on wednesday morning.
    If anyone else had this issue open console and type on wednesday morning:"bathroom". Then visit the bathroom.

    The bugs are minor in my opinion, the main problem is the directionless feeling and pointless waiting around for certain events to occur.
    Twine allows devs to easily make branching narratives, but this game doesn't use any of it. While choice isn't essential, if you strip out all the clicking and waiting around, this game has a 10 minute completely linear experience. To the players rating 5 stars, am i missing something from this game? Do you guys seriously think this is the perfect game?
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    if i had the money, id single handily would fund this whole operation. Forget the porn for one second, albeit it really good, the writing though? goddamn. there's no way whoever made this isnt working in the industry. The idea of Cain is amazing and the writing already made me lough out loud in the first few minutes. i always knew league of legends was made in hell.

    Me and you both know this isn't exactly really the norm out here, If youre looking to be entertained by basically all possible ways a porn game is able to provide, this is it. Seriously, give this one a try. Hell, this is literally worth both your time AND money. Hope the author reads this as well. Cheers mate. You've made my day,

    Edit; the guy above me is a massive nerd
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This one is actually pretty entertaining. MC gets powers which he uses to corrupt and gain more powers. A lot of wife stealing is involved, which is a super rare niche for some reason but actually pretty hot. Also some revenge porn on your feminazi bitch of a "landlady", one of my faves, totally justified of course because she tried to abort you.
    Writing is well done and main story pacing is good. Main story is not very far developed yet, seems now the focus now is on bending the people close to you to your will.
    That said there are no choices in this game and later on there is a form of sandbox without any repeatable events where you just find the next button to continue a storyline. I suggest using the in-game help (Cain) as most of the time these just cannot be guessed (be at x location on day Y at time Z).
    For both of your "landladies" and their three other "tenants" I woud have preferred a somewhat slower burn but what can we do.
    Dev promised to try to keep updates to a biweekly schedule, I'll keep an eye on this project.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I generally don't like real porn games or sandboxes but I'm really enjoying this one so far because it does a good job of delivering a very rare fetish. That is, the MC getting lesbian women to cheat on their partners with him. Actual lesbians, not just bisexuals. He is able to do this thanks to his new powers which makes women attracted to him and everyone (including other men) submissive towards him.

    There is no grinding in this game, you simply have to be at the right place at the right time to unlock scenes. There's a hints page if you get stuck and also an information page that tells you what percentage of content you've unlocked with each girl.

    The sex scenes are heavily text based. You get a few images and maybe one gif per scene. I considered taking a star off due to this but decided not to because the writing still made the scenes really hot. The MC is very dominant, which I like. He tames his "landlady's" bitchy wife, gets another lesbian girl to suck his cock while he looks at pictures of her girlfriend on her phone, and openly cucks a guy by making him watch as he fucks his wife and then even gets the cuck to pay him afterwards. It's awesome.

    If you like maledom and the MC cucking others (including women), give it a try.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    As of v0.02.
    Very nice narrative driven game. I do like way you use your Lust powers. Too bad that despite unlocking next one I barely bet to use it.
    So far game is rather short and is lacking clear indicator when available material ends, but despite that it picked my interest. Can't wait for continuation.
  10. 3.00 star(s)

    Petite Jolie

    Early stages game, but already game-breaking bugs. The hints from Cain never update, and there are sometimes no clear path forward. Improving these things will definitely raise the score. Adding more content between updates will help as well
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I really really like the story and all the fantasy elements. The models used are great as well and would love to see more corruption of the witches, and maybe later even an angel. Maybe a hints system could be added either to the left column of the page or as an app on the phone.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    As of V0.09 (Serveal Releases Later) Forsaken Throne has shown great Improvement in fixing the Issuses (Minor) and greatly explaning the Plot and game, choices of Characters. Offers a choice of which Sin to go after next rather than telling you pick Sin. Which opens up replayable options

    My first Review was 3 out of 5 as of V0.01 ( Dec 26 2023)