Using v0.3.3
Attempting to purchase the Cyber Bunny Outfit online at, I get the following error:
Could it be an extra that doesn't belong just yet, or a missed addition?
An error has occurred. You may be able to continue, but some parts may not work properly.
Error: <<addToInventory>>: item "CyberBunnyOutfit" does not exist..
Stack Trace: <---SNIP!
I'm also getting that too long hair error you mentioned before. The fun part about that is, no matter how much money you have, at that point, you can no longer afford a haircut.
If it makes a difference, I run Linux and use Firefox.
Also: I had to fix your ClitCage.jpeg file by renaming it from .jpeg to .jpg. Actually, I copied the file and renamed the copy, on the outside chance you have a file call for the .jpeg file. Linux is VERY particular about file calls. Case and file tags absolutely must match exactly in all cases.
It's easy to see with static files, but with videos, I might not be aware you're missing something. It comes off as a blank and I don't know if that's intentional or not. There is no broken or missing file icon for those.
I find I need to do that for the vast majority of the html games here, since most people play using doze and that's rather ... forgiving, I suppose. I see it as inexact.
I don't know what I'm going to do when it comes to BallGag.jpeg, since my file folder has a smaller version of the very same file, named BallGag.jpg. It's possible it came from me fixing an older version. I just can't remember. Same goes for DepilatoryCream.jpeg and Junk7.jpeg. Making the smaller file the larger could mess with something down the road, due to how file sizing works in html, so I just left them be, rather than break something else later.