Ren'Py - Four Elements Trainer [v1.0.8c] [Mity]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    By far one of the best trainers I've played personally, not to mention it's not even complete. That said, there's loooooads of content. Pun INTENDED. The animation and art is 10/10. The story pretty good, jokes are funny. SMUT is FANTASTIC.
    All I can really say is I just want more content and there's already lots.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 44843

    While I was quite troubled initially with this game, I have completely turned around with the latest update (v6.0.9). Not only is this game progressing well with meaningful updates, but the content itself is exceptionally well-crafted and unobtrusively humorous.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, great art. I always enjoy the training aspect in games like this. Story pace is good in my opinion as so is content that every update brings. If you like me and you like to train someone then this game is definitely worth paying attention.
    Likes: atur
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Impressive hand drawn pictures and animations. No 3DCG used in this setup. The story is really funny and reminds of the past work of Akabur. This game is refreshing if you just can see all the strange 3DCG "games".
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is one of the best 2D games on this site. The story is very rich in variety because of the 2 possible paths to "conquer" the girls. The slave path has normally the more extreme scenes while the love path is usually more story driven. Both paths are very enjoyable. The art is very close to the tv series and is generally very good
  6. L
    5.00 star(s)


    one of the best porn games i've ever played there's so much content/sex scenes! And i feel so weird saying this but azula is just so hot xD oh my days. The fire nation storyline was by far my favourite. The dialog between the guards i found very funny! just love it!
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Terrible story+writing. You spend your time clicking the same things over and over until an event triggers. If I cared about Avatar I'm sure I would be interested in unlocking the nudes after battling moose hundreds of times, and talking to old women, but the game would still be bad. It has nice art, that's all.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Updated 2019.06.05

    Intro and rambling
    I first came to this site somewhere between December 2017 and Jan 2018, and it was because this is where google sent me when searching for "Avatar porn game". Why did I even search that? Some rando on reddit mentioned that there's an amazing porn game within the Avatar universe, and I thought "Well, it is my favorite anime (yes, anime) of all time, so why not?"

    Maaaaan was that a good choice. Not only because it lead me to the best porn forum on the internet, it also lead me to the best "Vanilla" porn game of all time, which is, ofc, Four Elements Trainer.

    What is this game?
    Well, it's a trainer game in the same vein as Akabaru's trainers (except, you know, good). You get to degrade a girl, slap her tits, spit on her, maybe some water-sports. The usual. By the end she loves being abused by you, because hentai logic.

    HOWEVER! This game is good. I mean really good. Is it a bit stupid? Yes. Is it charming? Insanely. Is it true to the characters? Except that they are all hentai protagonists, yes. Azula is Azula, Katara is Katara. They act as they should ... in a game where everyone is a sex crazed maniac, ofc.

    Why is this game good?
    Quality! Character writing! Witt! Funny dialog! Witty dialog! Consistency!

    I'm not one for story games, I like games that are 75% porn. This game is still high on the porn % but I play it for the story and the characters. There aren't many games I can say the same for, at most, I play other games for the setting, but not the actual story. This is just that good!

    Also it gets meaningful updates all the time. It is alive and it is thriving. I support the guys on Patreon because they are wroth the money (IMHO, YMMV).

    It is obvious the devs don't have their origins in software (or if they do, they suck). Also they are doing things that maybe ren'py isn't great at. I don't know, point is the game runs a bit badly and the minigames are trash. They are rare and ... not so intrusive. I don't particularly mind them, but I don't like them.

    Games like this kinda have to have busywork. The whole point of trainers is "breaking someone over time" and it seems that you just have to have mechanics with the object of your desire and time without her / it. Thus money grinding, or stat grinding. It's not painful, but it's not fun.

    Overall, it's not overly intrusive or overly tedious, but it is there. Game also sometimes runs badly, 8.1 (version at this point) especially.

    Play it. Just do it. Don't like book 1? Try 2/3/4. They are all different, and while book 1 is the simplest and narrowest scope, it's still good.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    this is a great game, with real animation and nice graphics, there is a lot of path to play, some funny moments and secrets all around.
    You can choose from 2 main path Slave or Love route, and be a master or lover
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Asterisk Mods

    The art is good, but what earned my rating was given for the writing. The game is hilarious. The only con is that the battle system is a little lackluster, but it is only a very small part of the game.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game, can't wait for more updates. Simple to play, game doesn't take much loading time. Also brings in some rule 34 content with the Avatar the last airbender theme. If you've seen the show, I'd recommend this game
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    FET is frikin HUGE man, and complex as shit too, never got through half of it but the little i managed to see was pretty good. Really hope the creator focus on 18titans intead of it cause FET got weeks of content and 18titans barely has a week at best.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I was very impressed with this game. Though I have barely an idea about the story of the Avatar series I was able to dive right into the story!

