
Game Developer
Oct 7, 2020
Whoops, looks like I broke something with the last update. The <<return>> and <<back>> bugs are fixed, thanks for reporting.

Again, if anyone wants to help, any quest writing is appreciated. You can even simply fully write all four outcomes of the quest (disaster/failure/success/crit), put it in this thread, and I'll see about putting them in the game.

The maximum level of fort is going to be around 150, but the game's design goal is that the fort upgrades should be the main progression method. I am trying to fill out the quests first to get a feeling on how much money we will be making before increasing fort upgrade level and balancing the fort's upgrade prices.

Regarding twine save issue, you can usually "fix" it by choosing to save to file and load from file.

There are no plans of enabling you to play as a slave. You are playing as a slaver (or rather, the head of a slaver band) in this game.
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New Member
May 8, 2017
Rather than Free cities this looks more like another take on the No Haven (crit/success/fail/disaster, scout plains for quests, etc.), but with some new twists like base building and the likes of it.
darkofoc are there plans for custom character creation instead of selection role like it is right now?
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Aug 1, 2017
The costs of additional build slots ramps up WAY too fast, imo. If current costs aren't changed, I'd suggest some sort of decay on the cost based on the last time you've expanded. That way a progression can be kept without it taking several weeks just to build up the funds to buy one build slot. $5k+ got build slots is just too much, particularly if you're just wanting to add a dungeon cell or a bed for another slaver.

An alternate mechanic to consider is to roll the cost of the build slot into what's being built, then you don't need to buy build slot and then buy what you put there. Just buy what you're putting in for one cost. That'll let you tune the prices a little more easily, with things that are notably more "advanced" costing more for their construction in total, and more basic things that you should almost always be able to afford(like the mentioned dungeon and slaver slots) being actually affordable once the place starts to fill up.

And don't take this as criticism, I'm rather enjoying the game so far. Great start so far.


Active Member
Apr 25, 2018
one way to fix great price inflation to expansion is to split for to two (or more) levels. basicaly underground (for dungeons and other slaves stuff), and above ground - for rest :). with this system implemented it will be posible to even expand beyond fort itself.
and for cost of expansion - well, there is ALLWAYS posibility to create missions with goal to expand/clear a fort.


Active Member
Apr 25, 2018
tried latest bugfix, started debug to see what is fixed and here are additional ideas :
- pls, pls, pls, rework fort expansion to subcategories like slaves/slavers/exploration/train rooms..etc. now it is mess to find exact upgrade you want.
-can you add posibility (with some training) to turn slave into slaver ? since now i got generated very nice slave, will will be 1st class slaver. pls, add it.
-and yeah, pls add posiblity to FIRE slavers , you know you can allways find better ones, and with limited living space...
-are slavers gaining xp when they are perforing duty ? because it looks that they dont (or is here way to look how many exp char need to lvl up?).

- when you build marketplace/sex shop, text here is incorrectly refering here as slave pens and x slaves instead of wares. it is confusing.
-just now got generated slaver which did have traits kind and evil..end these are basicaly oposite, and canceled each other :) . so i think you need to add oposite/exclusive tags to traits
-and for traits, i noticed that brave is adding 20% to sex, but i think it should be combat.
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Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 20, 2016
And another one. The Messenger post option after a critical fuckhole fair success doesn't work.


I hope I don't seem to negative with all these bug reports. It's a fun game you have here.
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Game Developer
Oct 7, 2020
Thanks for the feedback. I'll keep the update frequent until the game is stable (aka no big bugs), then slow down the pace.

Character customization is in the cards, but they're on the bottom of the deck. Top priority is content first.

I've slowed down the fort upgrade cost ramp, but it's temporary. It will be revisited once there are at least one quest of every level.

Construction mess is really bad yeah. I've fixed it though, now you can filter through it. Thanks for the suggestion.

Slavers don't get EXP from duties right now. I haven't come up with a way to make it not overpowered.

You can dismiss slavers --- it was not intuitive before, but it should be now.

All the other bug reported are fixed too, thanks!

docclox Thanks again, its fixed. Glad to hear!

thehyena forgot to reply, but equipment is fully implemented. Naked equipment is considered too slutty for slavers though. It was not intuitive before, but it should be now.
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Jul 20, 2017
Cant start the game on 0.9.3
After you select the 2nd free slaver it doesnt progress


What I meant about equipment is. I saw leather armor gives combat bonus so I thought its for slavers. But when you click to equip only the slaves show up. So I was confused to why slaves need armor that gives combat bonus when their only use seems to be domestic or sexual service
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Game Developer
Oct 7, 2020
Whoops I broke the game. Brb fixing, thanks for report. Slave need armor for sluttiness + value, which can increase their values when sold or prerequisites for some quests. Armor are for slavers.
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Active Member
Dec 24, 2017
Tried to choose a training for my one and only slave (who has completed basic obedience).
Down at the very bottom of the long list trainings is
Error: <<back>>: cannot find passage


Game Developer
Oct 7, 2020
Tried to choose a training for my one and only slave (who has completed basic obedience).
Down at the very bottom of the long list trainings is
Error: <<back>>: cannot find passage
This was a bug. It should be fixed in the current version, sorry :'(
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Jul 20, 2017
Ohhh I see now, the equipment set needs pants so the slaver isnt naked. I think I tried with gloves or boots and slavers didnt show up. Worked as soon as I put pants in set


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 20, 2016
If you choose to defend the village against the werewolves, it takes you to the mail room.

If you haven't built the mail room yet, you get stuck.

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Active Member
Apr 25, 2018
well, basicaly now you can lvl up your slavers every turn for a long time. i think around week 40 i did have my slavers at lvl 20, mayby even more.
so lets say, taht slaver on duty will earn exp as say, slaver on lvl5 mission ? you can go to lvl 10+ missions very early in the game. it will not be fast way to earn exp, but more safe since no chance of injury :)


Jul 12, 2018
I have a few questions about writing quests. I've been reading through the stuff on github, but there's some stuff that I missed or isn't there.
1. Can quests have specifically-designed slaves as rewards, as some do in No Haven?
1a. To what degree can quests specify slave rewards (e.g. you can have a "Capture a Healer" quest that only grants healer slaves or something like that)?
2. Are No Haven-style quest chains possible?
3. Is it possible to start writing for slaver or slave interactions, or is that waiting on further implementation?
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