VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Foster Home for Fantasy Girls [v0.3.8_10 Octopus Part 2] [CardinalRed & Tired Txxus]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    the artwork is pretty uneven throughout the game and it honestly looks like a rough draft in lots of places but the story is very good and quickly sucked me in

    im a little squicked out by the child presenting elf but shes written as a traumatized but mature young woman so thats not a big concern

    the mechanics and gameplay options are also very limited to train/work/timepass but hopefully that will get improved as well

    like so many games here theres a lot of potential but the setup and follow thru so far is good... i just hope the art gets cleaned up
    Likes: aslop
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay, took a few atrempts to get into this game from the earlier versions. And I am so glad I was stubborn to not let this go. I love this game! The art style is absolutely great! The characters are so lovable! And the story is incredibly sweet as it is sultry! I had trouble getting into this game before. Took me a few times. I finally really jumped into this version hard, and I cannot wait to see what happens in the next updates!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I will be digging into some of the later aspects of this game and it could possibly "spoil the surprise" for you, but if you just came here to see the review or don't care about all that, continue on.

    at first I was doubtful about playing this and almost stopped playing, but I'm glad I pushed through it, you play as a troubled man trying to get over his xenophobia deeply implanted in him from a young age for centuries as a super solider, due to this he will verbally abuse the girls you'll grow to like a lot faster than he will, and at the start you will feel like you are watching a toxic relationship unfold (which made me almost stop playing) however this disgust comes from his conditioning as a solider and as the relationships with the girls develop you realize your own mc's problems and it's shed under a more understanding light

    it depends on if you believe in forgiveness if you will like the mc at all, and wow all that dense paragraph just to give a tl'dr on the captivating situation you find yourself in? yeah this game is too good for it's own good.

    the scenes oh my god the scenes, terrifyingly beautiful, i'm already a big fan of pixel artstyles but large resolution pixel art of this size animated in the way it is? it's almost one of a kind, you can truly ignore everything else but you gotta see the animated scenes in this game they are just a spectacle.

    wrapping it up, phew now to talk about the gameplay, well it's literally a trainer game and the mc refers to it as such "training" it's not complicated, just a relationship and submission stat, non-interactive scenes but it's a ren'py game what did you expect, theres a map to explore with a very things put here and there.

    as a visual novel mainly what carries is story, character, scenes, and this game fucking knocks all of those out the park, plenty of text, plenty of conversation, plenty of scenes, if you still haven't played this, i urge you to do so now
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The artstyle is fantastic with a specific charm to it

    The writing is also charming with lots of nice humour mixed within and the NSFW scenes are done really well

    looking forward to any future development of the game
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    Surprisingly good. I almost skipped it because the art work is an acquired taste. The character of the elve girl is what really carries the game. Still needs more content but definitely worth giving a try.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of those games when you wanna jerk off guilt free. You're gonna be playing it and enjoying smashing the characters. The art is cute and does it's job. There is a good and bad path and both are written fairly well. Looking forward to more content.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    While it's not finished, I feel like the parts that are there are pretty good. Love the art and characters and would certainly love to see it get completed. It reminds me somewhat of Teaching Feelings, but I like this art style better and multiple girls certainly doesn't hurt.
    Likes: Txxus
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice idea and so far well executed. I personally wouldn't call this a Beta yet since it obviously isn't anywhere near feature complete but what's there is nice. There is a not unsubstantial amount of typos which will hopefully be fixed and not a lot of content yet.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The art is very charming and unique. Fey and Petra are very cute and sexy, and that goes beyond their appearances. Fey is a sweetheart and you can't help but want to make her happy. There isn't a lot of Petra content at the time of writing this, but I love that goblin short stack and appreciate what is there. I'm looking forward to seeing what other fantasy creatures the developers might be planning.

    I wasn't at all a fan of the protagonist at first, but as the story progresses you get a sense for the level of indoctrination he's undergone and it allows for a great bit of character growth. It's an excellent commentary on religion and the way it influences things like prejudice.

    Since I'm reviewing a beta build (5th beta) I don't want to judge too harshly, but the best part of the game is interacting with the girls. It would be nice to have them wandering the house throughout the day rather than holed up in their rooms,. I'm hoping that eventually that will be the case; offering events as you wander about. Currently there's very little to do aside from the limited daily interactions, earning money, and feeding the girls; but the game in its current state is really enjoyable. It manages to be sweet, comfortable, and exciting at the same time with appropriately atmospheric music throughout. I'm looking forward to more
    Likes: Txxus
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I was a bit skeptical, the art seemed a little weird. And ultimately, some of the artstyles were creepy. I also dont very much like "damaged goods" as the game calls it, but I gotta say.. Fey is adorable. The entire game is wholesome in it's own right, and most of the lewd content so far is really high quality. Crazy high framerate animations with lots of detail. This only makes me really look forward towards newer updates.

    Especially now that the Goblin/Orc girl is also there.

