Ren'Py - Four Elements Trainer [v1.1.0d] [Mity]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Four elements trainer is an amazing game. If i have to give it a rating, it's definitely 10/10 despite a few minor hiccups here and there. Also, I can finally fix her (azula).

    Story: 5/5
    Characters: 5/5
    Animation: 3/5 sometimes it bugs out
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Rating: 5/5 - A True Masterpiece

    Prepare yourself for an unparalleled experience in the world of adult gaming, as this Avatar: The Last Airbender-inspired creation goes beyond mere titillation and establishes itself as a true masterpiece. The genius behind this game, the creator of FET, deserves all the accolades for seamlessly blending the familiar universe and characters with an original adaptation of events. This game not only caters to adult content enthusiasts but also stands out as a testament to creativity, storytelling, and technological finesse.

    The amalgamation of the well-known Avatar universe with a unique storyline showcases the creator's mastery. The events unfold in a way that captures the essence of the beloved characters while introducing a fresh perspective. The imaginative use of technology within the game stimulates the player's creativity, elevating the overall experience beyond a typical adult game.

    One of the game's standout features is its ability to inject humor into various situations and dialogues. The comedic elements add a layer of entertainment that goes beyond the explicit content, making it a truly engaging and enjoyable experience. This careful balance between adult themes and humor showcases the creator's skill in crafting a multifaceted gaming experience.

    Beyond its initial release, the game continues to shine through the consistent addition of new content. The commitment to enhancing the player's experience is evident, with regular updates that keep the audience engaged and eager for more. For those willing to invest in the creator's work, stands as the perfect platform to support and gain exclusive access to additional content. Every cent contributed is well-deserved, considering the dedication and creativity poured into this project.

    In conclusion, this Avatar: The Last Airbender-inspired adult game is a true gem in the realm of adult gaming. The creator's masterful combination of a well-known universe with original events, along with a keen sense of humor, sets this game apart from its counterparts. The continuous addition of content and unwavering attention to the audience's desires solidify this game as a must-play for those seeking a comprehensive and captivating adult gaming experience. Support the creator on if you're ready to dive into a world where fantasy meets sensuality, and every penny is a testament to the brilliance behind this remarkable creation.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It's like if Akabur went and made a trainer set in the Avatar Universe. As someone that has only actually seen a few episodes of the shows, I got to say I really found this story and plot very interesting.

    It does have largely that split between good and evil runs, but that works for it, it feels good, they get very creative with the engine and what can and cannot be done in Ren'Py and even went beyond in some places.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm rating this three stars due to some quibbles I have.

    Honestly, did not get past book 1 water. It turned from a game that had a decent level of progression to waiting around and watching the days pass with nothing to do but grind. If other reviews are anything to go by then this isn't even the grindy part of the whole thing.

    The art is great, emulates the show decently well. It has influences from Akabur as well.

    Money making by collecting rocks, or needing to go look at all the places so you can see a single event or continue a quest line with no indication of where, why, or when these things should occur? Not my cup of tea.

    The sex scenes I did see were decent, the writing was also decent. So in totality I give this a three, but it's not my cup of tea. Others will probably enjoy it more.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Lord of Hentaiz

    + Great Characters
    + Good Art
    + Fun humor ( Offbeat/low brow humor with some wit thrown in )
    + Fitting Ending ( Only did the love path )
    + Plenty of Kinks and ways to avoid them
    + Plenty of post game content

    = Decent Plot
    = Decent Pacing
    = Decent Gameplay ( it has enough variety it never became stale )

    - Grind ( Book 2 was annoying, but I truly despise certain potions you can purchase in the later acts )
    - Needs a Gallery
    - Bestiality Content is rather limited and short

  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Grindy gameplay and obnoxious humor nonstop, but decent art and animations. Normally that wouldn't be enough to tip the rating in its favour, but the sheer amount of art and animations available make the bad worth suffering through, especially if you're a fan of avatar.

