New version, new post for bugs, this one for v0.7.1a
Something went wrong with the coding, I have plenty wax strips, but I did just run out of food.
Something went wrong with the coding for a groping scene on the bus:
Got a client on the road, two error windows came with the scene:
This one was a simple fix of adding an "s" to the end of each image's file name:
Same issue with these two, but a little more difficult, as I find no items that directly correspond with the name in the shop. The best guess I can make is that the White Lolita Crop Top is WhiteLolitaTop.jpg, and the White Lolita Skirt is PinkLolitaSkirt.jpg, but that's only because those were the images in the image clothing folder that had "lolita" in the name and didn't show up in the shop:
The best looking lingerie is missing
Center code error, this is Graduation scene:
Span error in Bank:
Two errors in the shop this time, the last one used to have a collar with a bell on it underneath, but it disappeared when I clicked "buy":
Red Vixen, with Karen, "Have a drink" coding error:
This is what you are met with when clicking "One last drink!"
Store error, clicking Buy doesn't remove it from the store, but it does send it to inventory: