Honestly, I'm fine with RNG. I'm also fine with RNG within RNG. I'm fine even with old Fallout-level of RNG (which can be funny and entertaining). But only if it's an "honest" RNG. And RNG in this game... Either it has some hidden additional modifiers, appliable AFTER the predicted results are shown, or it's simply broken - many times I've tried to check the average ratio of crits by save-scumming (each time it's usually either 50 or 100 rerolls) though the same quests and always, ALWAYS the results were disasterously bad (like, the chance of critical failure of 3% is usually has around the same chances of appearing as critical succes of 20%, sometimes even more often). It seriously feels like the algorithm for these calculations is something like:
p1. roll by the calculated chances: if "win" - proceed to p2, if "loss" - proceed to Result
p2. are you sure it's a "win"? Just to be sure, let's roll again (50/50): if "win" - proceed to p3, if "loss" - proceed to Result
p3. you're not shitting, are you? Just in case, roll again (50/50): if "win" - proceed to p4, if "loss" - proceed to Result
p4. okay, okay, that would be the last one, honestly! Last roll (50/50) and we'll go to Result
Result. shows you the results of that magical RNG.
And then there's that grinding. Grinding through wallowing in an ocean of bad RNG and despair...