    I really liked the options of the love and the slave route, going all-in on both sides instead of having some half-assed middle-way nobody is content with.

    Now I'll compare this game with Akubar's witch and princess trainer because the comparison is obvious, but also because this game doesn't have to be ashamed when compared:

    - Most important thing first: In terms of sex scenes this game has even more to offer than princess trainer and way, way, waaaay more than witch trainer (yeah, not that difficult, I know).
    The point definitely goes to this game here, especially since all sex scenes are full-screen (often times animated) instead of those small dolls humping each other.
    Akubar's drawings are a tad better in my opinion, but this game is short by only a small margin.
    At the time of this release you could already access two of the four chapters and the art definitely improved by a lot in the second one. If this continues we can look forward to an amazingly looking game.
    Personally I definitely appreciated that there weren't any characters with giant breasts around, the developer decided to keep it realistic in this regard instead of going the hentai route.

    - dialogue-wise I prefer Akubar's humor, but that's a preference thing. Maybe I just didn't get some of the jokes because I saw Aladdin and Harry Potter, but not Avatar.
    The dialogues are still very, very solid and not a weak point. Especially the multiple endings really impressed me: Not only are there two ways you can play this game in general, there's also multiple endings and small decisions for each of them. That great!

    - The grinding is way lower and can quite easily be done between the daily events, the balancing is honestly quite impressive: The developer somehow managed to keep me short enough on money that I always needed some, but outside of the absolute endgame I was never flooded.
    It definitely helped that you could spend your money on having sex ; )
    Here there's multiple options again: Do you spend it being a sugar-daddy to a sweet girl or do you blackmail a prisoner to be your sex slave?

    - Another thing about the sex scenes: Some major effort went into those scenes, not only animation-wise but also considering interaction: You can switch positions and sometimes there's new possibilities as the story progresses. The sex scenes in this game are simply amazing!

    - One small issue I have with this game is how it seems to want to copy Akubar when it really doesn't have to. The most obvious "inspirations" are the hooded shady guy, some of the music (correct me if I'm wrong) and the whole structure of the "favors". While the last one is convenient, the first two feel unnecessary.
    Then again as a gamer I know how Age of Empires and Starcraft: Brood War shaped the way that strategy games look up to this day, 20 years later! Maybe some of those things were meant as hommages rather than "stealing only from the best".

    Now stop reading this review and play this game already!
    Oh, and support Mity on patreon if you can afford to!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    great art work with animation based on avatar anime (the artwork look similar or even identical to original anime artwork)
    quite realistic storyline with paths and rpg elements

    that cover both hardcore and more softcore romance porn
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm a huge fan of trainer games, as well as quality writing in adult games. Four Elements Trainer has thus far exceeded my expectations on both accounts, and is also quite frequently funny and fun to play to boot!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. Gives you the possibility to choose either a love route or a slave route, each with different scenes and actions. Drawings are great and the story is entertaining, also very funny in some parts of it. Recommended
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Not much else to say here, as i'm not very good at reviewing. However, this game really do amaze me with it's writing, grammar, dialogue and the animation itself is smooth, aswell as the mini-game. All these points that i've mention really shows that the creator of this game had put alot of effort in his work, and not some half-ass job (I'm looking at you every lazy money milking asshat who post countless amount of 0.000000001 with zero to no determination which ended up fail *Cough* Wootch *Cough* SJ Animation *Cough*)

    Time to wrap it up, in conclusion i really hope to see this series maintain it's full potential until it is finished, and maybe could even go beyond my expectation in the future.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Well first of all I wouldn't bother reviewing but I feel like this needs it.

    Four elements trainer follows a very horny avatar who gets to fuck most people in that universe. I did not watch anime or follow any story, but it does not matter. If you like hentai games, pick this one. You won't be dissapointed. Surpassing even Akabur in the sense there is no need for much grind or anything else besides raw sex. There are so many scenes already in the game that playing it in one go will take you some time.

    Art is great, also the diversity and some common fetishes are present. It seems to me that team is great at communication and presents a great update each time they publish a new version. They are also not money hungry and just milk Patreon money without providing much content. No, quite the opposite. It seems more money that is handed in their way, faster game seems to be improving. And I am honestly impressed.

    I feel this might be one of the best h games in renp'y when completed if not taking the first spot.