
Others - Completed - Foto Flash [Final] [Studio Gamaii]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Just played this on a whim this evening. Very short game, finished in just over an hour (including some time wasted wandering trying to remember where people were). There is also no sexual content beyond suggestive poses and some exposed breasts and panties.

    If you are someone who accepts the above caveats, however, there is a lot to like about Foto Flash. One of the things promised in the overview of the game is "funky tracks" and I'm glad to say this game delivers. I usually mute the BGM of H games and play my own music, but I was jamming out to the soundtrack of this one. As a fun mechanic, the player actually buys the different BGM tracks at a CD store as the game progresses in order to hear them. The song loops are pretty short though, so probably wouldn't hold up past a couple hours (but that's all the game would take for most).

    Both the pixel art and lewd line art are colorful, nicely done and fun to look at. My only complaint about the pixel overworld would be that it is a little samey, which makes it easy to get disoriented early on, especially as the game has no map. After a little while though, I found myself used to the layout of the relatively small world. It is charming, though, with different businesses and homes just for flavor, and colorful beaches with rolling tides. In tandem with the BGM, this really game the game a fun and upbeat atmosphere.

    A nice addition to this was that the MC's dialogue and interactions with the girls is all written in a polite but fun way, so there's no elements of creepiness or coercion in this technicolor vanilla experience. (Well there are a couple creepy guys, but they are included for laughs and don't harm anyone). The game even has a censorship option if you want a really tame experience :unsure:

    In terms of gameplay, it's basically just a series of fetch quests based on finding items scattered on the ground. If the game was much longer, this would probably grow tiresome, but I found that the funny dialogue and fun series of item unlocks to be gripping enough that I stuck around. There is also an in-game hotline for getting unstuck, which actually gave me the resolution to my single longest item search (or maybe that hotline enables the item or something? Not totally sure as it was the last item and I only called once :censored:)

    Ultimately, I had fun with this game, and while I don't think I'll play it again, it was a unique and charming experience while it lasted.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is an RPG about a photographer dude looking to get dirty pics for his boss' magazine. It has no battle elements and is more of a puzzle style game.

    Art: 6/10 - Pretty good, colour and line-art is done well. It's a cartoony style that adds to the retro feel of the game. Some of the chicks aren't that sexy and aren't drawn that well with a few exceptions.

    Animation: 5/10 - Sprite animations only. No sexual content apart from CG.

    Gameplay: 8/10 - It an odd fish, quite unique but surprisingly fun. The music is done well and the game is entertaining overall. Youre doing a bunch of fetch quests and puzzles for different chicks so nothing much else to mention game-play wise.

    Story: 5/10 - It's a fun casual game. Do quests get tiddy pics for magazine.

    CG: 6/10 - The images are fun and colourful. It's a waste though because all you're getting is nip slips (sometimes not even) or a bit of ass. Nothing else.

    Length: 2/10 - 2-3 hours max. You can complete the game fairly quickly and youll have fun doing it.

    Boner: 1/10 - Theres no sexual content apart from CG rewards from the girls and some dude talking about fapping. Youll play this one for fun and but probably wont get off on it.

    In conclusion: It's a good game. Ratings are a bit harsh because theres no sex or full nudity as we'd expect from a site like this. But don't let that stop you from trying out this great game.

    If you wana play a GREAT sprite RPG try out "Milky Quest" or "Alternate DiMansion Mystery Record"

    If you wana play a GREAT side-scroller and don't mind (amazing) pixel art, try out "Parasite in City" or "Anthophobia".

    If you want to play an amazing CG RPG try out "Meltys Quest" or "Sangeki of Gear"