    Personal nitpick, there's a fair amount of footplay stuff. Not a big deal since it's not a focus, but there's something uncanny about the way Mity draws feet that bothers me, and they're displayed quite often.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Love the visuals, lewd scenes are great, story... is also there! The common flaw of "trainer" type of games - repetitiveness. That and the need to ocasionally look up the walkthroughs, because of poor game logics ( but it actually gets better as you go through more new chapters)
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Funny, sexy, and at times unusually philosophical. Tons of material for a quick fap and tons more for completionists. Very possible that in terms of porn parody fan games this will never be topped. Just about every fan favorite character and fetish makes an appearance depending on your choices.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a fucking masterpiece!!! If someone is looking for something more than jerk off material in games with adult content - this is a must. For me, the creator of FET is simply a master - how he combined the known universe and characters with his own adaptation of events, how he stimulates the imagination with simple technology, how funny some situations and dialogues are ... this is an absolute diamond! not to mention the constant addition of content and attention to the audience - if you want to spend some money on - this is the right address, this guy deserves absolutely every cent he gets!!
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed the game and although I'm not a fan of the mini-games added in for no apparent reason they were all doable until the card games on the boat to the south pole.
    It is hands down the WORST mini-game in the history of Mankind bar none.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    For a free porn game it's an ambitious and high quality effort. Given how many games get abandoned, it being complete is also impressive considering it's scale - four chapters, each with a fairly lengthy story, lots of content, and unique game mechanics. Going back to old posts in this thread I see that it took a long time to get there, but still, kudos for seeing it through.

    I'll get negatives out of the way to start with. Firstly, some of the ageing up strained credulity. The game poked fun at this itself, but honestly I would have preferred being able to skip some characters entirely based on personal preference - and it was unfortunately woven tightly in some areas and unavoidable unless you wanted to skip an entire 1/4 of the game (i.e. Toph being the core of the Earth chapter).

    Secondly, I think that there was a recurring issue in the first three chapters where it was easy to be unclear on how to progress past certain points, and there was a reliance on the assumption that you'd just go everywhere and talk to everyone to proceed. Or return to places where there was nothing, and find something there this time. Or repeat the same type of sex scene with a character several times to progress. The 4th chapter introduced a hint system that mostly resolved this as a roadblock, although by then you've generally figured out the expectations the game has on this front.

    That's mostly it for critiques.

    I think that as the chapters went on, the game became more refined in general, so the first impression the game gave me in the Water chapter was a lot rougher than the average quality of the game overall. Obviously in an ideal world of infinite resources there would be a second pass at the earlier content, but that's asking a bit much for a community effort!

    In terms of the games strengths, firstly, the art style is very faithful to the source material. Great work there. It captured the look of the shows and characters very well. A lot of games out there either use real photographs or use CGI renders. Few produce high quality 2D art with a consistent and coherent art style, especially in such high volume. Granted, some of the minigame art was less refined, but overall it's very good.

    Next, the writing, although deliberately silly and not taking itself seriously, still managed to come off very well. There's fourth wall breaking, but it managed to avoid feeling too annoying like it does in some cases. It doesn't have the feeling of being written by a wierdo shut in blob person who hates the world, but instead by actual humans. The game's writing captured some poignancy in moments, and just as the game became more accomplished in design and technical matters as the chapters went along, the protagonist felt like he matured a little bit. Perhaps this is a little bit of the game's production bleeding into the story - both were long journeys that eventually had to come to an end.

    Despite the above issue with Toph, my overall favourite chapter was still Earth. Partially, this was because my primary fetish is Mind Control, and that chapter was a treasure trove of content for that. Three characters to train with the Dai Li brainwashing, one you got to hypnotize a couple of times, and one you could find the triggers for - a surprisingly meaty amount of content for a game where this was not the primary "point". Of course, I'm greedy, so I would have wished for a little bit of that stuff to return in chapter 4, but still, what's there is good. Aside from that, I also think the Earth chapter was the one that was the easiest to understand and navigate. It had the least moments where I got stuck or confused. I do think it was designed pretty well overall, a kind of base building mechanic was a nice way to sink resources, and I was impressed that they built a pseudo pokemon minigame. It wasn't the best thing ever but it was a lot of effort!

    So overall, again, very good and an impressive finished product. Thanks to the creators for making it.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the first games I played on this site and still one of my favourites. Tons of content and covers a wide variety of fetishes. Even if you aren't a fan of ATLA you can still enjoy this game. All the characters have great personality and tons of scenes.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    For me it's one of the best games on this site. One of the very few developers that keeps promises and doesn't stop developing until he's finished. The slave and love routes are completely different and you can enjoy this game again and again. Keep up the good work, please!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is easily one of the best games on this site, to the point of being iconic. It honestly almost breaks the rating scale specifically because of how it captures the essence of ATLA and TLOK and translates them from a kids/young adults-oriented cartoon into a porn game. Fanservice abounds but as a casual fan who only got back into ATLA after playing the game and never really got into TLOK in the first place, it feels very organic even when it's a beat-for-beat recreation of some of the more well-known episodes. The art itself is extremely good, to the point where I almost forgot Shady wasn't actually in either show.