    Honestly, this went from "not sure if I wanna even try this" to easily one of my favourite games that I played this year on this website. Bravo. Following this with big expectations and a huge amount of praise.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely loving the writing and characters in this one. The MC is fairly unique in a harem game. I often find myself thinking what an asshole he is, only to remind myself again that he's an over 200 year old killing machine who has his whole belief system turned around and is now forced to rely on the "creatures" he has learned to hate with every fiber of his being. Yet he's so focused and in control of himself that he actively tries to completely change his view of them.

    The art is also great, and it's nice seeing some "flawed" girls for once.

    If there's one thing that's lowering my enjoyment of the game it's knowing how little there is of it and how slowly the development seems to proceed. But to me that's hardly something to complain about on a free game.
    Likes: Txxus
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game shows a ton of promise. The MC and the elf are well written unique characters, and I love the relationship that is slowly building between them. The game is very clearly still in early development and the sandbox feels very empty right now, but I have high hopes for its development.
    Likes: Txxus
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    A unique art style, endearing characters, captivating story, and a breath of fresh air protagonist for this genre. Foster's Home for Fantasy Girls chooses to take the bold approach from start to finish in this Game. You'll find yourself immersed in the story within seconds and you'll leave wanting more.

    Some may not like the art style for this.. I know quite a few people who don't like pixel art, but I've never seen pixel art quite like this. It just kind of keeps your eyes glued to what's going on onscreen. You WILL find what you see enticing, but more than that I actually feel that the specific art style actually works rather well given the characters and story being told. It truly is something you will just have to play to experience.

    I won't speak much of the story, the summary given is more than enough, but you won't be disappointed with the characters. The game makes it quite clear very early on what it is doing and what the state of the world is like. The protagonist goes into things in a way that you start off wondering if you're the bad guy in this or what.

    The only real downsides (That you really can't call downsides to the game itself) is that there's not a lot of content out currently, leaving you wanting more and that the developer seems to be working on this project alone or with a small team and isn't really receiving good backing. The current cliffhanger given to the end of the current batch of content is especially a tease accentuating that feeling of wanting to continue on even more.

    + Rather Unique protagonist
    + Endearing well done characters
    + Extremely good story
    + Art that accentuates the characters and story to a large degree
    + Bold choices that paid off in several ways
    + Game has a clear goal and sets you on that task rather quickly

    - Small team/low backing means slower content roll out
    - Currently not a lot of content in the game
    - The gameplay is rather limited with the current lack of content
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Version played: 0.3.8:

    I quite like the setting and the art style, though it is not the best pixel art I have ever seen it's still pretty decent.
    However in terms of content there simply is not a lot of it now and considering the first version released in 2021 I don't expect things to be be improving fast on that front either.

    It also suffers from the empty open world, where you feel fairly restricted because of the lack of content. As such I think a linear vn would be better suited for the pace of development here.

    Overal I would say this game is worth it but don't expect too much, it may just be better to wait another couple of years for things to progress a bit, if at all. I most certainly won't revisit this for a while.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Cute art and endearing characters. MC is a breath of fresh air compared to typical porn games. Feels unique and interesting and actually has likeable character development. Only complaint is that content is on the low side as of this review, looking forward to more.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is good, animations are good, there are small typos, even beyond what you would assume of a french elf butchering English but I don't think that is enough to dock it points. The game looks like it has a good future so I hope it doesn't get stuck in devhell.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Great art, story and character development. Could use more lewd scenes but they are still good. Characters are cute and lovable and they grow on you fast. Good game. I hope more people support this game on patreon so the dev can dedicate more time to it.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    I like this game. Its very quirky and creative and has a lot of potential to expand in different ways.

    -Has pixel art style
    -Decent dialogue
    -Sandboxy type game
    -More than 1 girl to train
    -A lot of potential for this game to expand

    -All content can be played through under a hour
    -Lacking development with girls corruption
    -Not enough footjob/sex with soles in view scenes
    -Limited locations on map
    -Gameplay loop can be grindy
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    So, if you're looking for quirky and surprising, it's this.

    From the content that is here, and knowing it doesn't represent even a small portion of the totality to come, I'm sold. It's cute, it's quirky. The inclusion of an elf with physical handicaps was such a subtle and smart choice on the devs part. It's not on any fetish list I have, and yet there I was all in for a one armed, one eared elf girl.

    It's a little saccharine sweet for my taste, given the premise is slavery you spend an awful lot of time being topped from the bottom, but it works in the context and the writing is pretty decent.

    This is definitely on my follow list now.

    Dev is obviously making some risky decisions which pay off
    Art style is cutesy, while also maintaining the detail all pervs desire
    Trainer style game really works for the Foster Home motif perfectly

    Can feel a bit grindy, but I'm sure that will pass as more content is added.
    That it's over so quickly. Not gonna lie, I was just getting into it and... done. Damn you Txxus. DAMN YOU!
    And finally, the art style is here too. This wont be for people looking for mindblowing renders of their niece getting railed by 19 guys in a Dennys.

    Good job Txxus, you made me write my first actual review.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Great Game. The MC is quiete a nice character. You are really intrigued to see
    How he becomes. The FMC is nice aswell. The game design is great. And there was not one but while playing this game. But the game is still short.

    So lets see how it works out.
    Likes: Txxus