Others - Completed - Framboise Errands [Pink Pencil]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    This game has honestly 0 redeeming qualities, it honestly feels like a game that was literally made just to appease people with X fetish via screenshots but when you actually play the game you're met with pure disappointment.

    The game itself has problems running smoothly, if you speed up the movement of the character then the same applies to all other moving characters, the game has no map or hint as to what to do and it really feels like the Sierra like games where you have to use a fish to open a lock.

    The mini games aren't much bragging about, it doesn't give you any hint as to what to actually do and instead it just expects you to know what to do.

    The art is very typical 2010-2015 era 3D, in other words it's still within the uncanny valley area.

    Oh and also it can't be run in window mode without third-party software to my knowledge.
    Likes: t727
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Saying this game terrible is giving it too much credit.

    It is trash in everything it does. Design, art, fetishes even fucking music is terrible. Horrible. Trash. I can't even describe how trash it is. I'm not talking about how extreme it is, I've played this developers previous game, it was fucked up but decent. This is... I don't even know..