VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Free Pass [S1 v1.56] [After Choices]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    The creator got a real nice premise here; woman with a conservative upbringing is confronted with the temptations of a more sexually liberated society. But the execution is just a total mess. Changing perspectives to other characters all the time, flash backs, flash forwards, with the last update the creator turns this up to 11 and I don't know what the fuck is going on anymore. Maybe the creator should do less acid when writing the story for his game.

    1/5, but +1 star because the content with the main character Yoon is good and so are the renders
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall the concept is really good, the MC is not the typical insta-slut a lot of these kinds of games turn into.

    In particular I am enjoying the stories with Zoe, Jasmine, Michelle and Sukkhon.

    Most of the male characters are pretty forgettable. but the quality of the female ones makes up for it.

    Personally I am playing this from the perspective of Yoon being complacent in her marriage but not happy and learning she has feelings for women and the pacing on it has been very good so far. She didnt just flip a switch and is suddenly having massive lesbian orgies. shes confused and curious and taking it slow.

    Loving the mother daughter discovery path, them becoming closer and repairing their relationship which seems a bit strained at the start.

    I am especially curious to see how the writer handles the Dom/sub points and if there will be a legit D/s relationship between Jasmin and Yoon with Jasmin taking charge of Yoon's life after getting tired of seeing her friend unhappy and finally deciding to give in to her feelings for Yoon, or if its just a prelude for kinky BDSM sex which will be disappointing.

    The missing star is for the translation, in its current form, the game would benefit from proofreading by an experienced proofreader who can take the intentions of the writer and better translate them into English. Because games like this make me wish I could speak/read the writers native language because even though the translation is very rough, there is enough there to really draw me in and I feel like being able to read the story the way the writer is most comfortable writing would enhance it tremendously.

    Post .4 update

    Literally as I finished the review .4 dropped complete with proofreading and I was not wrong, I havent checked to see if its retroactive but from .4 (at least as far as ive gotten) its greatly improved to the point where I retract the negative star for it.

    the intro to .4 threw a lot of stuff at the player out of the gate which may or may not pay off or lead to some confusion in the story. I know the bulk of it is a bit of showing the player what happened between the last day you can influence the game in the last update and the current version's time jump.

    Some of it is a bit fast edit bam bam bam and feels a bit hard to follow at first as a lot of info is thrown in real quick. but once you retake control of Joon the storytelling is back on form.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Played on version 0.396

    Recommendation level: Only if you lack other options

    + Nice renders
    + High effort

    - Poor grammar/spelling
    - Poor writing
    - Dire need polish

    Comment: From reading the thread you can tell the creator is very engaging with feedback.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the fact that we finally get a (more than decent) game with an asian female protagonist.

    The renders are really great, and the english is fair enough for me.

    I hope we'll get more content soon and I may review my review when we get further in story.
  5. 3.00 star(s)

    Mister Boombastic

    Retrofire said pretty much everything that I wanted to say so I'll keep it short.

    The game had potential after the first release, but with each new update the English got worse, the story became a bigger mess, and by now it's just your typical female protag corruption game. All the female characters are sluts and all the male characters are driven only by sex.

    What positively stands out are the beautiful renders, the good looking characters and the attention for Asian women and culture. But without a decent story and dialogue it doesn't go anywhere.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is ambitious, and I generally rather enjoy the art.

    The problem is the Engrish is so bad, this truly becomes a visual novel as the art is often the only hint the reader will have regarding what the author is trying to communicate. It's not bad in the sense that "it could be better." It's meme-worthy bad.

    The models are generally attractive, and the dev is putting some effort into some widgets and stat tracking that will hopefully have a visible impact as the game progression, but at this point the story is something of a directionless mess.

    By that I mean that our protagonist (a very compelling Yoon) is a conservative (mail-order?) wife for a made-to-be-cucked businessman. With that background established, stuff happens somewhat randomly and not toward any real central conflict. On one hand, you have the husband who's coworkers seem intent on getting into his wife's pants, and the player has some agency into how that unfolds, and she damages the super car of a mob boss and maybe has some unresolved business there to pay it off, and she's got a job offer with someone she met through her husband's work.

    None of this really appears to currently be headed anywhere other than to create situations where Yoon can be conflicted about whether or not to sluttify.

    With that in mind, it's hard to really differentiate this from similar female protag corruption games so far, with the obvious caveat that it's in-your-face about Yoon's Asian roots. (LIterally to the point of giving the reader tooltips-like explanations of every Myanmar reference like some pervy Richard Attenborough).


    -The art isn't A-List, but it's good enough and well used
    -The protag is cute and likeable when you can piece together WTF she's trying to say.
    -The game receives regular faithful updates
    -The slow burn appears to be paced well enough if that's your thing


    -My GOD the Engrish. Dialogue is often indecipherable
    -Fresh coat of paint on a what was done better with Lily of the Valley, Jessica O'Neil, and Anna's Exciting Affection
    -Lewd scenes lacked punch for me

    If the work was proofread, I'd have elevated my review a full star. It's a game I want to like, and I'll likely continue to play, but not without each line of dialogue reminding me of what could have been.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Free Pass is a nice game with an interesting story with a beautiful female MC Yoon. The game is based on decisions, so that the player chooses the route that can be done, or he can try all the routes. Dev of this game is a nice person and answers all comments. enjoy the game ❤
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    The broken English really holds it back. Good renders and what seems like a good story base, but the poor English is just hard to get past. The dev had it proofread and fixed for the opening day or so, but after that it just takes a very noticeable dive.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Mistress Elizabeth

    Good renders, beautiful main character with interesting interactions with the rest of the cast, the story has potential with some twists. And more importantly for me, the game has a very good pure lesbian path.