    TL;DR: Play it. It's incredibly fun and is a great retelling of the original shows.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The review has to be a certain length to post. But in essence, if you've ever wanted ATLA or LoK smut, then this is a must play. There is an underlying story, while somewhat basic, that's at least interesting. You can skip parts(books I guess) to focus on a specific main girl. The jokes are generally crude, but hey, who am I to judge on this website? Though the ending is somewhat lackluster, the substance of the game itself makes that irrelevant as you can easily have nearly a hundred saves to save your favorite parts. All in all, a good piece of smut.
  16. 3.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: v1.0.3b

    In terms of training games, i can confidently say that this game could have easily been one the better trainer games on this website, the story and characters are good, the art is simple, but well made and the sexual scenes are extensive and well made with a large variety of fetishes for all. The reason im only giving game 3/5 is the protagonist and the grind.

    Look, if you are going to introduce grinding into Ren'Py game, you better make sure that shit is a light grind, because you cannot in any shape or form make a game with good grind mechanics with this type of engine. The grind is an absolute waste of time that gets in the way of the story that i want to enjoy, considering thats the best part of this game. But no, i have to click through the same few fucking events to earn money, so that i can earn the right to enjoy the game.

    The other major flaw of this game that kills my vibe is the protagonists personality. I get the distinct impression that if the MC was a real person. I would easily perceive him as an immature and cringe man child and quite frankly, i dont want to play that type of character even in an erotic game.

    This game could have easily gotten a 5/5 out of me if the grind wasnt long and pointless and the MC personality was a little bit more "mature".
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Exhausting. Everything about this game was exhausting. I played it until I got a bit into Book 4 and all the repetitive fetch quests and random clickathons finally made me give up.

    Plot/progression - The grinding is pretty heavy, the dialogue is bloated with attempts at humour that land 10% of the time, the story is pretty loose and constantly hints at something greater without ever really revealing anything.

    Game feel - The art fluctuates from pretty bad to just decent at random, the music became grating very quickly, most of the gameplay elements were halfassed at best and incomplete at worst.

    I think that's pretty much it.

    It's a shame, because there's some genuinely good writing at points, but it's lost in a sea of unfunny, overly verbose attempts at wit. Parts of the Love route with Toph were emotionally deep and really put into perspective what her upbringing and disability forced her to become and how she can't move past it alone.

    At least it lets you opt out of most of the non-vanilla stuff. Don't think it's worth the time investment though.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I played this since book 1 with the water tribe and it only got better! both route are really good and would recommend going down both to experience the whole thing because they are different not by a lot at time but a noticeable amount. (the love route usually has more or better content which isn't a bad thing but i think it was just easier for the dev) 10/10 can't wait to see what mity does next
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is like the first porn game i ever played, as a teenager / young adult i had a crush on katara, i think lots of us growing up with these shows have nostalgia for them fanfictions and adult parodys always work today as a 20 year old dude i still love katara, this game finaly lets you go on a date with her and explore romantic true love, or if you prefer to turn her into your slave you can do that, the game also gives you femdom if you are into that, it gives you lots of kinks whatever you are into you find it in this, the game lets you meet all girls from the avatar universe, the story is very good, the minigames are fun Ty Lee was teaching me blackjack in this game, back as a young boy i did not even realize it but today as a grown up i think Ty lee is the most sexy girl in all of avatar, sure katara may have best personality but wow Ty lee knows how to play this little whore thing, the game is funny like realy funny it is a parody yes, it actualy made me smile some times, you get to explore the world of both avatar aan and avatar korra, the last chapter with old katara was a bit hard for me, i think it had lots of focus on feet, not realy my kink, but hey avatar korra most beautifull girl, they are all awesome so if you are a fan of the avatar universe and you are looking for some fanfiction to explore your sexuality this is the game for you also best trainer genre game after akaburs princess trainer, if you like trainer games play this it is like so good omg, jeah, so this game has lots of nostalgia, katara was like the first girl i ever jerked off for, a few days later i found this game online, i played it, since that some years have passed back then it only had like the first chapter, later the fire nation and Azula came to the game, next the earth nation and now it is finished, time goes by... well but it is still a great game, even if you finished always good to return to this.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    So much great avatar content. There's so much to this game and it just builds throughout the whole journey. Great if you're an avatar fan and you can tell a lot of care and enjoyment went into making this game. Really spot on art too.