    English is a bit broken though, but never to the point of being incomprehensible.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2613945

    One of the best games with female mc, probably first game with female Asian mc who is not slut from first version.

    Renders are great,light focus and other effects make characters looking like real people.

    Story have a quite potential, wife who discovers her sexuality again and have chance to change her life.Player have chance to choose what he/she wants to see - only lesbian content and transgender content are avalible to turn on/off - not wanted content can be avoidable.

    With more content i will write a proper rewiew, for now i'm waiting for more.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    It's.... good? It's not BAD. the renders are actually solid. It feels at times there's not as many renders as there should be, but it's hardly anything to lose sleep over. It's an interesting story as well.

    My issues are two fold. One, what you read on screen is.... bad. It feels like a bad translation, which is fine, not the worst thing but I found it almost difficult to follow at times. Like I had to go back a few times and re-read a scene just to work out what's going on. I'm still not entirely sure how I ended up in some of the situations I found myself in.

    But even at a base level, it reads off. Like a character will say something and then there will be "wink ;)" in the dialogue... either render the character to wink. Or just leave it, by not having it there the scene is no worse off. And another I remember is a scene of a character looking at the MC angrily after she barged in on them changing and it actually said "Michell stares angrily" like.... yes... I can see that... I didn't need to be told it.

    Another point which I don't think is an issue but may grow into one later is it appears to be VERY complicated behind the scenes. I threw on the mod to see what the choices were and it feels like every decision is impacting multiple variables. I've... never seen that before in these type of games. As I said it's not an issue but as the game grows I fear it may become needlessly complicated.

    I might just be picky though. There's nothing here to suggest this won't be a great game once it gets fleshed out. The foundations are solid, it's got stylish flashes in places which tick a lot of boxes and make it worth keeping an eye on going forward. Just probably needs to be tightened up a bit in the dialogue department
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The quality of everything done in this game is top notche. The game is obviously a tiny production and is lead but not a very experimented person in term of dialogue editing! But the feel and the excitement build up is amazing.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Something like a review, I already wrote here

    I'll add that this game looks a lot more winning than other games with such stories.

    - great renders (no pigeons, no super-real reflections in mirrors, no cutting edge lighting, etc.)
    - quick updates, which can also be written as a minus, since the author does not sleep normally)
    - the rapid development of the plot.
    Here, in 2 updates, the character went through such a path of self-development that other characters in other games cannot go through for 5 years.
    - adequate point system (here, in fact, you can turn off the points system, and play without fear of missing content)
    - no blue balls) So far, there is a sex scene in every update.

    Frankly, for me, this is what AWAM could be, but unfortunately, it will never be.
    So I assure you that the author and the game are worthy of support.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Good potential playing as a housewife who is having a sexual awakening. I like the references to Myanmar culture. They give the game a distinct flavor on top of the usual Asian woman/Western man trope.

    There are plenty of choices about how the MC develops and which partner(s) she is interested in. Some short scenes are played as other characters who have stats the player can also influence.

    This game is a bit rough around the edges with grammar problems and occasionally confusing transitions such as jumping from one scene to another without anything to connect the scenes.

    The art is good. Not much in the way of lesbian sex yet, but there are some other scenes.

    Hopefully the game doesn't become too ambitious and fall apart, but it's off to a great start.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    what a game! I was reluctant to play earlier as I thought it might not have much content but it does have a good amount of content! the Game is pretty hot and without much sex, it does give a good futuristic sexy vibe.

    Cant' wait for the next updates.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall, the game looks quite promising.
    - Cute main character
    - Interesting side characters (ex: Zoe, Michelle, Jasmine)
    - Lesbian and straight
    - Grammar and spelling could use some work. It isn't atrocious, but it could certainly be better.
    - Some inconsistency about when the dialogue is what she is saying and what she is thinking which can make it confusing.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Really like the game, very high potential.

    The art is good, the story is good. I did find some spelling errors but nothing to anoying.

    Over it is a very nice game, and I hope it keeps developing. I am looking forward to future updates and I'm definitly following this.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like the game. I like games with an asian female protagonist. It is just beginning, but I hope it will developing rapidly. Yoon Ni Ko character is exciting. The graphics are excellent and the story looks very interesting.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Enjoyed the preview, so far. Character development is good, art is good, as is story line.

    the only thing that kept giving me trouble was the grammar. But I’m confident the dev will get that under control, as well.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    My Rating of this Game is:

    -Nice Renders
    -Nice Story
    -Nice Milf
    -Easy Playing

    -Not much Sex

    This Game is more a Prequel about a Asian Wife living with a Western Guy in the States.
    This V0.38 is more like a V0.1 because it tells her story from the Beginning.
    There is alot of reading and really nice graphics here and I enjoyed playing it,but it is still too early to say more,will have to see what the future holds here.
    Wish the Dev lots of luck here for the future,right now it looks promising and will see what the future holds,up to now now it seems promising.

    Worth the download.